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The following two versions of the webring code use graphics kindly provided by Felice De Quattro. Here is the first:
This Italian-American Webring site is owned by Mary Gifaldi.

Want to join the Italian-American Webring?

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The HTML follows. All you have to do is copy it and paste it to your page. There are a few changes you'll need to make, though:

  1. Where it says "your_name", substitute your name. (You will only have to do this once.)
  2. Instead of "your_e-mail", substitute your e-mail. (Another single-case scenario.)
  3. In place of "your_ID", type your site's ID. (This will have to be done in four places.)

< FONT Size=3>
<table border=0><tr><td>
<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="" align="left" border=0></a>
This <a href="" target="_top">Italian-American Webring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:your_e-mail"><FONT SIZE="2">your_name</FONT></a>.
Want to join the <A HREF="" target="_top">Italian-American Webring</A>?</FONT>
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[<a href=";id=your_ID;next" target="_top">Next</a>]
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[<a href=";ring=italian" target="_top">Random</a>]
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</B> </FONT> </CENTER>

Here's the second version:

This Italian-American Webring site is owned by Mary Gifaldi.

Want to join the Italian-American Webring?

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And here's the HTML code. Once again, you can copy/paste, but you'll need to make three changes:

  1. Where it says "your_name", substitute your name. (You will only have to do this once.)
  2. Instead of "your_e-mail", substitute your e-mail. (Another single-case scenario.)
  3. In place of "your_ID", type your site's ID. (This will have to be done in four places.)

<FONT Size=3>
<table border=0><tr><td>
<a href="" target="_top">
<img src="" align="left" border=0></a>
This <a href="" target="_top">Italian-American Webring</a> site is owned by <a href="mailto:your_e-mail"><FONT SIZE="2">your_name</FONT></a>.
Want to join the <A HREF="" target="_top">Italian-American Webring</A>?</FONT>
<FONT Size=3>
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[<a href=";id=your_ID;next" target="_top">Next</a>]
[<a href=";id=your_ID;skip" target="_top">Skip Next</a>]
[<a href=";ring=italian" target="_top">Random</a>]
[<a href=";id=your_ID;next5" target="_top">Next 5</a>]
</B> </FONT> </CENTER>

Need help? Send e-mail to

And this is the Link Exchange banner for our ring. If you have any suggestions to make it better, I'd appreciate hearing them. But remember, you're talking to a design-impaired person. :)

Our banner