500 g (18 oz.)mutton,100 g or 3/5 cup vegetable oil, 500 g (18 oz.)
potatoes, 1 bunch (1 oz.) each dill and fresh coriander,, 4 onions, 4
tomatoes, 1 chili pepper, 2 tablaspoons tomato paste, 1 apple, ground black
pepper, bay leaf, salt and spices to taste.
Cut meat into small pieces and sear in oil until brown. Add
Sliced onions and tomatoes, and Saute another 7-10 min. Then put in
potatoes and stir well. Pour in 2.5-3 liters or quarts of water, add salt
and bring to a boil. Then add whole chili pepper, chopped dill, and fresh
Finally add an apple to bring the soup to full flavor. Simmer dish for
about an hour. Serve in kosas topped with chopped greens.