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The Clever Youko

"The price of angering me is heavy."

Like all people Kurama has two sides. Next to nothing is known about Youko Kurama's infamous past. Popular opinion is that he was abandonned by his mother and left to fend for himself. Whatever the case, Kurama has no memory of his true parents and he doesn't have any feelings for them. Though, while Minamino Shuichi grew up to be a kind and thoughtful individual, Youko Kurama, as he was before he became human, was a heartless demon. Kurama was a thief. He would steal anything from anyone and he was never caught. His exploits became legendary. He had the uncanny ability to guess or decode passwords and could get in practically anywhere and out again without being noticed. If he couldn't, Kurama could call up and control monstrous plants more poweful and terrible than anything he can summon as Minamino Shuichi.

Unlike his human counterpart, Youko Kurama was known for his disloyalty and callousness. He thought nothing of abandonning parteners and lovers alike when he tired of them or they became an inconvinience(Yomi, anyone?)and he made himself a lot of enemies that way. It seems that before Shiori saved his life, Kurama had no respect whatsoever for anyone, human or otherwise, with the possible exception of Kuronue who he loved deeply (Not like that, ecchi!).

Kurama's friends, knowing them as they do now, find it hard to believe that he was ever so cruel, all but Hiei who assures the team that Kurama is "a mean son of a bitch". Yuusuke and the others started to understand that during the Ankoku Bujutsukai (Black Tournament)when Kurama regained his true form for the first time and killed Karasu slowly and painfully without batting an eyelash.

Here are few of Youko Kurama's attacks (if anyone wants to explain any of that last one to me...)

Youko Kurama's seiyuu is Nakahara Shigeru

Minamino Shuichi