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The Vanishing Beatle

The Vanishing Beatle
By JPamLennon

John Lennon, Paul McCartney, George Harrison, Ringo Starr (obviously).
Then the three characters who cause trouble(real trouble) for the Fabs(all male): Xavier (the leader), Julek and Janair (fraternal twin brothers who help Xavier).

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter One
The three were huddled together, sitting at a table. The room was dim, lit by only a single, fading, yellow light bulb. The time? Late into night, but the matters that the three were discussing were too important than sleep. The threesome grew up in a nice neighborhood, came from good families, but no one knew they would grow up to be what they were now. No, the three are not any of the Fabs as you probably guessed, but their soon-to-be enemies. Xavier, the leader of the trio, Julek, brown eyed with his dark brown hair to his shoulders, and his brother Janair, with deep forest green eyes; his brown hair very trim. All were intelligent, not just Xavier. The whole discussion they had was focused on a rock. Not just any rock, a valuable, rare diamond with an emerald encased inside of it(that’s why it’s so valuable). They needed it for their own plans of evil intent.
"So with that diamond, we could use it for our gun?" Julek asked.
"It’s not really a gun, brother Julek," Janair replied. "It doesn’t penetrate objects, it’s like a laser that doesn’t cut. The laser just shoots out the light, and the diamond powers it."
"Precisely," confirmed Xavier. "But it’s not a giant laser, it’s hand held. The diameter of the beam is about the size of a quarter. It can shoot up to 50 feet. Depending on how high or low we set the laser, it performs different tasks. A low setting is like a search light(a very small search light I might add). A medium setting is a stun gun. The high uses too much power at once, so only use it during emergencies."
"What’s the high do?" Janair asked.
"It puts the person you shoot it at in a temporary ‘trance.’ So you can temporarily, how should I put it, control their mind. I have no idea how long you can have them under your control, and I have no idea when we’re going to have to use that. Probably never." Xavier finished.
"Yeah, that’s all great Xav, but where are we going to get the diamond/ emerald? It must be under heavy protection!" Julek asked.
"That’s were you are wrong Julek." Xavier said. He put his hand in his coat pocket.
"I have it here." The two brothers looked at it in awe.
"You have it?? How did you get it?" Janair wondered.
"It was a sinch. Don’t worry about it, I have it." Xavier reassured them.
"Yeah, now all we have to do is go home and try it out. Tomorrow we leave, but we have to be careful, we’re going to the airport where there’s a lot of people…make sure you don’t lose the diamond." Janier warned.
"I have it under control. We’ll switch off the watching duties for the diamond," said Xavier. "I can’t wait to go home and try it."


"Hey lads! Are we all ready to go home?" Ringo said cheerfully. "Back to England, ahh yes, finally!" They were at the airport.
"Yeah, that vacation was fun, but it took a lot longer than expected! My moptop kept getting messed up though," complained a usually optimistic Paulie. "Do we have all our stuff? Don’t forget anything!"
"I don’t know which one’s mine! It’s that one!" said George.
"No, what are you talking about?? That’s mine!" John said as he put on his cap.
"How can you tell if it’s yours when all our suitcases are the same???" George asked frustrated. "I’ll just take it, it’ll get home no matter what. If Paul or Ringo has mine, it’ll get home anyway." So George took up the suitcase, and John took his. Paul and Ringo were waiting for them.
"C’mon, we’re gonna be late for the plane!" Paul said.
"No! I know I forgot something!!" George nervously cried. "I’ll have to open the bag up!" George sat on the floor near some chairs for waiting passengers.
At that same time, the three baddies were quickly rushing to get on a plane so they could be out of the airport. But Julek and Janier had a bit of a conflict and stopped in front of George; Julek for less than a millisecond, looked at the Beatle with the open bag, but didn’t think it important. The young Beatle didn’t notice the two brothers, being busy checking the open bag.
"It’s my turn to take care of it(the diamond) Julek," complained Janair. "Hand it over."
Julek took it out just to make sure he still had it. It gleamed in his hand. "No, I have another three minutes to keep it. Why don’t you carry the luggage?"
"I’ve been doing that ever since we got here! Now give it to me!"
"No!" The brothers started to grab for the valuable diamond.
"Oh, man! This is Paul’s bag! I don’t own this many combs! Sigh. I’ll have to check later…or not! John! Do you have me bag!" George called out. John walked over and opened the bag he held. George and John began looking thru the bag.
George forgot to close Paul’s bag.
"Janair, stop it!" The brothers stopped grabbing for the diamond. Julek thrust the rock into his coat pocket and patted it…it was now safe…supposedly.
"No, you have to be fair! Give it to me!"
"It’s not your turn yet! I’ll fight you for it!"
"I’ll beat you anyway!" They began to spar…Julek was unaware that as he did, the diamond slipped from his large coat pocket.
It landed in Paul’s open suitcase.
"You two, stop this now!" Xavier scolded. "Let’s go, I’m sick of your behavior." They left and headed toward the door which lead to the airplane.
"Aha! I found it! This was my bag, John!" George said triumphantly as he held up the tiny pick he was looking for. John sighed. "C’mon now, we’re gonna miss the flight." At these words, John closed George’s bag, and George quickly closed Paul’s bag.
He didn’t see the diamond inside as he closed the suitcase on it.
George let out a breath of exasperation and irritation. "John, I wanna carry my bag! Here, you take Paulie’s." John sighed once again, but did switch bags. John now held the diamond that the lads had no idea existed. George smiled as he got back his bag, and he hugged it.
"Ok Julek, your time is up now, Xav says so, give me the…you know." Janier said without wanting to attract attention. Julek consented, dug his hand into his pocket…his face now presented a scared and surprised look. Janier grew concerned and suspicious. "Julek…give me it! Do you have it??" Janier asked.
"Uh, Janier…it’s not here."
"WHAT??" Xavier and Janier screamed. They quickly lowered their voices. "What do you mean it’s gone??" Xavier asked. "Did you check everywhere yet??"
"Yeah, I checked my pockets, everywhere! It’s gone!"
"Where could it have gone though Julek!!" Janier threatened.
"Hmm, let me think…We walked in the airport, I had it, then you wanted it, we had a scuffle and—oh my God." Julek said astounded. "There was this guy, with an open bag…could it be that it fell out of my pocket and landed inside of it?!" Janier and Xavier grew furious.
"Now look what you’ve done! We have to get it back!" Janier exploded.
Xavier started gravely, "There’s only one way to get it back safe. How do we know that the person you’re talking about didn’t see it? Only one way to get it back…we take his bag...And him.
The brothers agreed. "Julek, do you remember what he looks like?" Xavier asked. "Yeah, I think so, he had a suit…" They scanned the airport…and found George a little behind his mates.
"C’mon George! Let’s go!" Paul called out to George. He turned back his head forward and walked quickly to keep up with John and Ringo.
"Ok, ok, hang on fellas!" George said…The others had no idea those would be his last words…
"Yes! We’re finally at the right gate! Why do they have to make the gate with the flight going back to England number 65? You know how long it took to get from gate 16 to here??" John said, slightly out of breath.
"At least we’re all here," said Paulie.
"Uh John, Paul, I don’t think so…" Ringo said slowly.
"What is it Ringo?" they asked.
"Where’s George?"
The youngest Beatle had vanished.
"Oh no, this can’t be happening…George!! George!" John ran back past gates 64, 63, 62 and so on, calling out his little mate’s name. Ringo and Paul did the same(with the three remaining suitcases in hand). George was nowhere to be found…their vacation was extended; there was no way they could go home at this rate.


