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Little Guy with a Big Attitude


Hiei was born to a race of female ice demons. He is a Forbiden Child, the only male born to a race of female demons. Because of that, his mother was forced to cast him out of the floating city of the Korime. He survived only by pure chance and the help of his incredible speed, becoming a thief and a murder. He became very bitter and cruel. Even so, Hiei had a quest: to find the twin sister separated from him at birth. To accomplish this, Hiei searched for and aquired the Jagan (evil-eye) which gave him strong psychic ability. He planned to use them to hurry his search.

Hiei met up with Yuusuke when he stole the Ghost Sword, one of the three treasures of the Reikai. Yuusuke was hired to bring Hiei in. Hiei was defeated when Kurama saved Yuusuke's life, distracting Hiei and allowing the reikai-tantei to fire his rei-gan (spirit-gun). Hiei took his place as a reikai-tantei along with Kurama in lieu of going to jail. Hiei always insisted that he was only there because of his parole, but he stayed long after in was up. The truth is, he respects Yuusuke and considers him a friend.

To fight, Hiei uses the Jaou ensatsu techniques taught to him by Genkai-shihan. These include:

Because Hiei was abandonned as a child, he has a hard time dealing with his emotions, so he shuts them off. This makes him seem very cold and uncaring, but Hiei actually has very strong feelings for a select few people. Altough he would never admit it, Hiei considers Yuusuke to be his friend and he would die for Yukina even if, for some inexplicable reason, he won't tell her he's her twin. His closest friend, though, is Kurama. And...well...what can I say about them? Kurama understands Hiei like no one else. That relationship has spawned many a yaoi fanfic, but no one really knows the truth about these two.

P.S. A little note about Hiei's race: The word Korime litteraly means "ice maiden" and it refers to a race of entirely female vampires. Since Hiei is not female, he's not entirely korime. He is, presumably, like his father, a fire demon.

Hiei's seiyuu is Hiyama Nobuyuki
