Hello, to all and thank you for visiting my site, I hope you enjoy your stay...just opened a new section on my page is called "Marilyn Fan Art" you are welcome to go visit. So If you
have any drawings or painting or any type of art depicting Marilyn do share with us please...please send them to me with your
information, and I will be more than happy to put them
up! thanx!!!!

Her makeup & beauty secrets...

Marilyn Fan ARt(just opened)

Marilyn Wallpapers(just opened)

Marilyn's Biography The Extended Version(just opened)

My Site Awards

If you would like to nominate your site or any other site send me and E-mail with the sites URl and a brief site description.It will be evaluted for the fallowing...
  • No Offensive nudity(Marilyn related)
  • Site must be easy to surf
  • Complete information (e.g not just pictures)
  • Add my site GODDESS to your links
    ~~*~~Excellence Award 2004~~*~~

    This award has been presented to you for your excellent Marilyn site! keep up the great work!!!

    =[HOME PAGE]=
    ~~*~~Excellence Award 2004~~*~~


    What marilyn character are you?

    What Marilyn Monroe Character Are You?