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"Wills, I need to tell you something."

"Hmm? What?"

"Well, I - I don't know if it will even matter to you, but I... I have to tell you. I mean, I... I -"


"I - okay, this doesn't lead anywhere, let's try a new direction. You know you're my best friend."

"Sure Xander. You're my best friend too."

"And you know I - I've always felt very strongly about you. I mean, you know I love you. I told you a lot of times."


"And, and I got really freaky about the whole wolfy deal. I mean Oz. The Oz deal."


"And, well, I figured out some things lately. Well, one thing really. I guess I knew it all along, I just didn't want to admit it."

"What is it?"

"...But I guess I... it needs to be said. I kinda owe you this."

"Xander, what are you talking about?"





"...Oz is a great guy."


Buffy sighed. "That was much better, Xander. Now try it without the pained expression."

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