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January 2, 1999: Back to Life. Back to Reality. Dragged myself on the scale this morning. Gained back six pounds since my last official charting. C'est la vie. Was very tempted this morning to say "why don't I just start tomorrow instead and have one more day of 'fun'?" But we all know that one more day will lead to one more day will lead to one more week, ad infinitum. So here I am with a new year and a new resolve. Last year I lost 30 pounds before my weaknesses set in. I hereby resolve to lose the rest of my needed weight which is tentatively set at 34 more pounds without falling off. I think I am going to try to stay away from legal treats this time too. That first lowcarb cheesecake was my downfall. So onward and downward!!!

January 4, 1999: Feeling really crappy today. I hope it's just carb withdrawal and not some stomach virus. Also low on funds this week so I haven't been able to buy any meat. Living off the poultry left in my freezer and protein powder. Not the greatest menu but it will have to do for now.

January 6, 1999: Gave in to the siren's call of an infomercial today. Ordered Tae Bo workout videos. I hope they are good and that I can inject myself with enough will to actually do them more than one time lol. Was very hungry this morning after last night's fiasco. Had quite a big breakfast. Is it lunch time yet??????

January 9, 1999: Down one pound since last week. Little disappointed that it wasn't more but I guess I can't complain since I did "fall-off" twice this week and it is almost that TOM. Finally got to the supermarket. I'm in coffee and cream heaven!!!

January 11, 1999: Something I ate yesterday really threw me for a loop, so to speak. I was up until 1AM with heartburn. Finally took a Pepcid AC so I could sleep. I think it was one of two things. First, I think that one can of tuna for dinner would have been better than having two! And second, maybe the dried onions I sprinkled in didn't agree with me. So I think I'm going to be staying away from that for a while. Today will be burgers on the Foreman grill!

January 15, 1999: Well......this weeks weigh-in was the same as last week. Think it might have been a pound lower BUT I couldn't hold out against my cravings yesterday. Did fine until eight o'clock at night and then I attacked. Result being, today I am giving myself a major pep talk not to attack again and to continue on!

January 16, 1999: Did well until after dinner when my DH asked me where the cookies were. Aaaaaargh!!!!!!!!! Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day. Tomorrow is a new day.

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