Good morning, Mr. Phelps. The man you are looking at is Clark Kent, mild-mannered reporter. He and his wife/accomplice, Lois Lane, work for an operation called the Daily Planet. They are suspected of harboring an international secret regarding the vigilante being known only as "Superman." Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to follow this couple and take pictures. Lots of pictures. As usual, if you or any members of your IMF team are caught or killed, the secretary will disavow all knowledge of your existence. Good luck, Jim. This message will self-destruct in five seconds.

But a warning must be issued-- this couple is extremely adept at disguising themselves.

As you can see, they are not so easily apprehended. Who are these people?

If you have reached this point in the web page, you are lucky. You deserve a bit of, if not quite levity, at least a brief respite. Enjoy it while you can.

The Quote Machine

Now showing quote number: of

This picture goes along with a HUGE fanfic I wrote. It is called "Disquiet Nights (Like Dreamers Do)," and you can get it off of my fanfiction website. Here's a brief summary:
Clark says in "Honeymoon in Metropolis" that if something did happen between him and Lois, it wouldn't be impulsive. What if it was?
As for this picture, I painstakingly re-colored the UltraWoman picture, pixel by pixel. It took hours, but I'm pretty proud of having changed the UltraWoman suit to the Superwoman suit that my story needs.

Some super links to check out:

My fanfic-- I hope you take the time to read some of it! Last updated with 2 new stories on August 31, 1999 and with 1 new story on September 12!
I was featured in the Writer's Showcase. Check it out! :)
My story, "BlanketFriends" (available on my fanfic page) has been nominated for Best WaFFy Story in the 2000 Kerths. Check out the Kerth Awards Page to cast your vote!
Lord of the Flys... in verse. This is a poem, and I hope you enjoy it!
A Little About Myself... This is for those of you who are asking yourselves right now, "Who *is* this person??" or "Where can I get pictures of her, her friends, her cats, a Monica Lewinsky impersonator, her favorite singer, and a Dean Cain lookalike doing something shocking??" Yes, if those questions are pestering you, here's the site for you. I have all of those things, right here. :)
Lovely Dean pics from St. Louis-- enjoy!!
The Only Man I Want to See in Tights :)
The Kilt Campaign!

To download a REALLY COOL L&C desktop background, click hereNote: this is in jpg format, so you may have to convert it to a bmp to put it on your desktop. I would have it in bmp format here, but it would take longer for you to download.

Here they are!! My Lois and Clark icons!!

Just click here (or on the picture) to download them!

If you have any important links, nice links, okay ANY L&C links, or if you notice one of mine not working, send an email to me

You may have heard that Dean's brother is in a band with Dean's ex-stunt double.
Check out their website!

Click on this banner to go to Rachel and Pam's web page for Beatles fanfic! It's awesome stuff!

Check out my pal Michelle's website, but be warned-- it's mondo bizarre!


Now is the time to take the ultimate challenge. Will you survive? Choose one, and only one, button.

This website was the recipient of a 1999 FoLC Favorites award for Best Angelfire or AOL site. (Thanks, guys!)
