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Come in and share in my favorite quotes, and tickle your funny bone, these 'funnies' Im sharing are the one's that have made me smile and giggle. Enjoy!

~My Favorite Quotes~

The moon is always jealous of the heat of the day,
just as the sun always longs for something dark and deep.
~Alice Hoffman~

You may be addicted to the Internet if:
*You wake up at 3 a.m. to go to the bathroom and stop to check your e-mail.
*You decide to stay in college another year or two, just for the free Internet access.
*Half the plane trip is spent with your laptop beside you and your child in the overhead compartment.
~From the Internet~

"What's the usual tip?" the man growled when a college boy delivered his pizza. "Well," the student replied,"this is my first delivery, but the other guys said that if I got a quarter out of you, I'd be doing great." "That so?" grunted the man. "In that case, here's five dollars." "Thanks," the student said, "I'll put it in my college fund." "By the way, what are you studying?" "Applied psychology."
~Matthew Schuett~

Lawyer to his doctor: "Give it to me straight, Doc. How many billable hours do I have left?
~Roy Delgado~

In Italy, a man went to a priest and confessed. "Forgive me , Father," he said, sobbing. "During World War II, I hid a refugee in my attic." "Well, " the priest replied, "that's not a sin." "But," the man admitted, "I made him pay rent." "That wasn't very nice," the priest said, "but you put yourself at risk." "Oh,thank you, Father," the man said. "But I have one more question." "What is it?" "Do you think I will have to tell him the war is over?"
~Anita Barholomew~

"Someday I'd like a little brother," a boy mused to a friend. "There's only so much you can blame on a dog."
~Hank Ketcham~

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Hits Since 14.06.1998

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