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"UN-Accounted for is Still UN-Acceptable" !

Who is Jan Visconti?

Jan is someone I am honored to call a friend. It took us nearly three years before we met face to face.

I had joined Operation Just Cause and asked for the name of a Marine POW so that I could build a Web Site in his name.

Since I was from New York, and my son was also in the Corps, I felt it was the military branch to choose.

The name I was sent was "Major Francis E. Visconti, USMC" from Syracuse New York. He was reported MIA in November of 1965. The synopsis I was sent just didn't tell me enough. I wanted to know more. I wanted questions answered.
It's amazing what you can find out and who you can find if you keep poking your finger!
Little by little more information and people who wanted to "talk" found their way to Frank's Page. The bonus was finally getting in touch with Frank's wife Jan. To say that she was leary about my intentions or my dedication would be putting it mildly. After I gave her full editorial approval, she became my biggest support. Giving this approval is not something a "wannabe" writer gives freely!!

For several years I had worn a bracelet with the name of Lt. Lonnie Pat Bogard, USAF from North Carolina. In 1976 it went missing while I was in the hospital giving birth to my fifth child. I decided it was time to replace the bracelet. And that road led me to Frank, his wife Jan and his children.

I'm pleased to say that it also led Jan to several old friends and many who served with Frank and remembered him.
Opening up for many of those who made it back was very hard...survivor guilt..a new phrase to me, but not to Jan.

Jan and I e-mailed and spoke on the phone several times. I was in New York and she was in Orlando. I had no knowledge of "html" or designing, but I did have the desire. My daughter-in-law, Debbie, had the knowledge and together we created a gift of love for Jan.
Every "hit" on Frank's page was confirmation that he was not forgotten!

Two years ago I finally had a "sleepover" with my "Long Distance Sister". During a visit with my son and his wife in Springhill, Florida I decided it was time to meet my friend.
I got off the bus in Orlando not knowing what she looked like, but recognized her immediately.....
Jan is a proud, fiercely independent, iron willed Italian woman
with the dignity that age and pain brings to the few who survive.
She is tiny - my daughter in law calls it "no bigger than a minute"
and she seems too frail to have shouldered the burden of loss that
this country has saddled her with. Her health isn't what it should be,
but neither is her happiness at times. She should be relaxing into
her golden years rather than fighting battles with silent government
officials. She was a glowing auburn doll in her youth but now her hair is
silver. It is her eyes and spirit that glow these days. She can light
a room with her smile or...she can light a fire with her words. She's
one in a million but I believe in my heart of hearts that she could be
MORE...that her life should be so very different...
I believe in my heart, we have our government and some of it's leaders
to thank for her poor health. It never ceases to amaze me that even
with her losses she finds time to fight battles for others and lends
her strength and voice to those in need of her time and talents.

My interest in the POW/MIA situation  had never been put to rest
as it had been for a  great many American's after 1975. We had 
been told that ALL POW's had been returned, but somehow the
numbers just didn't add up.  Over the ensuing years the situation would
resurface and I'd write a few letters and then return to the business
of being a MOM. Having  five children took up the major portion of my 
time and energy.......and my committment to the cause
which now consumes me was put aside.

That all changed in the winter of 1997.  I had heard so much about
"The Wall"  and decided that I was ready for a visit that I knew,
from others, would be difficult. Somehow  the word difficult
is a grand understatement. I had been to the Holocust Museum
 and that had been difficult but I could not relate to it in
the same way as those who had survived it. It was a part of
history that I studied in school. It wasn't "my" war and although
I cried and felt angry for the horrible waste. It was history for
me now to be remembered, to be told again and again
lest we forget that it was all TRUE!

But it was not "MY" war.

VietNam was "MY" war. My generation, my nephew's
generation, boys I had gone to school with were  fighting
this new "War"....though it was never  truly given the title
of "WAR" didn't have  a nick-name, (I can still remember
my Dad referring to the BIG ONE - WWII!) It didn't seem 
to have an honorable purpose that we as  Americans
could fully understand. Those  young men who served
believed in America  "right or wrong" because they
believed that  what they were doing would be looked upon 
with pride and their sacrifice would be reveared.

Little did they know that it would take years  after "Homecoming" to fully realize that we as a people had been lied to...they did not ALL come home in 1975 as Nixon and Kissinger announced!

There had been no parades, no ticker tape,
no flags flying for those who made it back before 1975.
It would 17+ years to honor the sacrafice of those who had made it HOME!

Some had been spat young nephew had served
two tours and when he landed at Andrews Air Force Base on a
stretcher with tubes from every vein and his throat shot out,
there were no cheers only shouts of "Baby Killer" as he laid
blessedly unconscious to those upstanding Americans who
spat upon him and the uniform he wore. And of those we left
behind we tried to forget. If we remembered them it would
be encumbant upon us to force our government for
a true accounting. "Truth" and "government" are not always synonymous. It is that ACCOUNTABILITY that
keeps Jan fighting The truth is so little to ask considering
how much was taken from her and her children and
grandchildren...just the TRUTH!


So who is Jan Visconti?


