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Our Family

Come and stay awhile, help yourself to some cherry pie

Stop in at Quinton's own homepage!!!

My husband and I were married in 1993. Our wedding was the most fun imaginable!!! Our families flew with us all the way to Las Vegas!!! We got married in the "Little Chapel of the Flowers" which is actually an adorable little Victorian Chapel, not an Elvis shrine with a disco ball!!! I still had the big white dress and my dad walked me down the aisle. A traditional wedding with a twist!!! The best part was walking through the casino in my wedding gown and playing the slot machines!!! You can imagine all the well wishes and attention I got!!!!

Now I am enjoying being a stay at home mom to Quinton, born August 1996. He was born after three hours of labour!!! Pretty good for a first baby!!! We live in beautiful Southern Ontario in Canada, west of Toronto. We have two dogs, a golden retriever, Ginny, and a black lab who weighs about a 110lbs and is lovingly named Little Guy.

My hobbies include anything domestic!!! Cooking, baking, gardening, decorating, and all things like that. I want to be Martha Stewart when I grow up!!! hee hee hee

My all time favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte. It is the most wonderful story ever written and I get butterflies just thinking about it! Some other favorites are Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte, and all of Jane Austen's novels, Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility etc. My favorite movies are old musicals. I absolutely love Gigi and could watch it everyday if given the chance! The Sound of Music, Brigadoon, Hello Dolly, My Fair Lady and Oklahoma are among my all time favorites.
Make sure to come back again soon!!!

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Quinton's Room
My Awards
An Easter Party just for Toddlers