George at this time was now outside, near an alley where the baddies parked their large, black car, with Julek and Janier firmly holding both his arms, dragging him along. Xavier was ahead, holding the suitcase…
…which belonged to George.
"Hey, what are you doing!! Let me go! Unngh! Let me go!" he vainly tried to wrench himself free. It was no use. And no one heard his pleas for help; the car was parked in insolation. Xavier opened the trunk. It seemed very small to George…but then again, George was the little Beatle. Still, he cried out for help, hoping someone would come save him.
"Help! Help me please! Let go! I didn’t do anything! Don’t put me in there!" George pleaded as loud as he could as he stared at the open and perilous trunk. But luckily for George…there was a bit of hope.
"There he is! George!!!!!" John screamed as he saw his mate thrown into the trunk. The three Beatles ran as fast as they could to the black vehicle. Why did the (*) car have to be parked so bloody far away??!! thought John.
Janier and Julek threw George in the trunk. He landed with a soft thud.
"Oww…" he groaned from the pain of the impact. "Get me out of—" George was no longer audible as the brothers shut the trunk coldly.
Why does this have to happen to me? What did I do?? George kept thinking to himself. He felt and heard the car start, then it moved. It was so dark; he never was in a trunk before. Also, he was grateful he was the little one. If he were any taller, he would have to scrunch up and be there uncomfortably.
"Ringo could have fit better than me…oh, stop the nonsense George!" he said to himself. What do they want with me??
Paul, Ringo and John finally reached the parking space of the car, but the car departed already. They were so out of breath from running all over the place and carrying their bags at the same time.
But John didn’t want to face the truth. He had to get to that car, no matter what it took, even his life…John flung his bag (which just happened to be caught be a quick thinking Ringo) and he pursued the car. He was so tired from running before, but there was no way that car could leave with his mate; he exerted all his energy into his legs. Paul with an extended hand, as if to reach out to George and John, shouted both their names out, knowing that George couldn’t hear him anyway and John wouldn’t listen. The car was nearly our of sight…John threw into his legs all of the last of bit of energy his body could give them; he could feel his legs on fire from the blazing white energy…he leaped…and landed on his stomach on the unkind black pavement of the street, barely escaping another car that just sped by. He slammed his fist on the street furiously, looked up with his sharp, glaring eyes in the direction the black car was going(and was now out of sight) and let out a scream that could have shattered the sky.
"Oh, George!!!! What are we going to do now!!"

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter 2
Does the word ‘sweat’ mean anything to you? It was nearly noon, the sun was high in the sky, blaring down on its kingdom, scorching everything in sight. George, still in the trunk of the car, lying down on his back with his knees bent to fit himself inside of the trunk, felt like he was in there for longer than eternity. The trunk of the car began to become a literal oven as the heat glowed about the car, being encased by the metal hood. He hoped that the joyride would end soon; the heat was getting to him. He only could breathe in the hot air that smelled of sweat and whatever material was used to line the trunk. His used-to-be soft, meticulously managed moptop became drenched with his perspiration…The once physically fit Beatle was now in agony, and drowning not only in the heat and his sweat, but his misery as well.
"Uhhhnn…" he groaned. He didn’t want to move too much, he knew it would make it worse…but no matter what he did, it did become worse. He couldn’t breathe…he felt like he was going to pass out…soon.
"Gotta…gotta...get out…" he said as he was growing weaker. I need to get out of here! His brain screamed at him.
"If only I, I could get the top, o-open," George said. He gathered all of his remaining strength(and mind you, there wasn’t much left), focused as well as he could, and with the heel of his right Chelsea boot, kicked the top of the trunk as hard as he could.
All that resulted was a pain that shot up in his right leg to add to his torturous trip.
"Oww…what am I g-going to do now??" Thought George aloud, his mind racing more furiously than his beating, panicking heart. He needed to know what his destination was, or all hope would be lost. How could he contact his mates if even he didn’t know where the three baddies were taking him? His time was running out…His breath was becoming shorter. He felt his mind weaken, like it was giving up; he forced it to continue working.
He could only fight it for so long…with the heat, the pain, the suffering…his mind and body could no longer endure what it was going through.
He exhaled one last breath before passing out.


Paul and Ringo managed to drag John back to the hotel without causing much chaos(John only kicked over several chairs, slammed doors, and cursed loudly as he stormed by). They got to their hotel suite. Paul checked the hallways to make sure no one followed them. It was safe. He locked the door. Ringo and John were sitting at the edge of one of the beds. Ringo had his arm over his younger distressed mate’s shoulder. John ignored it, being in a cloud of his own thoughts.
"*#%@!! If I only looked after him, waited for him, was more patient…we could be on our way home right now, but no. Man, how are we going to get him back!!!" John said loudly.
"John! Shh! We’re in the hotel, don’t speak so loud!" Paul said quickly to hush his mate. "What do they want with him in the first place! Is it because he’s a…"
"Beatle?" Ringo filled in. "I don’t think so. I don’t think they recognized him, or would have cared who they took. They wanted just someone to kidnap…"
"That can’t be! There were so many other bloody people there, why did they have to take George?? Why did they single him out??" John asked with an air of angry belligerence.
"I don’t know! For Christ’s sake, John! I don’t have all the answers! Just calm down! We’ll get him back!" Paul retorted.
"How are you so sure of that McCartney! What if he never comes back, huh? What if they just got rid of him right—"
"John Winston Lennon! Don’t you ever talk about your mate that way! What if it did come true huh? How would you feel about that??!" Ringo exclaimed, doing something he rarely did…he raised his voice.
"What if, what if, what if!!! We could go all around in stupid circles with that phrase! C’mon now! We’re not going to get anything done or get back home, let alone get George back! We have to work together fellas! Now, just cool it, ok?? I want to get him back as much as anyone else John, but we’re not gonna get anywhere if we continue fighting!!!" Paul was out of breath after his speech. He sighed and stood akimbo, head slightly cocked to one side. The three Beatles sat in silence. The loquacious Beatle was stunned. What was he thinking? Paulie was right. As much as it hurt inside, he knew he had to pull through for George, his little mate. Me mate might be in trouble, he thought. They had to work fast.


