Basic style information format :
- Style name. Style Founder. Year it was founded.
- Tactics:
- Stance training. Footwork. Blocking. Striking. Kicking.
- Forms. Sets. Drills. Equipment. Weapons.
- Information necessary to understand a style.
- Strategy:
- How to organize a style to defeat opponents.
- Terminology and methodoligy from Chinese to English.
- English terminology and Western philosophy.
- Chinese terminology and Chinese philosophy.
- The English speaking world and English speaking countries:
- Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Jamaica.
- The non English speaking world and Non English speaking countries:
- China, Japan, Korea, and Okinawa.
- Translation is a problem. Chinese terminology. English terminology.
- Historical outline: Dates, Time lines.
- Martial arts styles: 3000 BC. Egytian wreslting. 2000 BC. Minoan boxing.
- Kung Fu styles: 1600's. 1700's. 1800's.
- Yip Man 1949............ Wing Chun.
- Bruce Lee 1959.......... Jeet Kune Do.
- Jason Philip 1974........ Bruce Lee Kung Fu.
- Karate styles: 1920's. 1930's. 1940's. 1950's.
- 495--1644 Shaolin Era...........(Crane and Tiger)...... Shaolin Kung Fu
- 1644-1911 Manchu Era.........(Mantis and Cicada)...
Praying Mantis
- 1911-1973 Modern Era.........(Kicks and Punches)...
Karate Rules
- 1973-2003 Bruce Lee Era......(Kicks and Punches)...
Bruce Lee style.
- Kung fu began with the animal styles:
- Crane verses Tiger..............Shaolin style.
- Mantis verses Cicada...........From animal styles to Karate styles.
- Snake verses Eagle..............From Karate styles to Bruce Lee styles.
- Kung fu history: Historical information, Dates, Masters, and Names.
- Working on 20 major kung fu styles.
- Working on 20 major karate styles.
- Working on 20 major martial arts styles.
- Traditional Kung Fu: From 1644 to 1911.
- Traditional Karate: From 1900 to 1960.
- Traditional Martial Arts Styles: From 3000 BC. to 2000 AD.
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