Wado Ki Kai Master Webpage
Dedicated to Dedicated Students
Under Construction
Wado Ki Kai:
- Founded by John T. Pereira in 1976.
- Lineage:
- John T. Pereira (1920-1993).
- The Wado Ki Kai system.
- The systematic training of techniques.
- Requires a considerable amount of practice.
- Kicking techniques. Front thrust kick.
- Wado Ki Kai has 23 Katas:
- Taikyoko Shodan. Nidan. Sandan. Yondan. Pingan Shodan. Pingan Yondan. Godan.
- Nahanchi Shodan. Jion. Saiffa. Potsai Dai. Chinto. Unsa. Empi. Seisan. Kusanku Sho.
- Matsumura Potsai. Matsumura Jion. Nijushiho. Kusanku Dai. Unsu. Useishi. Seinchin.
- To provide new information for new updates.
- Email:(cj123max@yahoo.com).
- Updates will be added as soon as possible.
Basics and Fundamentals:
- ~[ 1 ] Ayumi Dachi (Walking stance).
- ~[ 2 ] Fudo Dachi (Immovable stance).
- ~[ 3 ] Gankaku Dachi (Crane stance).
- ~[ 4 ] Hachiji Dachi (A natural stance).
- ~[ 5 ] Hangetsu Dachi (Half Moon stance).
- ~[ 6 ] Kiba Dachi (Staddle stance).
- ~[ 7 ] Kokutsu Dachi (Back stance).
- ~[ 8 ] Kosa Dachi (Crossed leg stance).
- ~[ 9 ] Neko Ashi Dachi (Cat stance).
- [ 10 ] Reinoji Dachi (L shape stance).
- [ 11 ] Sagi Ashi Dachi (One Leg stance).
- [ 12 ] Sanchin Dachi (Hour glass stance).
- [ 13 ] Sochin Dachi (Immovable stance).
- [ 14 ] Teiji Dachi (T shape stance).
- [ 15 ] Tsuru Ashi Dachi (Crane stance).
- [ 16 ] Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward stance).
- [ 1 ] Stepping.
- [ 2 ] Pivoting.
- ~[ 1 ] Age Uke (Upward block).
- ~[ 2 ] Aware Uke (Joined hand block).
- ~[ 3 ] Gedan Barai (Downward block).
- ~[ 4 ] Haishu Uke (Back hand block).
- ~[ 5 ] Kake Te (Hook block).
- ~[ 6 ] Manji Uke (Double block).
- ~[ 7 ] Morote Uke (Augmented block).
- ~[ 8 ] Nagashi Uke (Sweeping block).
- ~[ 9 ] Osae Uke (Pressing block).
- [ 10 ] Soto Uke (Outside block).
- [ 11 ] Sukui Uke (Scooping block).
- [ 12 ] Teisho Uke (Palm heel block).
- [ 13 ] Uchi Uke (Inside block).
- ~[ 1 ] Age Zuki (Rising punch).
- ~[ 2 ] Awase Zuki or Morote Zuki (U punch).
- ~[ 3 ] Choku Zuki (Straight punch).
- ~[ 4 ] Chudan Zuki (Body punch).
- ~[ 5 ] Gedan Zuki (Lower body punch).
- ~[ 6 ] Gyaku Zuki (Reverse punch).
- ~[ 7 ] Hasami Zuki (Scissor punch).
- ~[ 8 ] Kagi Zuki (Hook punch).
- ~[ 9 ] Kizami Zuki (Jab punch).
- [ 10 ] Mawashi Zuki (Roundhouse punch).
- [ 11 ] Morote Zuki (U punch).
- [ 12 ] Oi Zuki (Lunge punch).
- [ 13 ] Tate Zuki (Vertical punch).
- [ 14 ] Ura Zuki (Upper cut punch).
- [ 15 ] Yama Zuki (Mountain punch).
- ~[ 1 ] Empi Uchi (Elbow strike).
- ~[ 2 ] Haishu Uchi (Back hand strike).
- ~[ 3 ] Haito Uchi (Ridge hand strike).
- ~[ 4 ] Ippon Ken (One knuckle fist).
- ~[ 5 ] Kakuto Uchi (Wrist joint strike).
- ~[ 6 ] Kentsui (Hammer fist).
- ~[ 7 ] Ko Uchi (Wrist joint strike).
- ~[ 8 ] Mae Empi (Forward elbow strike).
- ~[ 9 ] Mawashi Empi Uchi (Circular elbow strike).
- [ 10 ] Nihon Nukite (Two finger stabbing attack).
- [ 11 ] Nukite (Spear hand).
- [ 12 ] Otoshi Empi Uchi (Dropping elbow strike).
- [ 13 ] Seiken (Forefist).
- [ 14 ] Seiryuto (Bull strike).
- [ 15 ] Shuto (Knife hand strike).
- [ 16 ] Tate Empi (Upward elbow strike).
- [ 17 ] Tate Uraken Uchi (Vertical back fist strike).
- [ 18 ] Teisho Uchi (Palm heel strike).
- [ 19 ] Tettsui Uchi (Hammer strike).
- [ 20 ] Yoko Mawashi Empi Uchi (Side elbow strike).
- ~[ 1 ] Ashi Barai (Foot sweep).
- ~[ 2 ] Fumikomi (Stomp kick).
- ~[ 3 ] Gyaku Mawashi Geri (Reverse roundhouse kick).
- ~[ 4 ] Hiza Geri (Knee kick).
- ~[ 5 ] Keage (Snap kick).
- ~[ 6 ] Kekomi (Thrust kick).
- ~[ 7 ] Mae Geri Keage (Front snap kick).
- ~[ 8 ] Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse kick).
- ~[ 9 ] Mawashi Geri (Crescent kick).
- [ 10 ] Nidan Geri (Double kick).
- [ 11 ] Tobi Geri (Jump kick).
- [ 12 ] Uchi Mawashi Geri (Inside roundhouse kick).
- [ 13 ] Ushiro Geri (Back kick).
- [ 14 ] Yoko Geri Keage (Side snap kick).
- [ 15 ] Yoko Geri Kekomi (Side thrust kick).
- [ 16 ] Yoko Tobi Geri (Flying side kick).
Wado Ki Kai Master Gallery
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