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Me Who am I anyway? Some people seem to have a distorted picture of me, and most others probably don't care. But just in case you do...

I'm twenty years old in 2000, but I started this ring when I was seventeen. The reason? Some of my relatives were elected to the village board of my hometown, and this did not bode well with a lot of the village residents. There were rumors flying around that my family was connected to the mafia and lots of anti-Italian sentiment. An Italian Heritage Society was formed to try to educate the public and make people proud of their heritage. Since I had just discovered the internet, I wondered what I could do. I searched for some Italian-American webrings to join, but unless I searched wrong, there weren't any! Now, there were lots of great webrings like the Italy1 Club and others that I'm sure a lot of people know about, but none that explicitly stated "Webring for Italian-Americans." No problem, I thought, I'll just make my own. I didn't realize how much work it would be, and I certainly didn't think it would last almost three years, back when we only had three or so members.

As for me, I'm an undergrad at the University of Rochester, studying electrical engineering, and going nuts doing it. It's extremely hard and even more work than managing this webring. I have a pet bird who helps me study by eating my books (and pooping on my homework). Some of my favorite classes have been Microelectronic Circuits and Latin, and my least favorites are every single physics course I took. I like to take computers apart and put them together, more as a hobby than anything else. I collect stamps as well as My Little Pony toys, which is a source of great amusement to my parents.

You want to know even more? I don't speak Italian, but I'm trying to teach myself. I'm not 100% Italian. In fact, I'm 75% Italian and 25% Polish. (I like Italian sausage and hate kielbasa. I love Polish dills though.) I'm a very outspoken supporter of civil rights, and an ACLU member. Sometimes at night I put on a cape and fight crime all over the city, but only if I have nothing else to do.

That's me in a nutshell. Please feel free to tell me about yourself.

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