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My Sweet Love

She is so caring and so sweet and thats why I'm kneeling at her feet I'll give her my mind and my soul because she is the missing half that makes me whole she is the angel goddess that fell from the sky to raise my spirits so high I can almost fly a great work of art given physical form by a master painter, performing far above his norm she can always make me smile with that caring voice her sweet soft words make loving her my only choice her eyes are a shade of beautiful blue just the smallest of glances can hyptnotize you she has the soft pouty lips that make my only wish to be just one chance to give them a kiss her face is a wonderful thing to behold I only saw it briefly but in that time I glowed she is the woman in my dreams either angel, emperess or beauty queen in my dreams together we share a life and a house on the water, just me and my sweet wife together we sit out on the porche at night the moon is full and the conditions are just right I turn around and look at her face moonlight hits her eyes and the sparkle makes my heart race I wrap my arm around her and hold her in tight she gives me a smile their can't be anymore beautiful a sight her beauty is overwhelming I am at a lost for words all I can do is whisper I love you, so silent it can barely be heard I smile and we look into each other's eyes we then kiss as the sun begins to rise I then awake from that great dream I wished it was as real as it seemed I know my goal is a life with her to make but I was a fool and I made a mistake I'd never let myself lose my angel if I had known how much I'd miss you and how truly alone for 3 days I suffered with sadness and lack of rest until a Monday morning when I asked her back out and thank god she said yes I finally had back my one true love I was on cloud nine and above she will never be lied to by me or ever hurt I will treat her like a queen, and my everything and never like dirt I'll tell her just ask and anything will be yours if she is ever sick I'll make her well again because she isn't just my sweet love but also my best friend I make a vow to her to never leave her side through hardships and problems till the day I died yes, the girl I'm talking about is real its the truth what I say she is like and how she makes me feel I still believe she fell from above this angel's name is ..... and she is my sweet love. (C) METALLX123 Back to Luv's Poetry Pages
