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Workers’ Compensation Certificate Program

University of California, Riverside Extension Department

- Vocational Rehabilitation - 4/10/02

Vocational rehabilitation is getting the applicant back into the work force.

This is generally the first place the injured worker can “take control.”

Labor Code - is the law

             Administrative Rules - are descriptive of how to implement the law

                          Rehabilitation Administrative Guidelines - further clarify use of the law

                                       Standards for Quality Service - more guidelines for use



Job Description - RU-91

             Job Analysis - watch, evaluate, weigh etc. particulars of any given occupation

                          Initial Interview - needs to be of a real person

                                       Rehab. Plan - RU-102

Spartans - left the weak or “damaged” to die

Athens - the disabled were killed

Rome - people were abandoned

             “They were not treated as real people.”

Middle Ages - mental illness was believed caused by “possession”

             Individuals were tortured.

             Bedlam was a mental hospital.

Early America - people had to carry their own weight

             There was a lack of medical knowledge.

             These ideas restricted immigration.

1880s - people started working with disabilities

             Perkin’s Institute worked with the deaf.

1844 - Dorothy Dicks was a pioneer for the mentally ill

             There were alms houses, basically jails for the mentally ill.

             People with physical disabilities were considered freaks.

1900s - saw the rise of Social Darwinism

             Government had no role in protecting the disabled.

1908 - Civil Employee’s Act - laid ground for Workers’ Compensation law

             Industrial Revolution brought people into jobs with hazards

1910 - First compulsory Workers’ Compensation law

             Still no provisions for Voc. Rehab.

1913 - April, the initiation of income tax - government was getting some money to work with

             Medicine was still not advanced.

             Survival of the fittest ruled.

1917 - Smith - Hughes Act

             First time federal funds were given to states on a matching basis for Voc. Rehab.

             People were moving from farms to cities and needed training.

             Federal Board of Voc. Rehab. established.

1918 - Soldiers’ Rehab. Act

             For the first time the focus was on the return of injured to work.

1920 - First civilian rehab. program

             There was resistence.

             Smith - Fess Act

             There was the allowance for voc. guidance.

             Homemaking was considered an occupation.

             There was very little government involvement.

1935 - Social Security

             F.D.R. was president.

             The programs in place were made permanent programs.

             The focus was on the population as a whole regarding those with physical disabilities.

A person “uses a wheelchair,” he/she is not “in a wheelchair.”

W.W.II - penicillin and anti-septic techniques were developed

             Many disabled individuals worked “on the home front” during the war.

             There were improved prosthetics.

             There was a look at injury prevention, cure and rehab.

             A.M.A. created the Board of Physical and Rehab. Medicine.

1954 - was the first voc. rehab. law : provided for research and restoration

             Advances were including mental illnesses.

             There were some research and demonstration grants.

             Rehab. facilities were developed.

1956 - the focus was on rehab., not cash payments in regards to Social Security Administration

1965 - Voc. Rehab. Act amended

Things are “done with a person,” not “done to someone” given the focus on independent living and self-advocacy.

1973 - focus shifted to those with greater disabilities first

Voc. Rehab. Act i.e. civil rights for people with disabilities including architectural accommodation.

1993 - Americans with Disabilities Act : beefed up the language of the prior ‘73 act

Master - Servant Concept

Employer - Employee Relationship

Workers’ Compensation defenses included:

             Had to prove negligence

             Fellow Servant Doctrine

             Contributory negligence

Workers’ Compensation system is a compromise.

             1.          Medical services are quickly provided.

             2.          Right to sue extensively given up.

             It is a no fault system.

             A claim is filed, not a lawsuit.

             Workers’ Compensation is to be an “exclusive remedy.”

                          1.          Ensure prompt medical treatment, disability payments and rehab.

                          2.          Relieves the burden on public and private charities.

                          3.          Encourages employer participation in safety and remedy i.e. ergonomics.

             Today - there has been an erosion of the exclusive remedy concept

                          Now go to A.D.A. and F.E.H.A.

                          70% of people with serious disabilities are unemployed.

It is not necessarily about new people finding jobs as much as people hurt keeping their prior employment through accommodation.

                          Case law has watered down A.D.A. some.

                          California has a very liberal standard for what is a “disability.”

The intent to use rehab. is about 50 years old.

There is a lot of subtle discrimination that goes on.

“Yes, it’s wrong. Yes, it’s discrimination. Yes, it’s out there.”

Proper way to phrase the question:

Do you have any disability which would preclude you from doing the job you are applying for?

T.T.D. - 2/3 average weekly wage to a max $490

             injured after 1/1/03 - max. $604 2003

                                               - max. $824             2004

             “We will see how it plays out.”

SB 1829 (Polanco) - Must be evaluated by Qualified Rrehab. Representative to see employment fitness without voc. rehab.

Labor Code §5410

25% of applicants offered voc. rehab. decline. 

“Whenever you write a law, it never comes out how you expect it to.”

V.R.M.A. - money to live off while in rehab.

P.D. - permanent disability

P.D.A. - permanent disability advance

Can be added to V.R.M.A. usually to bring applicant up to T.T.D. level, but it taken from future settlement amount.


Date of Injury                             Date Permanent & Stationary


                    T.T.D.                                   V.R.M.A. if in voc. rehab.

                                                                 Max. $246 weekly


                                                                 P.D. if no voc. rehab.

                                                                 Max. $170 weekly

Q.I.W. - qualified injured worker

             1.          Must be medically eligible

             2.          Unable to return to usual and customary job

             3.          Must be vocationally feasible to benefit from voc. rehab.

             These are the only applicants entitled to voc. rehab.

Have up to five (5) years from Date of Injury to request, or up to one (1) year from last finding of P.D.

             Insurer has ten (10) days from date of medical eligibility to offer voc. rehab. services.

No guarantees to get back to old salary.

Q.R.R. - qualified rehab. representative

             Works in the development of plans and explains laws.

             No state licensure - so check references and look for academic degrees.

I.V.E. - independent vocational evaluator

             Appointed by the state.

A.V.E. - agreed vocational evaluator

             Allows both sides to provide input.

Vocational Rehab. Services - are the services needed to get a person back to work

             Can be many things i.e. training, counseling, placement assistance etc.

Labor Code §4635

Suitable Gainful Employment - a job within medical limitations

             Technically it is minimum wage or above.

             “Salary is a huge discussion.”

Usual and Customary Occupation - job being done before injury 

Rebuttable Presumption - if missed 365 days of work, applicant is Q.I.W.

Modified Work - regular job, only partially changed

             “A lot of modification doesn’t cost a lot of money.”

Alternative Position - were applicant works a different job for the same employer

             If within 85% of salary at time of injury, employer doesn’t have to provide voc. rehab.

Transferrable Skills - skills employees can take from job to job, no position specific

Vocational Feasibility - if applicant can’t benefit from services, not feasible

             Eligibility can change with time.

Exclusive Remedy - applicant can only go through the Workers’ Compensation system, not civil

             There are notable exceptions i.e. third-party civil actions.

Family Medical Leave Act - were an employee can take up to twelve (12) weeks unpaid for taking care of a family member.

Disabilities Management - a coordination of benefits