The three’s hideout was an old, dilapidated, three-story building on the outside, but it concealed a nicely kept interior, everything was flawless and clean. It was well equipped too, had all their belongings in it. The building’s inside wasn’t like a house exactly, looked like a science or computer lab. It was the late afternoon. The car stopped. The three got out of the car.
"What are we going to do with him?" Julek asked as he got out of the car. "What if he doesn’t have it at all?!"
"It’s not a tinker toy Julek, it’s a diamond. How could he miss it?" Janair asked.
"But what if it’s not in the bag! Did you check it?!"
"We don’t need to check it. It’s in there, no doubt. C’mon, we have to get him inside before someone spots us." Xavier ordered.
"Wait, you didn’t answer my question! What are we going to do with him??" Julek asked again a little frustrated.
"Julek, we’re gonna do what we want with him. We’ll get information out however we can. It doesn’t matter what we do with him, as long as we get what we need, even if we have to…"
"Even if we have to what Xavier!" Julek yelled.
"Kil—I mean, hurt him." Xavier said icily.
Julek shuddered, but his brother and boss didn’t notice.
I just hope we don’t hurt him…he’s so little, so helpless, so young…worried a concerned Julek.
George was only 21…Six years younger than Julek and Janair, eight years younger than Xavier.
His train of thought was interrupted by Janair’s voice. "Julek! Get over here and carry the prisoner inside!" Xavier meanwhile, took the suitcase and walked into the building. The two brothers were left outside. They stood at the trunk.
It was silent.
"Open it Julek. Heh, seems like he’s had the time of his life." Janair sneered. Julek’s heart shivered. He opened the trunk up. The heat trapped inside the car came rushing out to meet them. They saw George in the car, motionless.
"Good, he’s out. Ha, the weakling couldn’t take the long trip. Less of a struggle I suppose. If he puts up a fight, break his wrists." Janiar said with an evil smile. "I’m going in first. Take him inside ok?" Janair didn’t wait for a response from his brother as he walked into the building.
"Poor guy must have passed out because of the heat…I knew it was too hot, especially for a little guy like him…Don’t worry man, it’s gonna be all right," he said to George. "Have to get inside before the others get suspicious." He took up the lifeless Beatle into his arms. He was worried.
He wasn’t worried for his own sake; he didn’t care if he got caught, or if he had to pay for his crime.
He worried about the limp, unconscious Beatle he held in his arms.


"About time slow poke." Janair scorned as Julek walked inside the room where he and Xavier waited.
"Sorry Janair, he was heavy after carrying him for a while."
"At least he’s here, that’s good enough." Xavier said coolly as he removed his own jacket. "Leave him on the floor. We’ll just have to wait for him to get back into the material world." Julek placed him gently on the cold floor.
"Let’s check the bag Xav, I wanna see the diamond again, please." Janair said with excitement.
"Sure, I’d like to see it myself. I put the bag over there on the table. Let’s go." The two went over to the other side of the room to the bag. Julek waited for their backs to be turned.
"I wonder what your name is kid…your head must be uncomfortable on the floor, must be cold too…" Julek said softly as he looked at the motionless Beatle. Julek took off his own jacket and placed it under the Beatle’s head, got Xavier’s jacket and blanketed George with it.
"Where is it??" shouted Xavier. "So many damn combs in here! Clothes, socks, a mirror, but where is the diamond!!"
"It has to be in there! Dump the whole thing out!!" Janair offered. Xavier poured out all the contents of the bag out. The two rummaged thru the contents. Julek came over to help as well, leaving the helpless Beatle’s side. Julek saw no sign of the valuable gem.
I knew it! The two stupid idiots didn’t listen to me! Now what’s next? Julek thought.
"God! It’s not here! He must have it on him!" Janair concluded.
"Janair! There’s no way he could have it! I carried him in, remember!" Julek defended.
Xavier threw the bag down on the floor with all his might. He was furious, but he knew he had to keep his cool. "Doesn’t matter, man. We have to find out where it is. He could’ve hidden it…" He grew even more serious, his eyes became darker and pierced with a hateful glare.
"Time to be enlightened guys…Julek, get the hostage. Janair, pull up that computer chair with wheels." Xavier told them.
Julek silently prayed to whoever would listen to keep 'the kid' from much harm.
He took up George, leaving the jackets on the floor. Janair was ready with the chair. "Set him here," Janair told his brother. Julek placed the Beatle carefully in the chair. George’s head still limped forward, his body slouched in the chair. Xavier secretly placed a weapon in his pant pocket.
It was a revolver.

Xavier walked over to the still unconscious Beatle. Julek and Janair sat in chairs at George’s side. "Wake him up, one of you get him up!" Xavier commanded. Janair didn’t hesitate as he took the Beatle’s collar and shook him violently. Still no sign of life. Julek became fearful for 'the kid’s safety…

"C’mon, get him up!" Xavier let out a cry of frustration. "I’ll do it myself! Get up, now!!" He yelled in George’s face. No effect.

"Wake up! Listen to me!! Maybe this will tell you!" Xavier took out the revolver convulsively….

Smack! He slapped the Beatle across the face with it.

The strike was so hard that the unconscious Beatle was knocked out of the chair. Julek’s mind gasped at the sight. He quickly caught him before he fell to the floor. He placed him back delicately in the chair.

"Unnhhh…" George slowly gained consciousness from this senseless act of violence. His handsome face was now brandished a dark bruise, crimson blood languidly streamed down from the corner of his mouth. Julek’s heart sank and his face became pale. Somehow his prayer wasn’t heard…

"That’s better then." Xavier scoffed. "A little pain won’t hurt the guy." George’s beautiful eyes opened cautiously. He gradually sat up and held his injured cheek with his hand; it throbbed in pain. He found himself in foreign location…he remembered what had happened to him…

"Where am I? What did you do to me??" he screamed as he looked in horror at the hand that he just put to his cheek. It was bloodstained. He was still a little dizzy from just waking up, but he didn’t care.

"I don’t know what you want from me, but I’m outta here!" he proclaimed. He sprang from out of the chair and bolted for the door.

"Get him! He’s getting away!!" Xavier shouted. By this time, George had already gotten out the door. Janair and Julek both ran out to get him, but for different reasons. One was the hopeful savior, the other…the incarnate of evil.

God, I do hope I find him first…Julek said to himself.

George ran aimlessly, but fast. He didn’t know when and where he turned. He ended up going down a dark alley. It was a dead end. He panicked…he crouched near some trash cans…maybe I lost them, he thought.

Unfortunately for George, his luck ran out. He didn’t even know, didn’t hear him coming…

It was Janair. He loomed precariously over the escaped Beatle.

George looked up…it was dark, but what was that thing that gleamed in the moonlight? He wondered.

It was Janair’s knife.

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter 3

The knife glistened and radiated with such intensity…Janair only had to utter a few, laconic words.

"Does this say enough for you?"

George put his hands up. He couldn’t do anything but surrender. Janair forced George(still with his hands in the air) to walk in front of him while he followed with the weapon. Julek spotted them and ran to Janair’s side.

"He’s ok, right, brother?" Julek asked.

"Yeah, just gave him a scare with my ‘friend’ here," Janair replied as he brandished his gleaming knife.

"Ok, that’s good. Glad you caught him," Julek answered. He was slightly relieved that ‘the kid’ wasn’t hurt more. The three got back to the hideout. "Hey Julek, hold him so he doesn’t get away again." Janair said. George didn’t resist as they both held his arms tightly, Janair still with his knife in the other hand, ready to strike if necessary. Xavier was awaiting their return. Janair put his knife back in his pocket.

"Happy to see you again," Xavier remarked sarcastically. "Get him over here." Janair and Julek replaced George back in the swivel chair.

However, seeing that Janair no longer had a weapon, George was determined to get away again. He swiftly gave Janair a strong kick in the shins which sent Janair nearly to the ground. Julek relinquished George(not just to help his brother, but perhaps give ‘the kid’ the chance to get away again). But George wasn’t aware of Julek’s intentions, so he struck him across the face with his fist and, using his boot, George pushed Julek in the stomach with it to get him out of the way.