Major Francis E. Visconti, USMC - MIA/POW/KIA - SVN 1965




By Jan Visconti - January 15, 1993

Where do we go from here, now that you know all that I told you was the truth, and not just a show?

Everytime I tried to speak, you people said, "Oh! She's just that crazy MIA wife". Tomorrow and the will to survive look grim. Because what took place, forever changed my life.

Rejection's eyes did not see the death of my soul, While all your lives went on from day to day, with each day I knew, I had to find a reason to stay.

Once again, late last night my life came upon another turn. A simple question brought to light, The big mistake that made me burn!

Even though I told you many years ago, It was now he proved himself to be a thief. Then and now, my emotions drive you away, for your time to listen is still too brief.

Where do we go from here, now that you know, all that I told you was the truth, and not just a show?

All you people said, "quit living in the past", "she's just that crazy MIA wife"! You had no time to listen, while the bites it took were out of my life!

It's made my loves and me so far apart, Rage and anger are family to me now. For the times when revenge rules my heart, Never again will mere men make me bow!

I want the world to know about these years, so who, but me, is there to spread this tale? Some in this world do not know this label MIA But surely they will see the pain in my tears.

Where do we go from here, now that you know, all that I told you, was the TRUTH and not just a show?
UN-Accounted still UN-ACCEPTABLE!



By Jan Visconti - April 2003

RE: A Response to the letter artists wrote to President Bush AND: Gillian Anderson, Rene Auberjonois, Edward Asner
Jackson Browne, David Bale, Kim Basinger, Ed Begley Jr.,
Theo Bikel, Barbara Bosson, Peter Beck (REM),
Kathleen Chalfant, Diahann Carroll, Jill Clayburgh,
David Clennon, Jack Coleman, Peter Coyote, Lindsay Crouse,
Don Cheadle, Matt Damon, Dana Daurey, Suzanne Dwyer,
Vincent D'Onofrio, David Duchovny, Olympia Dukakis,
Charles S. Dutton, Hector Elizondo, Cary Elwes,
Shelley Fabaras, Mike Farrell, Mia Farrow, Laurence Fishburne,
Sean Patrick Flanery, Bonnie Franklin, John Fugelsang,
Janeane Garofalo, Larry Gelbart, Melissa Gilbert,
Danny Glover, Elliott Gould, Samaria Graham, Robert Greenwald,
Robert Guillaume, Paul Haggis, Robert David Hall, Ethan Hawke,
Ron Howard, Helen Hunt, Anjelica Huston, LaTanya Richardson,
Jackson Samuel, L. Jackson, Jane Kaczmarek, Melina Kanakaredes,
Casey Kasem, Mimi Kennedy, Jessica Lange, Tea Leoni,
Wendie Malick, Camryn Manheim, Marsha Mason, Richard Masur,
Dave Mathews, Kent McCord, Robert Duncan,
McNeill Mike Mills (REM), Janel Moloney, Esai Morales,
Ed O'Neill, Chris Noth, Peter Onorati,
Alexandra Paul, Seth Peterson, Tony Shalhoub,
CCH Pounder, David Rabe, Alan Rachins, Bonnie Raitt, Carl Reiner,
Tim Robbins, Mitch Ryan, William Schallert, Susan Sarandon,
Loretta Swit, Susan Sullivan, Martin Sheen,
Armin Shimerman, Gloria Steinem, Marcia Strassman,
Michael Stipe (REM), Studs Terkel, Lily Tomlin,
Blair Underwood, Dennis Weaver, Bradley Whitford,
James Whitmore, James Whitmore, Jr., Alfre Woodard, Noah Wyle,
Peter Yarrow, Howard Zinn.

Ambassador Jonathan Dean (U.S. Rep. to NATO­Warsaw Pact), Jack Shanahan Vice, Adm. U.S. Navy (Ret.),
Ambassador Edward Peck (former U.S. Ambassador to Iraq), Eugene J. Carron, Jr., Rear Adm. U.S. Navy (Ret.),
Steve Robinson, Sgt. U.S. Army (Ret.) (National Gulf War Resource Center).

©2003 All Rights Reserved - Website by Tree Media Group =================

I have NO IDEA who you are or what your connection to the military is, but I must applaud your work here. To name ALL these celebrities is undertaking a tremendous responsibility, needless to say, possible legal charges against the fact that YOU HAVE ALSO excercized your right of FREE SPEECH in the UNITED STATES!!!

I am Jan Visconti. Wife/widow of Major Francis Edward Visconti, USMC, POW/MIA, South Vietnam, 22 November 1965. 37 years later, our 3 adult children, 6 grandchildren and I STILL wait for the copiously elusive turthful information about, what happened to our loved one.

My youngest son Tony 39, just did an interview with local Fox News here in Orlando Fl...Oher than a human interest story, I think their objective was to bring to light, how MIA families have in the past and continue to wait for word or remains (a shard of bone or a tooth or 2) of their loved ones, even 37 years later.

