Updates On Our Missing Man
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Always in our Hearts

This is the Page where all Updates concerning Frank will be posted.
As one might expect, however sadly, there have been no updates on Frank or any of his crew.

Dear Frank,

I never knew you in life but you have become a part of me through these pages. You were only two years older than I. You could have been my brother. You were my brother when you left this world for a better place. Perhaps we will meet some day in that better place. Until then, these roses are for you. Sleep well my brother. You've earned your rest as few men ever will. God Bless you and keep you.

Until then, Arlene

Dear Frank,

Today I heard from the family of Vic Pirker, one of your crewmembers who was lost with you. They have promised to send me some information that might shed some additional light on what happened. It is good to know that someone else cares and remembers.

Dear Frank, I'm sorry that I haven't stopped by for a while. I keep searching for answers but none seem to come. There isn't a day that you don't flash into my mind. You are not forgotten and you are not alone. Victor's family keep in touch, but they are as much in the dark as so many of us are.

The song that is playing is called "I Will Remember You".....You've been a part of my life for the past many months and I will continue to remember you....Always

The Honorary POW/MIA Table is a custom performed at military functions. The Table is to show honor to those who were lost or captured and not yet returned. There is a wonderful ceremony that goes along with the peom. Please take a moment to read the poem, it is very touching.

This table set for one is small, symbolizing the frailty of one prisoner alone against his oppressors. Remember!

The tablecloth is white, symbolizing the purity of their intentions to respond to their country’s call to arms. Remember!

The single rose displayed in a vase reminds us of the families and loved ones of our comrades-in-arms who kept the faith awaiting their return. Remember!

The red ribbon tied so prominently on the vase is reminiscent of the red ribbon worn upon the lapel and breasts of thousands who bear witness to their unyielding determination to demand a proper accounting of our missing. Remember!

A slice of lemon is on the bread plate to remind us of their bitter fate. Remember!

There is salt upon the bread plate symbolic of the families’ tears as they wait. Remember!

The glass is inverted, they cannot toast with us this night. Remember!

The chair--the chair is empty--they are not here. Remember!

Dear Frank,

It's been a while since I stopped by for a visit. I thought I'd let you know that you aren't forgotten. Two of your old friends wrote to me about you. Larry Turner served with you and Jim Rider went through flight school with you. They haven't forgotten you. I keep looking for answers and I keep you in my thoughts. I found the above "tradition" and thought it would be appropriate to put it here for you. It's a nice tradition, isn't it?
Still waiting,


Dear Frank,

Today was a day I will not soon forget. Your sweet "Limbo Spouse", Jan, sent me a picture of you. The quest seems even more urgent now that I can see a face to the man I've come to hold so dear to my heart. You must have had to beat the women off with a stick! You will forever remain that handsome Marine. You will not age. Your hair will not fall out and the smile will last in all our hearts and minds forever. I'm sure that you have found that peaceful place you so well deserve. God Bless and Semper Fi, my friend.


Dear Frank,

So many of your old friends have gotten in touch with Jan. I know that some of what she hears is painful, but I think it touches her heart to know that you are remembered. I guess this is the reason I began this dedication to you......I did it for Jan, and for you. Rest well, my friend,



Dear Frank,

Tomorrow will be 34 years since you were reported "missing". It is also your wedding anniversary to Jan, who still waits. Her "gift" to me was her memories of you and my gift to you now is to "never forget". I believe that you know we are both waiting for you and someday,if not in this life, we will all be together. You are loved and remembered as few men are. God Bless and Semper Fi,


Dear Frank,

It's almost Christmas and I'm trying to find something special to place here for you. If ever a place were to have a Christmas tree it would be in Heaven! In our hearts and in our thoughts - always.
Merry Christmas, Frank.

Dear Frank,

Well, it's a new Millennium....2000! You were thought of as the world came together for one brief moment of celebration. You may have been listed as MIA, POW or KIA by the powers that be in the last century, but you are never missing from our hearts. You will live there always....never to change, never to age and never to be forgotten.
Till we meet again,


Dear Frank,

This is the day that the world stood still. The twin towers were bombed and leveled and our lives will never be the same. The skyline is baron and 3,000 men and women will never come home. God Bless us all and all the hearts that were broken today..September 11,2001! I know that you were looking down and sharing the pain of your nation.

It's been a long time between letters. You haven't been forgotten. Not a day goes by that I do not think of you or look up at your picture. It's been a rough time for our family. My husband Ed passed away on March 26, 2002 and the past few months have been a blur. Bone cancer is a terrible way for anyone to die. If you see a fella wearing a NY Yankee hat, that's Ed. Look him up for me and tell him I love him and that the lighthouses are still coming to let me know he is still here with us. Much love, Arlene

Dear Frank,
Once again time has gone by but you are still in our hearts. Jan still has her fighting spirit even through her heath declines. Her heart is strong and you now have two adorable grandsons...Logan and Kyle. Logan looks just like his "Grandpa" and will surely be breaking hearts one day. Kyle is too precious for words. I'm sure you are looking down on them. Jan is making certain that their "Grandpa" is not forgotten. God Bless, my friend, pray for your country and remember that you are in our thoughts. Arlene
Dear Frank, Another year and now another "War"..this time it is to liberate the citizens of Iraq. We should have done it 12 years ago. Already they are reporting MIA's and POW's. This morning they reported recovering a young woman, Pvt. Jessica Lynch. Just a baby girl...but Thank God she is safe.