Meanwhile, Xavier stood aghast. The fool has guts, no doubt, but he’s still a fool, he thought. "God, if you want something done here, you might as well do it yourself!" As George was making a getaway, Xavier picked up the chair and launched it toward the captive Beatle.

It struck George in the back, near his right shoulder. The pain was simply numbing. He felt like his entire upper right side be temporarily cut off from any blood flow. It seemed like a stinging acid now circulated thru him.

George let out a cry of pain as he fell to the ground on his knees. He placed both his hands on his right shoulder, tears forced themselves down his face as he tried to tame the pain…he tried to get back up, but he staggered and fell back to his knees. Xavier knew he hit the target. He smiled wickedly as he forced George to resume his place in the chair that Xavier had already retrieved. Julek and Janair were already up and standing and better off than George.

"See? I don’t see what’s so difficult about this; you guys make it seem like it takes so much damn work. Janair, tie his hands to the swivel chair so he doesn’t get away. I have to think of a way to get the diamond from him. When you’re done here Janair, meet me in the other room. Julek, you stay, keep an eye on him." Xavier departed. George kept moaning in pain. Janair struggled to get George to relinquish his smarting shoulder, but finally managed to tie his hands as Xavier had told him. George realized he still had use of his legs…he thrust one out, hoping to injure Janair, but the captor predicted George’s actions correctly. He quickly avoided getting hurt once more.

"Ha, I knew it, you’re so predictable. And this is what you get for fighting back!" Janair turned the swivel chair so George’s hurt shoulder faced the wall. At this time, Julek’s eyes widened in fear.

Janair placed his foot on the chair. He gave the chair a hard shove toward the wall. George(and Julek for that matter) braced for impact.

Blam! His shoulder slammed against the wall, and George let out another anguished cry of pain. Julek looked away in remorse.

"I hope you learned your lesson, stupid. Just for that, I’m going to tie the chair to the table leg so you don’t get away." George had hung his head, not in shame, but he hurt so much. "You’re not going to be here for long if you just tell us what we want to know…" Janair said.

"I…I don’t know wh-what you w-want…" George managed to say thru tears.

"Of course you know you idiot! Don’t think that we don’t know what you’re hiding!"

"Wh-what am I hiding? I have no idea…" at this Janair grew aggravated. "Just shut up now ok?? Xavier will know what to do with you." He shoved the chair one last time…so hard it tipped over…George couldn’t put his hands down cos they were tied…so he landed on his side…

It just has to be the side I’m hurting on, thought George.

"Looks like I’m done here heh, for now." Janair said. "Well, I’ve had enough fun, I’m going to talk to Xav about what we’re going to do next. Remember, brother, watch him. He’s a feisty one, but he won’t be any more trouble now, huh? See you in a while." Janair closed the door as he left the room. Julek quickly ran over and locked it.

He let out a sigh of relief. His hot-tempered brother finally left. He immediately went over to George and set the chair(and him) back up to normal position.

"Ow! Careful…m-me shoulder…" George said weakly. He stopped his tears.

"Oh! I’m sorry kid. You ok? Seems my brother beat you up bad. Does it hurt much?" Julek asked.

"Me shoulder is all right, I suppose. Time will heal it, man. It’ll be ok, just hurts for now, but all things must pass…."

"You English? I noticed that you said ‘me shoulder’ instead of ‘my.’" George gently nodded. "All things must pass? Yeah, you’re right kid, you’re right. But for now, you want to put ice on that?"

"Sure, it’ll help. Thanks." Julek ran out of the room by another door(not the one that the former two exited from) and went to get some ice.

Hmm…he’s not beating me up…he’s perceptive I have to say…I wonder what they want… George thought. *Sigh* How are me mates going to get me now? Julek retrieved the ice in a bag, and placed it on George’s shoulder. He also untied the chair from the table leg and untied his hands. George was so grateful his hands were free.

"Thanks for untying me…" George said managing a small, appreciative smile.

"I don’t want to hurt you, I don’t see the reason in it. You’re just a kid…how old are you? What’s your name?" Julek asked.

"I just turned 21 in February…what about you?"

"21 and a month old huh? See, you’re so young; you’ve got so much to live for, man. I’m 27, going to be 28 in August, just like my brother. Xavier’s the old one, he’s 29. How’s your shoulder?"

"I think it’s ok now, it feels better…" he said as he placed a hand on the ice pack.

"Don’t move too much, that’s all…Hmm, I see your fingers are a little calloused. You play?" George nodded. He’s very perceptive, George thought again. "You never told me your name, kid." Julek said gently. "Don’t want to reveal your name? That’s ok, I’ll tell you mine, you probably guessed it already though. I’m Julek, my twin brother is Janair, and then there’s Xavier. Oh, the blood from the corner of your mouth has dried, how’s your cheek?"

"I haven’t noticed really, other places of me hurt more now."

"Is everything is all right? You need anything? Quick tell me before those two come back."

"Do you have anything to eat? I was supposed to eat on the plane…but you know, I’m here. I haven’t eaten all day…it was so bloody hot in the trunk too…"

"Yeah, I know kid, I know. I think I have something in my coat pocket, lemme check." George waited patiently.

"It’s not much, but it’s all I’ve got. I’ll be able to get my hands on something else when I have the chance, something healthier. Here you go." He held out his hand.

It was an unopened bag of jelly babies.

"Oh, thank you so much! You’ve saved me life!" George said as he received the treats. "They only have these back in England…you have to tell me where you got them from." He started to eat them.

"You like them huh? I’ll take you to the shop where I got them from sooner or later when this is all over kid." Julek smiled.

After George quickly devoured them, he put the plastic bag which had just previously contained the jelly babies into his pant pocket. He asked Julek the several burning questions.

"Why did you bring me here? What do you want from me? What have I done?"

"Kid, we wanted you cos you have what we want. Now I don’t feel like going along with their idea anymore. I never knew they’d treat you that way; that wasn’t my idea…I just wish they wouldn’t."

"What do I have? I have nothing on me! See?" George slowly stood up, he was feeling better. He emptied all his pockets, showed the empty plastic bag and shook his jacket to show nothing was present. He sat back down. "What did you, I mean, they want from me though?"

"Ok, I’m spilling the facts so you understand. There’s this diamond you see, with an emerald encased inside of it. It’s very rare and valuable, and Xav and Janair want it so they can use this ray gun laser thing that goes with it. I lost the rock at the airport, while you were going thru your bag. I know, I just know that it fell inside that bag. But when we took you and the bag, we were thinking that you knew about the gem already. But now, you have no idea about it, and the diamond isn’t here at all! So I think we should let you go, but I doubt that Xav or Janair will let you free. They’ll keep you for a reason."

At that, George tried to comprehend the story. Me bag? Me suitcase at the airport? I lost me pick, yeah, I knew that, but I found it in me bag, not Paul’s— "Aiie!"

"What kid? What’s wrong?"

"Ohmigod! I know where it is!"

"You know?? That’s great! Where is it!"

"Please don’t tell, please don’t tell Xavier and Janair I know where it is, please. I’d rather me mates be safe from harm, they have me, that’s enough."

"You’re courageous kid, I have to tell you that. I swear I won’t tell man, I won’t. I promise." Julek assure George sincerely. George whispered it to him, but referred to Paul as ‘me mate.’

