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Please come in and enjoy the lighter side of me....


A quickening of the heart
stilled the heat of day
as the quiet rolled in
and whispers did say
of how a steady hand
took hold of the howling bay
how calming....soothing...
caressing waves tears away.

~Love's Recipe~

Take a dash of heart,
add a smile or two,
sprinkle in some soul,
just a smidgeon or more will do....

mix in a little feeling,
a gentle look makes it nice,
stir in some friendly words,
laughter..the choice of spice....

combine all this with tender care,
cover with sweetness above,
bake it in warm gestures,
watch it rise with love.

~My Forever Friend~

I met you on a cloudy day
my heart.. a pit, my eyes.. in tears
I felt my soul had wandered away
there was nothing else to ever share...

You changed all that in your loving ways
the time you spend, the care you show
just one smile goes far these days
now my heart truely knows...

I hold you close and dear within
I hope you know how I feel'll be my Forever Friend
our friendship eternally sealed.

~A Forever Journey~

We each walk a path of a friendship past
sharing in our lives what our hearts hold dear
and though each moment is different than the last
the memories shall always be held close and near...
reach for my hand, yours I'll hold
trust and loyalty entwine you and me
for time and endurance, together they wove
the forever path of our loving journey.


Whisk me away, help me fly...
spray me the waves of the sea so high...
wipe my tears, for my heart cries...
settle my soul's deepest sigh...
spirit the essence of you and I...
on wings that soar within the sky


A giving of hearts
a sharing of souls
hopes and dreams
this we chose~
As time went on
love grew deeper still
no turning back
forever sealed~
Cherished gestures
sweetened with words
engulfed our lives
our love was pure~
Slowly, the wind blew in
with it, a burning torch
to light the dark truth
that touched my core~
Questions and doubts
played about your head
let's step back...
this, and said~
A bit of sadness
overshadowed us both
as feelings of uncertainty
loomed heavily over us~
Things yet not seen
a closure of eyes
for the blinding trust
did all but bind~
Now I silently cry
of what was..but has never been
my love for you still is...
forever flowing on the wind.


I wish upon you good wishes true
a heartfelt hug, a kiss or two
and if you feel these wishes on me
then please do


Whispering angels singing love
caressing souls sweet
floating high in the sky above
spreading wings that meet
folding tender to join as one
gentle kisses trace
a loving tear softly runs
embracing us with grace

~The Composer~

The warmth of the sunrise
springing me so clear
as heaven's gate
caresses me dear
and the angels do sing
the deepness so true
of a loving resurrection
a gentle soul whispers in you

I walked within 'shadows' steps
and saw the path of light...
when I stepped out to walk beside...
'shadow' took flight

~Whisper's Touch~

Catch the kiss I blow your way
hold it close to your lips
for within our gentle sway
we touch..gentle fingertips...
Whisper sweet, words you hear
a caress so very tender
I love you much, your very dear
my heart...I surrender

Poetry Roulette

I've walked a thousand miles
within the cobblestones of my mind
each step leading to barren roads
all with different signs  (michelle)
but which road to follow, and which signs to trust
I'll know when I get there, cos get there I must
it may need more effort than my body can take
but my spirit will continue on this journey I make  (davy)
if I wander onto the road of hell
may God be with me, may he tell
for heaven's path is what I seek
to fulfill my destiny's empty shell  (unknown)
if I wander onto the road of truth
make me aware and show me some proof
that I am walking away from a world of deceit
towards a place where honesty meet  (davy)
Yes a wanderer I am, my goal within reach,
my feet, oh so tired - a calm smile on my face.
A place for my roots to grow, a long sunny beach,
a time of joy and happiness - the end of a maze.  (johan)

~Poems By Another~

In my dreams I think of you,
hold you close, keep you tight,
keep you safe against the night,
I think of you
In my waking I think of you,
as life creeps in and sleep departs,
heavy eyes and heavy heart,
I think of you
In my day I think of you,
though mans' affairs keep me away,
thoughts of you fill my day,
I think of you.
©1998 David S.


Starting in silence,
Then the softly stirring harps,
The quiet violins,
Playing small notes but sharp.

Gradual beginning,
Building more and more,
But still a tiny whisper,
In the quiet of the morn.

The pace begins to quicken,
The stir is now a flash,
Climbing higher on forever,
Epic grandeur unmasked.

All is filled with power,
Trumpets chorus, drums pound,
Deep within my heart is music,
But without me not a sound.

Sound as big as earth,
The climax has been reached,
Then silence falls a hammer,
As the tear rolls down my cheek.

In the grandness and the glory,
The whole symphony would soar,
But now a lonely string or two,
Playing softly, nothing more.

I sit alone in silence,
The strings now gently mourn,
No great tragedy befallen,
But a loneliness is borne.

Out of tears I smile,
And the trumpets take the show,
A clarinet weaves a jumpin' tune,
Swingin', go, cat, go!

The sadness that lingered,
Now the jazz that flies,
Rolling up to climax,
My heart begins to rise.

But then the music softens,
A tender tune now plays,
She I see before me,
Is perfect in every way.

I sit still quiet,
But not to mourn,
The love that lives within me,
Is only a little forlorn.

The violins return now,
The trumpets give it quiet strength,
The love-songs that my heart plays,
Make me sigh, at length.

My heart moves on,
The music is new,
The day is swiftly passing,
The night is now in view.

The beginning grandeur,
How it has waned,
The fragile melancholy,
Only a memory of rain.

And when the night comes,
The violins fill the lull,
Like audible emotions,
Whispering quiet to my soul.
©1998 Brian Swan

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This poetry belongs to me, (unless otherwise noted)
and I hold each one close to my heart. Please do not take any for
your personal use. Thank you.

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Copyright © 1998 Michelle R.
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Hits Since 14.06.1998

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