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Here's your chance to design your own Pearl Jam CD

Let me start out by saying that I am in no way trying to make a profit with this web page. My intent is to add to my personal Pearl Jam Collection while at the same time helping others do the same.

Click Here For The Songs To Choose From

This list is constantly being updated

So now let me take a minute to explain how easily this works.

1) Look through the above list of songs to choose from and decide on 70 minutes of music.
2) Decide on the order you want the songs to be recorded in.
3) Email me your list and a trade offer. (I'm looking for concert videos)
4) Nothing to trade? I will make your CD for $15.00 U.S. to cover the CD-R and shipping.

Once we have agreed on a trade I will have your custom made CD in the mail within one week. The last thing that I want to mention is that I have created a really nice looking Jewel Case Cover that I can also personalize and include your CD in. If your interested it's $1.00 to cover printer ink cost.

Click Here To See Jewel Case Cover

Hopefully together we can help spread the great music of Pearl Jam. Please Bookmark this site because I'm always adding new songs to the song list and I'm going to be working on getting more complete concerts on the list soon. Thank You for all of your time.

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