"Oh, gotcha. We’ll have to get the word to them…I can’t do much, I have to show I’m still on Xav’s side…your ‘mates’ will have to come and rescue you. I’ll try to help as much as I can. Oh no, I think I hear them coming back. Sorry kid, I have to tie you up back to where you were. I won’t tie it tight, I know your shoulder still hurts…how is it?" Julek asked as he retied George’s hands back up.

"It’s better now, kinda aching, but I’ll live. Thanks Julek."

"No problem kid." He said. He just finished tying the chair back to the table leg. The other two walked in. Julek had resumed back his post as turnkey.

"How was he? Didn’t cause much trouble huh?" Janair asked.

"He was just fine, didn’t have the guts to try and escape again."

"Perfect." Xavier said. Janair smiled proudly. "I have the perfect plan. We’ll hold him for ransom."

George gulped nervously. Julek could feel George’s anxiety.

"Ransom, Xavier? Are you sure? He’s got nothing, I already checked."

"I don’t want this whole thing to become a total waste, so this is what I’ve decided. Untie him Julek, get him writing to whoever cares about him. You’re doing a good job since he hasn’t gotten away yet. Janair and I are going to get something to eat…you want the usual?" Julek nodded. Xavier and Janair left the room.

"You’re really lucky kid, you’re gonna get to eat, and you can contact your friends at the same time. Here, use this paper, here’s the envelope and this pen. Start writing, whatever you want, I’ll deliver it." George gratefully took the paper and started his SOS message. When he was done, he gave it to Julek.

"You need some sleep kid, get some rest. I’ll wake you up when they come back." George agreed. He tried to get comfortable in his position, but before he knew it, he was already asleep.

"Poor kid, dead tired and hurt…I’ll send this tonight express…Hmm…he must be the youngest of his mates, still don’t know his name though…

Julek read the letter, and placed it in the envelope. He wrote the address of the building on it, just like a normal letter. He thought he could figure out George’s name, but he couldn’t.

Cleverly, George had ended his letter:

Little Mate.


"John! Paul! Fellas!!! You have to see this!!!!!" Ringo said as he ran down his floor’s hallway. "You’ve got to see what this says! He ran to the room and slammed the door shut, knocking the "Do Not Disturb" sign off the door. He thrust the letter to the duo composers. John read aloud: Dear Mates,

Hey! I’m doing all right, I’ve been better. They hurt me shoulder and I got a slap to the face with a revolver, so hard that I started bleeding. However, I’m doing ok. Do you want to know a secret? Here’s the scoop: These guys, Xavier, Janair and Julek, kidnapped me cos they wanted a diamond. They thought the diamond ended up in my bag, when it really was in one of your guys’ bags!! Now they’re gonna hold me for ransom, and I don’t know what’s going to happen next! Beware of only Xavier and Janair, they’re the ones that could pose a problem. Julek is the one helping me send this to you. He even gave me some jelly babies to eat since I haven’t eaten since morning. You guys have to get me out of here, bring the diamond too! Hurry!! Love, Your Little Mate ///-o-o-\\\ P.S. I love you!

"God! It really is him! Here’s the address…" Ringo said.

"Never mind about the address! Where is the bloody diamond!!!!" chorused John and Paul.

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter 4

"Dear Lord, he was taken for nothing!" Paul said in a manner that was indignant and concurrently confounded.

"Quick! To the suitcases! We have to find that $&% diamond!" rushed John (wish he would tone down on the language!).

"Did you notice we didn't even open them yet?? Now I'm wondering if one of our bags is missing!" said an exasperated Ringo.

They emptied all the bags out. The truth came spilling out as well.

"Well, these are our bags…they've got a hold of George's…" John said as he looked thru Paul's bag.

"John! Don't touch any of me stuff! Get your hands out of there!" Paul said piqued.

"Uh, Paulie…I don't think this is yours…" John finished slowly, holding up…

…the diamond.

"Jesus Christ! Is that what they want???" Ringo exclaimed.

"Must be…look at it! And the emerald is inside, just as little Geo said…" John said as he was in awe of the object he held.

"Mates! Would you please stop looking at it! We're wasting time staring at the rock that took Geo away from us! I mean, c'mon! Focus!" Paul said, his eyebrows wrinkled due to being upset. "It's a long drive…We'll get there in the afternoon! It'll be dark by then! We have to go!" John quickly placed the diamond in his concealed jacket pocket. They had no idea what they would need to help defend themselves. They randomly crammed things they might need somewhere on themselves.

"John, why on earth do you need that??" Paul asked benignly as John held a corkscrew.

"Who knows? It might come in handy!" he said as he placed it in another pocket. "And why are you taking that?" John asked. He pointed to Paul's small mirror.

"Heh, who knows? Right John?" Paul said with a smile. John rolled his eyes. They all hopped into the car. (By the way, Paul drove).


"My God! George had to sit in the trunk for that long?? I wonder how he is!!!" Ringo said as he got down from the car after they reached their destination.

"Exactly what I was thinking Ringo. But in his letter he seemed to be improving…I hope he's ok," replied John. Paul examined the exterior of the building.

"It looks really creepy mates…are we all ready men?" Paul said lowing his voice.

"Yeah yeah yeah!" John and Ringo chorused.

"Great! Let's go!" Paul said. "Beatles to battle!"

"Yeah, but how do we get in? They're not going to have a ball that's for sure if we just stroll in." Ringo pointed out.

"Let's see what room George's in, then we'll get in that way!" John said.

"That's gear and all Winnie…" Paul said contemplatively.

"Don't call me that, Jamie!" John said, his voice slightly irate.

"Ok ok, John! Let it be mate…hmm…what if he's on the second, third or fourth floor?" Paul asked. The others haven't thought of that yet.

"Good point Macca…Hmm. Anyone willing to climb up the fire escape?" Ringo asked. No one volunteered. "You guys! If we're here to save George, we have to risk something!!"

"I'll do it then. I'm not scared like Paulie here," John said pointing his thumb at Paul, who in return rolled his eyes.

"Ok, you search the floors above. Me and Paul will search the bottom floor. Meet us down here, near the car ok?" Ringo said. "Synchronize your watches!" John tried to reach the last ladder bit of the fire escape that hung down. It was a little too high to reach. He tried and tried, but he couldn't reach it.

"Paul! Help me up here!" John called to him in a loud whisper so as not to be heard by the people inside the building. "I have to get to where Paulie?" he said as he gave a wink to his mate.

"You have to get to the Toppermost of the Poppermost!" Paul said smiling.

"Right! Now help me up!" Paul knelt down with one knee on the floor, one knee bent. John stepped up on the raised knee and grabbed the lowest bit of the fire escape. He scrambled to get higher, which he succeeded in doing. He mouthed a 'thank you' to Paulie down below and Paul and Ringo in return, gave him a 'thumbs up' sign. As John ascended to the zenith of the fire escape, the two mates on the ground peeked into windows to check if they could find George.

(By the way, George did get to eat something that was good for him). The two fiends, Xavier and Janair, were thinking ahead already.

"Hey Julek," Janair addressed his brother. "Did you send that ransom letter to the fool's friends?" (as he mentioned 'the fool', George, still tied up in the chair, secretly glared at him behind his back).

"Yeah, I did brother. Why do you ask?"

