Blessed to be a Nana
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Family Banenr
There is a place I know so well and I ask that you join me there for a little while. This is a place where Angels have come to spend some time with me. That place is here in my heart, and joyfully, in my life. These Angels came to me via my children and the women they brought into my life. So come along and let me tell you about my Precious Angels" and get to know me and my family!


What can I say about my family that will make you want to read about them? They all came into the world in good working order, all parts accounted for. Four sons and one daughter. I think God sent her to help even up the odds! All were born relatively close together which accounts for a certain amount of insanity that runs through my vains. Like puppys and kittens they grew into young people before I had a chance to understand what I was getting myself into. Unlike many puppys and kittens - they didn't run away or leave home. They dug their heels in and stayed for the duration! I would be spared nothing!
Some people might say that my children must have been very close and loving and that is why they didn't rush to leave the nest.....Wrong!


Paying rent, doing their own laundry, having to cook their own meals and living in the outside world was not a part of their agenda....not even the crowding factor would force their exodus!! Freedom was a dream that I would aspire to for the next twenty plus years. The word "alone" was never uttered during the growing years.

The adage.."barefoot in summer and pregnant in winter" ...was their Dad's family creed. Ponder this....his older brother didn't stop counting until he had a Baker's Dozen....count them....13! All in all I would kill a poor rabbit 6 times...and count my brood at a lively 5. Nice number, right..four sons and a daughter (she would insure some shred of sanity in my declining years!).

My three oldest boys didn't mind sharing the bathroom while they were toddlers but once puberty set in the shower became a primary source of sharing would be tolerated!

I had started to tell you about each one of the five as they popped on to the scene, but I thought I would be in the next millenium before I covered all the important moments in their lives. Anyway, my daughter-in-law said this page was suppose to tell you about ME! I hope you've a few spare hours that I can fill with the trivia of a "gone mad" Surfing Dudette! I am a soon to be 61 year old (where did the years go!) mother of 5 (opps, I've already said that!) and very proud "Nana" to 7 (yes SEVEN!) of the worlds brightest and most beautiful grandchildren that ever walked this earth. I wish I could show you pictures of them but, to be perfectly honest, these days are so filled with predators that I choose to simply describe them...

Because of the world we live in I have chosen not to show actual pictures of my Angels. Every "Nana" and "Pop-Pop" will understand why!


Erin Angel
Let's begin at the beginning. Erin Elyse, my first Angel to teach me what "Nana-Love" really meant. Until then I thought that "Mother-Love" was the be all and end all of the emotions a women could feel. Not so! When she was first put into my arms, moments after her birth, I felt that my heart would explode. She was such pure perfection! Not being able to see into the future, I didn't realize that my "Nana's" heart would be able to love equally those that followed her.
"Foolish Nana!"

You have no idea how many pages I searched and surfed to find this little darling. Although Erin is much blonder, the face tells you everything. Erin's father, my eldest son Michael, and Erin's mother are no longer together and that is a painful episode that I wish not to go into. Erin and her Dad are so very close. This year, as she turned 12, and since her Dad now lives in another state, she will have at least a month in the Summer and two weeks in the Winter with our family. She now has three loving half-brothers with us and a truly loving and devoted "Second Mommy"....I hate the title "Step-Mother" has shades of doom and gloom attached to it. Deborah, my new daughter-in-law, has taken Erin to her heart and the feelings are mutual!! I can only pray that Erin will know that she is loved by so many and as she matures she will understand that sometimes "divorce" is not a bad thing. She is and always will be my "First Angel".


The second angel to pop into my life was sent to us at a time we needed him most. "Pop-Pop", his Mommy's Dad, was preparing to leave us after a hard faught battle with cancer. He lived to see Orie's first smiles, first steps and first birthday. Orazio Anthony, a big name for an endearing little boy who just turned 10 years old, is named for his Grandfather and he is sweet and bright and blessed. For such a little boy, he is so very wise and bright! His parent's are leading him on a path that will bring him happiness and success. I know his "Pop-Pop" smiles down on him everyday.

Orie Angel


Erik Angel
And then there came my third Angel..Erik Michael. On his birth I called him "Bam Bam"...what else would you call a child who weighed in at 11+ lbs. His Mom and Dad were living with me at the time so I had "Nana-Love" in massive doses! He was too big to nurse....couldn't get those things to pump fast enough! Now, at the age of "nearly 10", he is preparing to meet the world on his terms! He will do great things one day but for me he need only exist! Watch out comes "Bam Bam"!


My fourth angel was another sweet girl....I was now two for two! Alisha Hailey was born with all the charm that heaven would allow. Nearing the age of 9, she now dominates her big brother and much of the world around her. There is a glint in her eyes and a sparkle in her smile that captures everyone around her. I'm glad she was born into a time of liberation for women otherwise we would have a revolution on our hands. She will forge her own path! The future is out there waiting for Alisha Hailey to make her mark!

