The Rutger Hauer Polling Booth Comments
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Rutger Hauer Polling Booth Comments

Here Are Some Of The Comments Submitted By Polling Booth Visitors:

Movie: Blade Runner (1982)

Comments: Rutger Hauer has been my favorite actor since I first saw him in Bladerunner! I collect his movies.

Movie: Blade Runner (1982)

Comments: All these moments will be captured... on film... for me to watch over and over until my stupid video tape dies from being rewound and replayed at the death scene... :)

Movie: Blade Runner (1982)

Comments: Roy Baty is one of the most fantastic villains in movie history!!

Movie: Blade Runner (1982)

Comments: My all time favorite.

Movie: Flesh & Blood (1985)...aka Rose and the Sword, The (1985)

Comments: I like him in everything! !

Movie: Hitcher, The (1986)

Comments: Great movie!

Movie: Hostile Waters (1997) (TV)

Comments: Fantastic performance by Rutger! Rivits you to your seat.. very realistic. Wonderful movie.

Movie: Hostile Waters (1997) (TV)

Comments: Excellent movie, have watched it at least 10 times, just can't get enough of it.

Movie: In una notte di chiaro di luna (1989)...aka As Long as It's Love (1989)

Comments: I think Rutger Hauer is a wonderful actor and I love several of his movies.

Movie: Ladyhawke (1985)

Comments: Rutger is a genious!

Movie: Ladyhawke (1985)

Comments: It is hard to chose from so many wonderful films he had made, but I guess Ladyhawke will always be my all-time favorite. I wonder how this voting is going to turn out! Thank you!

Movie: Ladyhawke (1985)

Comments: Romantic and awesome. He was fine!

Movie: Nighthawks (1981)

Comments: Excellent Movie ...the best ever made..Stallone bites in this one...Rutger RULES.

Movies: Split Second (1992)

Comments: Rutger is my favorite actor of all time, my favorite movie is of course Split Second.

Movie: Wanted: Dead or Alive (1987)

Comments: Gene Simmons is God!

**Lili's comment on this: Well, yes, he is, one of them anyway! But, let's not forget another (and the one this page is on!) RUTGER HAUER!**

Thank you for your comments! Please note that comments posted here are from voters and are not my personal opinions, except where noted otherwise.

Last Update: 02/27/99

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