"Because, anytime soon, they'll be coming. If we get them, we'll hold them all for ransom and get more money out of this. Plus, if they brought the diamond, more benefit for us!" Xavier said, proudly beaming at his own intelligence. Julek was now more concerned. He tried to think of a way to save them all, but nothing could come to him without betraying his brother and his older comrade. He remained silent, still contemplating. Xavier again had other matters to attend to…perfecting his ransom plan…so he said: "Janair, I'll leave the dirty work to you. I'm going to ponder a infallible scheme that will be sure to work." He left the room. (He does that often huh?) Always consenting to his leader, Janair directed his attention to George.

"Hey you," he said, his voice becoming lower. "You, have to tell us who's coming, their names, your name, and more. If you don't cooperate, we'll hurt you, I mean it too. If you do, however, cooperate, you won't hurt…as much." He finished with a grin. George scowled at his adversary. I'm not going to say a word, let alone tell this psycho, George branded these words in his mind. He kept his spirit strong; nothing and no one would be able to penetrate his strength and wrench answers from him. Janair however, was out to destroy that barricade, no matter the cost.

"So tell me…" Janair started slyly as he stood over the Beatle like an overeager sentinel. "What's your name and what's your friends' names?" George didn't even look up and ignored the question. He started to observe his boot, which he noticed, needed some polishing. He wanted to rub off some dirt that adhered to his boot, but his hands were tied, so he scratched that thought.

Janair sighed with an inkling of irritation apparent in it. He started again, this time thru clenched teeth. "Look man, I only want to know who you are. What's your name? How's that? Just tell me your name." George again didn't respond as he now started to gently rotate in the swivel chair he was tied to. Janair could stand this "impertinence" (as he called it) and he grew more serious. He was unable to be anymore lenient to anyone that possessed the audacity to blatantly challenge him. He stuck his face into the bound Beatle's face.

The rotating ceased.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Janair grabbed George's chin and brought Geo's deep brown eyes up to his own burning ones. "Tell me what I want to know!" he screamed in the Beatle's face. George intensely stared back at his antagonist, and laconically retorted in a grave and solemn voice…

"Not a word."

Janair's emotions detonated within his soul. His heart and mind were now on fire. He doused out the fervid flames with a sense of control. He rose slowly.

"Julek?" Julek now turned his total attention to his brother. "Untie him. We're going upstairs." He flashed his resplendent knife again. He idly took out a cloth and began to polish it. He turned his back to the captive and his brother. Julek swallowed his fear as he united George. George bent down to Julek's ear and whispered:

"Don't you know it's gonna be all right."

"I hope so kid. I hope so."

A stern voice permeated the nearly quiet atmosphere, Janair's voice. "Ok, let's go, let's move it. Now." He motioned with his threatening knife. George glanced at Julek. Julek could only accede with his brother and conveyed that thought thru his eyes. George took note of it and agreed. Hr took the lead, with Janair's knife and Julek following closely. Janair and Julek were not the only pair to follow George; another pair also followed intently.

A pair of eyes.

Paul's eyes.


"Ringo! Ringo!!! Ohmigod!!" Paul cried. He held his hand to his heart; it was beating like there was gonna be no tomorrow. He took a few steps back in shock. He had seen him, he saw him, he saw him, he saw him. He began to break out a sweat. He raced his hands thru his moptop several times, sometimes he didn't even know when he started doing it and when he stopped. Ringo speedily dashed over.

"What's wrong mate? What happened? You're so shaky and jumpy!" Ringo exclaimed. Paul took some deep breaths.

"Ok," he inhaled some air and exhaled it quickly. "Ok, I just, I just…I…"

"What Paul! Tell me!"

"I just saw…I just saw George!" he blurted out.

"For God's sake! Where was he?! What's he doing?! What are we going to do!" Ringo became as agitated as Paul.

"Sheesh Ringo! Breathe! Ok, we gotta calm down." They both exhaled and relaxed a bit. Paul started rambling out what he saw. "He was being taken by two guys, he was going out of the room, I have no idea where, but he looked all right, but there was a knife that one of them had…"

"A knife!!! But is he ok??" Ringo asked anxiously.

"I think so, he's a fearless little lad, he can definitely fend for himself…I hope," Paul reassured.

"Dear lord, we have to save him!!" said Ringo, still panicking.

"All right, what do we always do when we don't know what to do?" Paul asked.

Ringo and Paul looked at each other. One word came to both minds.



"Ooof!" George was pushed into the empty, third story room and he landed on the floor. He looked up and Janair was there with Julek next to him.

"Now, are you going to tell me your name like a good boy, or do I have to beat it out of you?" Janair sneered. "You know that I don't care if you suffer as long as I get what I want. Don't bother getting up either." He put away his knife.

George mumbled some words only audible to himself. He sat up and clutched his knees near his chest, and continued to stare at the floor, ignoring the goon that overshadowed over him. He finally brushed off the dirt from his boot.

"Ok, that's it!!!" Janair let out. "You don't give me what I want, I'll give you this!!!" He pulled off his belt. He raised it up high above his head.

George felt like he had been struck by lightning. "Owww!!!" He cried out. The belt lashed across his face. He was knocked down to the ground, he was no longer sitting, he was nearly sprawled on the floor. His cheek was scorching red. It stung him viciously, heartlessly. This time, George didn't fight the tears; it was pointless, he let them loose, just as he had desired to do so before. His hand once again was to his face. He cowered and trembled. He began the deafening sobs.

"How did you like that huh??" Janair unfurled. He was about to strike again but…

"Janair! What the hell are you doing!! Are you out of your mind?!!" Julek exclaimed. He grabbed the belt from his brother's hand.

"Man Julek, you always have to be the soft one! You're not going to get anywhere in life at this rate!"

"Shut up Janair, before I have to use this!" he threatened as he held up the belt defensively. George was still crying; Julek could still hear the moans and loud sobs. He didn't blame him for crying out loud like that.

"You're not going to hurt me, you don't have the guts to injure your older brother anyhow!"

"Older than me by a stupid 8 minutes! Big deal!"

"You're still not going to do it, I know you too well. I've had enough of this insanity. I'm outta here!"

"What about him huh?? He's hurt! Again! What the hell are you going to do now??"

"I said that I'm leaving, so I am. You're not about to stop me, you couldn't! And who cares about him!" he said as he pointed to a sobbing George. "He can't withstand the pain, it's not my fault. I'm going to tell Xav about you; you'd better have one damn good reason why you're acting this way. Get over here!!!" He pulled Julek by the collar and shoved him out the door. Janair turned back to George.

"There is no way your precious friends can save you now you fool. You're so weak you'll probably die of the pain first. Enjoy your stay here, for eternity!" He laughed villainously as he slammed the locked door.

"You wait till me mates get you! Just wait! Me mates will come and save me. I know it. And when they do, you'll be sorry!" George said to the locked door in a trembling voice, which resulted from still crying. He mustered his strength to stand up. He took a little longer to balance himself on his feet than normally. He looked around the room for a way out. There was a window, but it was very high. He couldn't get to it, and there was nothing to stand on to reach it either. He sank back down and leaned his back against the cold, unfeeling wall of the room. He wished to himself how much he wanted the lads, his mates, to be there with him, to save him from the clutches of evil intent. He hung his head; the tears that splashed to the floor surrounded him like a pool.

