~Gavin MacGregor Rossdale~<p><hr>
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~Gavin MacGregor Rossdale~


I'm sure I have more info. I'm not remembering so if you have anything you'd like to add please inform me! I just kind wanna cover basic facts. I don't want to get to into his life in to much detail! Same with the other guys pages. I feel bad enough posting all this info. to the public! I'm sorry Gavin, Nigy, Robin & Davey! And just because I have more Gavin info. don't accuse me of being a Gavin lover. There is just a surplus of Gavin info. EVERYWHERE I go to look for info. on the other guys. Seriously he is very cute and I have my moments when I drool over him but yo, get over it!

Check these out for more Gavin info.

Little Gavin Land
The Clone Gavin Cult

Email: bushboyzchic@hotmail.com