Since the media has not and does not make a habit of searching out a Vietnam POW/MIA Family, it's unheard of that a Vietnam family is interviewd randomly, (other than for the return of "alleged" remains, the humanitarian gesture of Fox News here, is totally lost on the Visconti's.

The publicity, although thoughtful and "classy," methinks, was ONLY because of the POW who is from Orlando, Chief Warrent Officer, David S. Williams 30 years old, (same age as my husband when he was lost) Army, Apache Chopper pilot. In other words, and subtley sarcastic on the medias side, 'if we survived, why can't the families of Gulf War 11 do the same??!!

What do these alleged celebrities know except how to "ACT??" Given acting degrees, most do NOT have more than a high school degree, if even. AND, this blatant exhibition of using thier "star status" and "financial power," doing this "jane fonda copy cat" thing, merely shows their ignorance about the military, their families and the EXTREMELY HIGH REGARD in which true AMERICANS hold their fighting men and families. Mind you, I said AMERICANS...
NOT our government, and certainly, NOT these "protesters." Our family's case is a perfect example of how the USG devastated our lives!!

I'd LOVE TO MEET ANY ONE of these so called "celebrities" and give them my shoes to wear for an hour! They could NOT get them on past their big toes!!! How many big talk show people have EVER done the VIETNAM FAMILY THING? NONE of them even want to touch anything to do with Vietnam...Oprah, Rosie, Regis, Donahue, Barbara, Hugh...etc...just to mention a few....

Another time, I will tell you about the debacle of the Major's POW/MIA bracelet and the alleged "Tall, Dark & Handsome, Jack Scalia," Jennifer O'Neill and the Chrisagis Brothers, (webmasters) if you are interested....

Our story is here...

His Heart Will Go On and On ....

The rest of the REAL truth is here...a MUST SEE site...

MAIN Natl Alliance of POW/MIA Families Home Page

AND, Gulf War II POW's pictures as posted by "THE NATIONAL ALLIANCE OF FAMILIES" is here...

PICTURES & Send Message of Support to Families of POWs & MIAs in Iraq

These big mouthed "names" do not realize the devastating effect they are having on our troops and their families too....(shades of jane fonda) REMEMBER the damage she did?? Our beleoved Vietnam Patriots have NOT EVER been the same knowing their own country women/men were/are AGAINST THEM!!!!!!!!!!!

There is such tunnel vision involved here, they cannot see the character assasinations they are burdening our fighting men with!!

LINE FOR!!!!!!!!!

It's NOT just ordinary American FREEDOM that's being defended, it's for those celebrities too!!!!!!!! IF only SOME of them had a relative or knew of someone in the military, I wonder if they'd behave the same way?????

When your EGO (easing God out!) is BIGGER than your buttocks, there is no room for rationale! As a woman of 66 years,  I CANNOT EVEN IMAGINE WILDLY, what Army Pfc. Jessica D. Lynch ,

19, of Palestine, W.Va., 507th Maintenance Company stationed at Fort Bliss, Texas, missing after Iraqi forces ambushed an Army supply convoy near Nasiriyah March 23. RESCUED 4/1/03...went through at her tender age of 19 years old! It's what's left UNSAID that bothers me!!

Besides the broken limbs, fractured spine, gunshot wounds, stabbing wounds and OTHER HEINOUSLY UNSPEAKABLE, UNSPOKEN, NOT REVEALED ACTS of the SEXUAL NATURE, (based on personal revelations to me from Veitnam Vets) that were perpetrated
upon this young AMERICAN WOMAN, is way beyond MY SIMPLE COMPHREHENSION!!!!

To make matters worse, the media is playing that part very quietly because of the fact that she's alive and survived her "captivity!" Do any of these so called "brilliant actors" have any idea of the years of phycological recovery are ahead for this young woman?? She may hae survived this, BUT, she will NEVER be the same again!!

She may never allow another human male to come near her, or get married or have children after what they've done to her!!!!!! If it's a mere smidgen of what the Communist Vietnamese did to our male POW's during the Vietnam Conflict, (and the reason there are still 'un-classified" documents of the POW returnee debriefings) she may NEVER survive the aftermath of when/how her mind deals with what's happened to her. Her family will NEVER know either, because she will NEVER REVEAL WHAT HAPPENED TO HER. THEY could NOT DEAL WITH IT!!!!!!!!

ONLY THOSE OF US WHO KNOW TINY "TIDBITS" OF THE TORTUOUS TREATMENT OF THE VIETNAM POW's, can come anywhere near partially understanding the over whelming, mind boggling acceptance and future adjustment of those "UNKNOWN 9 DAYS OF CAPTIVITY!"

After all, Saddam Hussein and his suicide followers, those mindless, primitive, neanderthal, cave dwellers, STILL HOLD THE INFORMATION ON LIVE POW, CMDR MICHAEL SCOTT SPEICHER of Gulf War I AND have NOW killed off 11 other American POW's and
buried them in the hospital dirt surrounding those buildings, that were captured with Jessica.


If you care to use this correspondence, WITHOUT EDITING have my permission..........

God Bless America and our TROOPS...
Semper Fidelis, SEMPER...Deo Vindice!!

jan visconti