Alisha Angel


Brian Angel

My fifth angel appeared on a very special day, May 19th. On that date many years before I had given birth to an angel that wasn't meant for this world. When Brian was born I did not remind my family of this right away. I needed to know that Brian Stanley Marine was a gift that would not be taken back. He was healthy and thriving and loveable to the point of painful. He continues to charm the socks off of anyone around him...and as he nears his 8th birthday, he approaches the "weedy" stage and begins to show that he will be quite the heartbreakingly handsome man that any one of his uncles or father is.


May 3, another little girl, so precious and dear, Amanda Clairese. I'd almost forgotten how small and wonderful a new life was! She has made our world a sweeter place. I look at her in awe and wonder and thank God. Nana Times Six!!!!Am I blessed? You bet. Nothing compairs to the smell of a new child. It must be the wrapping that God puts them in when He sends them to us.

It appeared that the family line was covered on both sides... Three Boys and Three Girls....nice combination! Two of my five children would carry on the Legacies left by all their grandparents on both sides! I could only pray that the right combinations were taking place during their birth. I'm happy to say that my grandchildren are the most beautiful, most intellectual, most promising, most loving and Perfect! I was content with the blessings and the love that came with each of my little angels. Life was Good!

Amanda Angel


Ian Angel

What came next was a special miracle for a special person...
their "Pop-POP"!
Cancer was taking him from us, leaving a hole that only a miracle could fill!

What a blessed gift this remarkable little one was. Mike and Debbie thought that life was full..a lovely little girl to treasure and two strong and handsome little boys. Life was good, but God had other plans. This child would be a gift to give a dying Pop-Pop smiles and love to warm his remaining days. Ian Edward Marine came into our world on New Year's Eve, December 31,2001. It was a year that we would all remember. On September 11th, our world changed forever with the bombing of the World Trade Center in New York. Ian's birth renewed our hope for the future. His "Pop-Pop" never had a chance to hold him because we had moved to Florida to stay with his Uncle Matt and Aunt Jo. "Pop-Pop" wanted his grandchildren to be spared during his final days. The technology of Video Tape brought him the moments of his litte Grandson's birth and he watched it with pride. I will always remember his words when I told him that his name would be "Ian Edward Marine".."Now that's a name that will make it's mark". Silently, I thought of precious handprints on the wall!! In truth, Ian Edward will leave his mark all over our hearts for he is indeed a "Gift from God". We lost our beloved "Pop-Pop" on March 26, 2002 when his body could battle the cancer no longer. His spirit remains with us always. He watches over us, each and everyone.


New Bubba Image

I can not forget my own live in love, my Bubba Gump Moon! He is my owner and allows me to share his space and his bed! Small though he may be, inside lives a Roti....and I will keep his secret to the end! He fills an empty space left by my pal "Friday" who stayed with me for 18 years. Bubba is just one of many blessings in my life!

What I was told was a dignified aristocrat of a Southern Bred Gentleman's Dog - a Boykin Spaniel, has turned out to be somewhat more the court jester but nonetheless my little heart and soul warmer, not to mention the top of my head. They said "turkey huntin' dog"...they meant TURKEY of a huntin' dog. His target lately is "Bubba TV" otherwise known as the glass terrarium that my youngest son's Iguana lives in. The turkey's of the world are safe believe me.

And now for Miss Daisy Duke!


The Boys

While the addition of my "four legged" grandsons might seem odd to some, they are equally precious, and equally loved, however challenging...for different reasons!

The first to arrive in Matt and Joann's home was "Chance"...given the name because his chances weren't great since his "Dad" had surprised his "Mom" with his arrival. Not the greatest of ways to be introduced, but he was soon a loveable member of the family even through he suffers from an "unstable emotional problem". Any emotional upset causes his hair to fall out and the first sound of thunder sends him into hiding! Usually under Mom and Dad's bed!

Next to arrive (this time it was Jo's doing) was "Samson". This bundle of love (who suffers from Arthritis!) became a "playmate" for "Chance" and brought a level of gentle calm and good manners that we hoped would rub off on "Chance"...but "not a chance"!

Finally, we come to "Trucker"! Dad really stepped in it here! The "Law According to Jo" has declared that this will be the last member of the brood! "Trucker" suffers from "Attention Dumb Dumb Disorder"! Matt and Jo have a talent for opening their door and their hearts to "those in need"..four legged or not! The "Boys" know when "Nana" is coming...she's got the Goodies!

The saga will continue as each of my children enter into the doorway marked "Parenthood". I pray that they too will be as proud of what they have accomplished and be as blessed as I have been.


What does the future hold? Would "as good as the past" be asking too much?? Return and see!