However, George was unaware that there was someone there, a mate. This mate had the famous pluck. His heart was also on fire. He was Paul and Ringo's savior, and soon hoped to be George's. It couldn't be anyone else. This savior could only go by the name of… …John.

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter 5

John looked in the dark room as best he could. However, he wasn't only looking in, he was burning inside, inside his soul, his heart, his mind racing furiously with thoughts. He witnessed his younger mate get slapped by the tortuous belt under the control of Janair. "I have to save him, I just have to!" he said to himself. He tried to get George's attention. He waved his arms furiously but he didn't want to make a sound. George couldn't see him because George was under the window. John then knocked on the window. George thought it was the wind. John grew frustrated. By now the sun had sank behind the mountains. The room grew darker.

"How am I supposed to save you mate if you won't see me!" Just then, John had an idea. He still possessed the diamond. His eyes brightened. He took out the gem and since diamond is the hardest substance on earth, he used the edge of it and cut a medium-sized circumference in the window as quietly as he could. He placed the gem back in his concealed coat pocket. He gently lifted the cut glass out so there would be a hole where his hand would fit. He put his hand thru the aperture and unlocked the window carefully. George heard the click.

He looked around left and right and became cautious. "Hello?" he said slowly. "Is anyone there?" George then saw a black phantom cascade to the floor and before he could react, there was a slight scuffle, the figure's hand was across his body, which prevented the movement of his arms, and another hand covered his mouth. He struggled to get free and he tried to cry for help, until a familiar voice calmly whispered in his ear.

"George! It's ok, s'ok, s'only me…calm down, shhh." George stopped struggling and took a good look at the phantom that held him tightly. The figure relinquished him. George was relieved.

"Oh John!" John hushed him so the fiends wouldn't find out. George whispered, "You came you came! Thank God you're here! Where's Paul and Ringo?"

"They're outside trying to look for you, apparently I found you first! How's your cheek? That bloody low-life was trying to beat the crap out of you…"

"It's ok I guess, but I thank the Lord that his brother stopped him, or I would've been done for."

"Wasn't that Julek or something? You wrote it in your letter…"

"Yeah, it was Julek, his brother was Janair, and the leader of this group is-"

"Xavier. Yeah, I know that. Seems like I have two people to take care of though at this rate. Now we have to figure out how to get out of here!"

"Thru the window John!"

"No George, it's too high. If I went up first with your help, I wouldn't be able to reach my arm down long enough for you to get out as well luv."

"So now we're stuck here!"

"No we're not. I have a plan, I think."

"Ok! Tell me John!"

"All right then, we have to get Paul and Ringo inside the building. We have to get the fiends to come in here, that way they'll be distracted and Paul and Ringo can get in without a struggle."

"That's great! But isn't that risky?"

"Yes, I know. But I don't want to leave you here alone, just in case they do come in. We have to teach them a lesson they will never forget!!! Why in hell did they beat you in the first place?"

"Cos he wanted to know my name and who was coming to rescue me."

"Well, at least you didn't tell them luv, but that's ok if you did. I'm not scared of them."

"Oh John, you're always so brave!" He looked in admiration of his mate. John smiled.

"It's a living, mate, it's a living. This will definitely work, I know it will!"


"What is wrong with you??" Janair asked of his brother. "I was on a roll, and he might have told me something, but you had to just intervene and ruin my fun! Augh! Sometimes I just can't understand what's going on in your head!"

"Janair, you were going to kill the guy! If you did, then you wouldn't get your answers, and we'd be on the run and end up dead ourselves! What were you thinking???"

"Y'know Janair, he does have a point," offered Xavier. I don't wanna go to prison over killing a fool that won't talk. It's too much of a hassle to deal with. His friends will come for him, and we'll be in deep trouble."

"Fine fine! We won't hurt him as much anymore."

"What do you mean 'we', Janair?" Xavier asked contemplatively with a hint of slyness.

"All right all right all right! I won't hurt him anymore. But you hit him with the revolver!"

"I know that. I only hit him once though, I didn't kill him." Xavier said coolly. Janair sighed and let out a sign of aggravation.

"Oh well, at least that's settled," Julek said. "Let's get on to-"

Before he could finish, there was a great deal of noise going on upstairs.

"What in the name of hell is going on here??" Janair yelled.

"I don't know, but we should find out," Xavier said. "Let's go." The three of them climbed up the stairs to the third floor room.

"God! What's going on in there!" Julek asked.

"Let me out! Let me out of this bloody place!" someone from inside the locked room yelled the knocking and banging on the door increased.

The sound escaped out the window. It reached Ringo's ear.

"Paul! Are you hearing this?!"

"Yeah! Isn't that John???"

"We have to get inside and check it out! Ok, get thru that door, and be quiet!"

"No prob, I am the king of quiet!"

"No Paul, that's George."

" Yeah, but he's already inside! Oh well, I'll settle on being the Prince of Quiet ok? They snuck into the building with the greatest of caution.

"Jeezis, and I thought I was hot-tempered," Janair said, with Julek and Xavier. "We'll have to shut him up! Ok ok! You can stop it now! We're gonna unlock the door all right??" The banging and yelling ceased. Janair unlocked the door and opened it slowly. George was standing in the middle of the empty room.

"What are you doing??" Xavier asked at the portal. "What's with the noise and the banging??"

"You," he said as he pointed to Janair, who had just stepped into the room. "You want to know my name, huh? You want to know??" Julek's eyes now widened. What was he thinking??

"Sure, I'd like to know, finally some cooperation here! So tell me, what's your name?"

Just then, a figure rushed out screaming: "My name is John, and I officially baptize you!" John thrust his fist out at the surprised fiend and it collided with Janair's face. George then tackled Xavier to the ground. There was an intense struggle. George shouted to Julek.

"Run for your life Julek!"

"Shut up! He's not going anywhere!" Janair said kneeling one knee on the ground. George and Xavier stopped fighting. In Janair's right hand, the knife gleamed with viciousness.

With his left arm, Janair tightly gripped John's neck. The knife was mere inches away from the Beatle's throat.

"Surprise, surprise," mocked Janair in a low and dark tone. "Surprise, surprise."

John shivered a little at those words.

Janair didn't notice. He continued: "Now we have two of them here. You leave Julek, and this guy's a goner. I knew you were up to something all along. I'll forgive you if you help Xav and I here. If you don't, it'll be your fault that this guy's going to die."

John gulped. Julek stayed. Xavier now held George's arms, which were now behind the younger Beatle's back.

"It's ok Janair," Xavier said. "He's knows he can't do anything now. Here," he said to Julek. "Take this one and you Janair, bring that one." They headed downstairs.

"Oh no! They're coming! I can hear it!" cried Paul nervously.

"We have to hide! Quick!" Ringo said.

"Split up, it's the easiest thing to do!" Paul quickly finished. The two Beatles headed in different directions. Ringo leaped behind a large couch that was near some exposed and unused pipes. Paul hid under the stairs, but he made sure that he could see the rest of the room from where he was. He saw the couch, but was unaware that Ringo was behind it.

Whew, he's a good hiding spot, Paul thought. He heard the footsteps. They came down the stairs.

"Now, let's proceed with business shall we?" Xavier said. "Get 'em over there."

John and George were pushed to the middle of the room and both landed on the floor.

"Ok, we know that you came to save your friend. But you probably have something that we want as well…" Xavier started.

