To order an item from my web site,
kindly email it directly to me.
If you have any questions or need
something customized, just ask.
I am a one on one person, no
middle man or intercepted automated
machine mail messages.
I read your email and answer promptly.
Please give the item number, item description,
and any special requirements on certain
items. These items are mostly crafted for
you right after the order is placed.
I do require a 10% deposit on items that
you are ordering and have to be made for you.
If you are one of my eBay customers, no deposit is required.
Some items are sold that are on the site,
but can be duplicated for you. I have
to put the sold sign up, but you can
still order the item.
Some items and be combined
for shipping, but not the miniature
ponds, they need to be shipped alone.
They are amazingly real!
I do not accept direct credit cards.
I do accept PayPal (which will guarantee your
purchase and I will guarantee it also)
Use your credit card conveniently.
Check my feedback on my hand crafted items.
I am home and cannot work due to my
chronic Lyme disease.
You can read my story here.
Life with a Twist of Lyme
I am a coeditor of an online, free, emailed newsletter
all about Lyme disease and also cohost a
chat on AOL. If anyone needs info on that,
please let me know. I will be featured in
a United Parcel Service pamphlet for the
work I do with Lyme afflicted people.
Be careful out there! The ticks are this big > .
Click here to email me with an order or
if you need information on Lyme disease.
Patti's Patches Email
People will forget what you said. People will
forget what you did, but people will never
forget how you made them feel.