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News From The Mike Myers World!

February 25, 1999

Sorry that my updates are so infrequent! It's been months! My life has been so frantic with all of the stuff that goes on in your senior year (I'm nearly finished high school! YAY!), but I'm trying my hardest.

Any-hoo, great news! Austin Powers 2: The Spy Who Shagged Me will be in theaters this summer. If anyone has an exact date on that one please let me know. Austin is travelling back in time to fight Dr. Evil, so it should be a good one! Elizabeth Hurley will return in her role as Vanessa Kensington, but will not be in a leading role. Remember, this is only what I've heard and read, so if anyone knows any differently please let me know. i'll add more info as I find it!

54, as you probably all ready know, is out on video. Be sure to rent a copy. It's a completely different role for Mike than any other movie I've seen. The movie is really great, and special bonus to all of you guy-crazed girls (and those boys too- you know who you are!) out their like me- it stars Ryan Phillippe who, through the majority of the film, is dressed in nothing but little tiny spandex short-shorts! If you don't really feel the need to see a movie with Mike Myers you should be SHOT! But I'll forgive you if you rent it for the Ryan Phillippe aspect, I may someday actually forgive you, because I'm sure you'll end up enjoying Mike's acting also (if you can manage to look away from Ryan Phillippe for one second!)

September 2, 1998

Well, the summer is coming to an end, and I am attempting to improve the page as much as possible. In the meantime I would like to inform everyone of things happening recently in the entertainment world involving Mike Myers.

New movie, opened last Friday: 54 Starring, of course, the multi-talented, his Holiness, Mike Myers, Neve Campbell, Ryan Phillippe, and Salma Hayek. It is supposedly wonderful. I have not yet had the chance to see it (I live 5 kilometres from the middle of nowhere), but if Mike Myers is in it I'm sure that all is well.

Austin Powers 2 is apparently in the making. I've heard that a script is written, but no comfirmations yet on when the actual movie will be made. Mike Myers will of course return, along with possibly Seth Green (Dr. Evil's son, who you can also catch on the WB's Buffy The Vampire Slayer), Number 2, and some of the other cast members. Unfortunately, Elizabeth Hurley will not be back as Miss Kensington. Mike wants there to be a different leading lady in each film like in the James Bond movies. the movie is due out next summer.

There also may be an Austin Powers Spring Break special next Spring Break coming out on MTV, along with a program to tie in with next years release of Austin Powers 2. No confirm yet, but Mike is said to have a development contract with MTV. Also, there is a possibility of an Austin Powers animated series (with Mike Myers as the voice of Austin). The idea is currently being pitched to networks and there is apparently interest. It would not be a Saturday morning type of cartoon though. It is said to be more along the lines of King of the Hill.

It is also rumored that we may see Mike Myers as the host of the Academy Awards, but he is a Man of Mystery (at least he plays one on TV), so......

That's all for now. Stay tuned for wonderful new things coming soon to this web site.

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