
Phone Directory


Police Dispatch:   769-1941

Animal Control:    769-1998

Records Office:    742-2373

Traffic Safety:       239-8165


Police/Fire/Medical Emergency:  Dial 911



Social Media


Mt. Pleasant Police Department on Facebook

@mppdNY on Twitter




Mission Statement

It shall be the mission of the Mount Pleasant Police Department to provide professional police service and protection to the citizens of the Town of Mount Pleasant.  Further, that service and protection while executed within the confines of the law, shall be extended to all persons physically present within the jurisdiction of the Town of Mount Pleasant.


Paul J. Oliva, Chief of Police





Mt. Pleasant

Police Department


1 Town Hall Plaza

Valhalla, NY 10595


phone:  914-769-1941

fax:       914-769-7199









Mt. Pleasant Police New York

Click here for the Mt. Pleasant Police Facebook Page