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This is my beautiful daughter on the right! Her lucky Mom is on the left! But I'm sure you guessed that!

I have quite a lot to show you, so I hope you have some
time! There is my family, my friends, my passions,
and my causes...oh yes...and my pets! I don't want you to
expect too much. Having been involved in so much has
created a reduction in brain cells....
In other words, I tend to ramble!

I will try to bring you a smile, perhaps a few tears
but I promise you it will all come from the heart.

So without further ado, some things for you to do!

Pfc. Lori Ann Piestewa gave her life so that others might know freedom.
She will be remembered as America's First American Indian Woman to make the ultimate sacrafice.
God Bless Lori Ann and her Children and Family, Always!

Please do take the time,
I always have room for new friends!