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My Favorite Suds


Honey Brown - I love you honey.

Molson Canadian - This is the only Molson beer I really like. All

the others taste skunky no matter how fresh they are.

Budwieser - A classic great american beer taste.

Matt's Premium - Believe me, on draft, it's great.

Old Milwaukee - I can't deny my roots.

Labatts (Blue, Ice) - Cannot stand anymore. Gives me headaches and worse.

Saranac (Pale Ale, BlackForest) - a tasty treat straight out of Utica.

Samuel Adams - A tasty treat straight out of Boston

Xingu - A delicious stout black beer that comes from South America. I had a chance to try this at the Jekyll and Hyde Club in NYC

Duvel - A great beer with a definite kick. I tried some at a relative's house in Belgium and immediately fell in love. It's a smoothie with 12% alcohol content. Very expensive. Special occasions