Wado Ryu Master Webpage
Dedicated to Hironori Otsuka
Under Construction
Wado Ryu:
- Founded by Hironori Otsuka in 1931 or 1934 or 1938 or 1939 or 1940.
- Hironori Otsuka (1892-1982).
- Hironori Otsuka II (1934-Present).
- Masaru Shintani (1927-Present).
- Wado Ryu system. Wado Ryu style. Japanese style.
- Wado: The way of Harmony. Do means the way.
- Karate is a Japanese word meaning empty hands.
- Karate is a method developed on the island of Okinawa.
- Karate: Punching Kicking Blocking Stepping.
- Kumite (Sparring).
- Atmi (Striking and kicking techniques).
- Japanese bushido (The way of the warrior).
- Koshi (Hips).
- Basic techniques: Punching, kicking, blocking, striking, joint twisting, and trapping.
- Punching, kicking, blocking, guarding, striking, and joint twisting.
- Kicking Striking and Throwing techniques.
- Punching and kicking. Throwing and joint locks.
- Throwing and grappling techniques.
- Punch, Kick, Block, Move.
- A nagashi punch. Bloced and parried. Gripping methods. Breaking arms and legs.
- Blocking techniques. Kicking techniques. Throwing techniques.
- Attacker and defender. Kicking and striking techniques.
- Blocking kicks. Circular blocks.
- Arm locks, wrist locks, and leg sweeps.
- Techniques and principles. Principles and concepts. Guiding principles.
- Principles and methods. The concept of Do or Way. Ki is Chi.
- The practice of Kata. Nine Katas.
- Pinan Kata 1 through 5. Kushanku. Naihanchi. Seishan. Chinto.
- The Hakutsure (White Crane) kata.
- To provide new information for new updates.
- Email:(cj123max@yahoo.com).
- Updates will be added as soon as possible.
Basics and Fundamentals:
- [ 1 ] Gankaku Dachi (Crane stance).
- [ 2 ] Hachiji Dachi (Natural stance).
- [ 3 ] Ju Dachi (Free fighting stance).
- [ 4 ] Kibadachi (Straddle horse stance).
- [ 5 ] Kokutsudachi (Backstance).
- [ 6 ] Naihanchi Dachi (Straddle stance).
- [ 7 ] Neko Dachi (Cat stance).
- [ 8 ] Sanchin Dachi (Hourglass stance).
- [ 9 ] Shizen Dachi (Sparring stance).
- [ 10 ] Zenkutsu Dachi (Forward fighting stance).
- [ 11 ] Sheiko Dachi (Horse stance).
- [ 1 ] Stepping.
- [ 2 ] Pivoting.
- [ 1 ] Age Uke (Rising block).
- [ 2 ] Gedan Uke (Low block).
- [ 3 ] Keito Uke (Chicken head block).
- [ 4 ] Kentsui Uke (Hammer fist block).
- [ 5 ] Kosa Uke (Crossed block).
- [ 6 ] Osoto Uke (Outside forearm block).
- [ 7 ] Shuto Uke (Knife hand block).
- [ 8 ] Te Gata Uke (Hand sword block).
- [ 9 ] Ude Uke (Forearm block).
- [ 10 ] Jodan Uke (High block).
- [ 11 ] Juji Uke ('X' block).
- [ 1 ] Age Tsuki (Rising punch).
- [ 2 ] Choku Tsuki (Straight punch).
- [ 3 ] Gyaku Tsuki (Reverse punch).
- [ 4 ] Kizami Tsuki (Jab punch).
- [ 5 ] Mawashi Tsuki (Roundhouse punch).
- [ 6 ] Oi Tsuki (Lunge punch).
- [ 7 ] Tettsui (Hammer fist).
- [ 8 ] Uraken Uchi (Back fist strike)
- [ 1 ] Empi Uchi (Elbow strike).
- [ 2 ] Nukite (Spear hand).
- [ 3 ] Shuto Uchi (Knife hand strike).
- [ 4 ] Teisho (Palm heel).
- [ 1 ] Fumikomi (Stamping kick).
- [ 2 ] Keage (Snap kick).
- [ 3 ] Kekome (Thrust kick).
- [ 4 ] Kangeri (Groin kick).
- [ 5 ] Mae Geri (Front kick).
- [ 6 ] Mae Geri Keage (Front snap kick).
- [ 7 ] Mae Geri Kekomi (Front thrust kick).
- [ 8 ] Mae Tobi Geri (Jumping front kick).
- [ 9 ] Mawashi Geri (Roundhouse kick).
- [ 10 ] Mikazuki Geri (Crescent kick).
- [ 11 ] Nidan Tobi Geri (Double jump kick).
- [ 12 ] Okuri Ashi Banai (Foot Sweep).
- [ 13 ] Ushiro Geri (Back kick).
- [ 14 ] Yoko Geri (Side kick).
- [ 15 ] Haku Geri (Inward crescent kick).
- [ 16 ] Mae Haku Geri (Outward crescent kick).
- [ 17 ] Yoko Tobi Geri (Flying side kick).
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