Houston, Texas 1989. The WWF is about to put on its Royal Rumble in The Summit. 30 wrestlers. 1 champion. Although Hulk Hogan talks a lot of trash in this pre-fight interview, he was not the champ. Big John Stud was.
Gene Oakerland: All right, Hulk Hogan, I've been visiting you over the past week, and you are hungry, but what if, in the Royal Rumble, the Big Boss Man should track you down?
Hulk Hogan: Well you know, Mean Gene, I'm worried about a lot of things, man!, in the Royal Rumble. And oh yeah the Boss Man's won. But first off, me and all my Hulkamaniacs are looking at the Royal Rumble as the resurrection of Hulkamania, man! Oh yeah, Hulkamania this! Oh yeah, Hulkamania's running wild! And you better believe the Hulkster rules, brother! And if someone like the Big Boss Man gets in my way I'm gonna give him a lifelong sentence of Hulkamania! Even if his partner, the Bad Hakeem, gets in my way I'll press him over my head and throw him out of the ring! We've got the Heenan family; we've got 7'4'', 565 lbs. Andre the Giant. But I've got a lot of things going for me, Mean Gene. I've got the Three Commandments for a foundation: the training, the prayers, the vitamins, brother! And with all my little Hulksters watching my back, I don't care if it's dog eat dog in there, I don't care if it's every man for himself, because the deck is stacked in my favor. And with all my little Hulksters watching my back I predict vic-to-ree for Hulkamania!
Gene Oakerland: All right, at the risk of sounding negative, Hulk Hogan, what if you and your mega-power partner, the Macho Man Randy Savage, in this competition where there are no partners, what if the two of you collide?
Hulk Hogan: Well, I've thought about every situation, Mean Gene. I've
thought about what would happen if this happened, and what would happen if
that happened. But if the Macho Man, the WWF champion, happens to end up
in the ring with me, the Hulkster, brother!, I gotta feel sorry for him,
Mean Gene! He's a friend, yeah, and I love him like a brother. And we're
both guided by the same manager. But when it comes down to who rules in
the WWF, who is the real champion?, I guess if it comes down to me and the
Macho Man, he's gonna find out real quick that the Hulkster's never been
beaten! I've got the largest arms in the world! And, yes, Macho Man I am
still called the champ by all my Hulkamaniacs! What are they gonna do when
the largest arms in the world rumble on through?