"I have no bloody idea what you're talking about. I only came to save him." John said seriously as he looked up at his older adversary.

"Don't give me this crap! You have it, I know you do!"

"Have what? I don't know…"

"He doesn't have it! Leave him alone!" George said.

"You shut your mouth ok?? Just wait and see. We're going to do a little search."

"Fine by me cos I don't have whatever you're talking about!" John said without fear.

"All right then. Janair, search him. Julek, you checked the other one already?" Xavier asked.

"Yeah I did Xav, he doesn't have it."

"Good, this will be easier than I had anticipated-" Before he could finish, John bolted. Janair would eventually check his inner coat pocket, and then he would find the diamond. He ran toward the door.

"Stop him! Stop him you fools! Julek, watch over that one!" Xavier and Janair were both after John.

Gotta get to the door! A determined John thought to himself. He felt his two pursuers gaining on him. Xavier was able to grab his jacket. John tripped and fell to the floor, and his jacket slipped out of his sleeves. He got back up and wrestled Xavier, trying to get his jacket back. John had Xavier pinned to the ground and was about to get the jacket, when Janair forcefully kicked his side. He was shoved off and was about to counterattack, when Janair got out his knife again.

"Surprise, surprise. I didn't want to bring her out, but I just had to. Looks like I win again." Janair said. John put his hands up. Xavier looked thru the jacket. John gulped as he shifted his eyes at George. George and Julek gulped in return.

"Oh, look what I found…" Xavier said with bright eyes and an evil smile.

Xavier now repossessed the diamond. Janair smiled. Paul and Ringo both began to sweat.

"Enough! Now we need a guinea pig to test this. Janair, secure the bold one so he won't escape. We'll try it on him." John, with his hands still held up, was forced by Janair(with his knife) to walk toward the couch. Janair then handcuffed John to one of the exposed pipes. Once he was handcuffed, John strove to free himself. There was no way he could. He rubbed the chain to the pipe to maybe saw it off, but it didn't work. Ringo, behind the couch, saw John, but because of the darkness, John didn't see him.

"Yes, this is the most glorious day of my life!" Xavier said as he got out his ray gun. "Just place the rock here, and it'll be set!"

"Julek!" George whispered. "What are we going to do!"

"I don't know kid, but your friend John there is in serious trouble!"

Xavier placed the diamond in the socket. The hand held gun gleamed with energy. "Ah yes, this is great! Now, let's try this. Set for medium, which is the stun option."

"Why not set it on 'high' Xavier?" Janair asked.

"Because I told you before, it uses too much energy at once, and it might cause serious damage to the gun itself. We'll try that later! Ok, here we go." He pointed his gun at John. John, George, Julek and Paul's eyes all widened. John held up his hands as best he could and tried to shield himself.

"No!!! Don't shoot him! Please don't!" George screamed. Xavier put the gun down.

"Julek, I thought you were looking after that one, now he's ruined my concentration." Xavier complained.

"Just go on Xav," Janair said. "I wanna see it in action!"

"All right then, fire!" Xavier said. He was about to pull the trigger when…

"No! You're not going to shoot me mate!" George cried. He leaped and knocked Xavier's hand up. Just then, Xavier pulled the trigger. The ray beam missed John and hit the wall above him. John exhaled with relief. George ran over to protect John.

"You're going to be ok, John! I'm going to get you out!"

"No, George, watch out!"

"Fool, just for that, have a taste of this!!!" Xavier exclaimed. He clicked the setting of the gun on 'high.' He shot it. George immediately protected John with his body. The greenish ray struck the young Beatle. George let out a cry and was flung to the ground. "Ow! Now the gun's burning hot! Ow!" Xavier dropped his red hot weapon.

"George! No!!" John screamed. So did Paul, but no one heard him. George lay motionless.

"The effect should take place anytime soon now," Xavier said with a wicked grin. "You remember what the 'high' setting does, don't you Janair and Julek?"

"Dammit Xavier! Of course I remember! Why in hell did you do that??"

"I remember too Xav. I think you should be the one to control him." Janair offered.

"What did you do to him?? Look at him, he's going to die because of you!!!" John said as he banged his cuffs on the metal pipe.

"Oh, shut up, he's not going to die. He just won't be himself for a while." Xavier said.

"What?? Why is that???"

"Because," Xavier said thru clenched teeth as he stuck his face into John's. "The 'high' setting puts him in a temporary trance…under my power, so he does whatever I tell him to from now on!!" Xavier finished with a malicious laugh as he turned away from John.

"No!! Go to hell you bloody-"

"Look! He's getting up!" Julek cried.

The Vanishing Beatle: Chapter 6

Everyone's eyes were fixed on the rising Beatle. Everyone that is, except for Ringo, who was still behind the couch. He dared not to move. He had only heard the conversations, gasps, and cries of pain, anxiety and anguish. But getting back…

George slowly rose to his feet. His eyes were still big, brown and beautiful, but they didn't possess the same quality as before. They were glossy, dark, blank and shined with an indescribable shimmer. His body was relaxed but he stood stagnant. Another strange thing was that his eyes hardly blinked, only occasionally coming down and rising back up again. At his success, Xavier laughed wholeheartedly of animosity. John raged inside, but he was also heart broken; he couldn't even protect his friend, when his friend had protected him. Julek stood awaiting what was to become of the 'kid' now.

Xavier walked over to George. The still Beatle stood like he was staring into to blank space. Xavier snapped his fingers in front of George's face.

George flinched. He shook his head as if he were trying to fight off the ray that now dominated his mind. But he stopped…he was defeated by the foreign power…then he was given an order by Xavier.

"This had better work," Xavier prayed. "I order you to sit down. Right now."

George obeyed, with no apparent resistance. John and Julek were now both frightened (and so was Paul, who was still hiding).

"Ha, I knew it! It works like a charm, aw, this is great! Now, now, I want you to get back up!"

George once again obeyed.

"Good, good…Now I want you to do a favor for me now. See that guy over there?" George nodded as he stared intently at John. John's eyes widened.

"Do you know who that is?" Xavier asked. George hesitated.

"Hey, you know me, mate? Right? Remember…" John pleaded. George looked up pensively, then slowly turned to Xavier.

His answer was a negative response.

This was a devastating blow to John, and Julek and Paul for that matter. George was really 'out' of it.

"Dammit! Go to hell! What did you do to him!! Let me go, or I'll…" John started his harangue.

"Oh God, you're getting on my nerves. You," Xavier said to George. "I want you to go over there and shut him up. I don't know, punch his lights out or something." George aimlessly walked over to John.

"Man, don't do this! Fight it mate, fight it! I know you can do it!" John persuaded.

George put up his fist ready to strike.

"No luv, don't do it! You know me, remember? I'm your mate, confidante, lead singer/rhythm guitarist...don't you remember? Fight it!"

"What are you listening to him for??" Xavier yelled impatiently. "Give him what he deserves!"

"No! Don't listen to him!" John's mind raced furiously, trying to think of ways to bring the real George back. "Do you want to know a secret? That guy's bad, evil, and only wants you to hurt your own friend…you can't do that…P.S. I love you…tell me why you're doing this, Geo."

George hesitated again. He let his arm fall a bit, and seemed confused.

"Do I have to shoot you again to get it thru your head?? You take orders from me! So do it!"

"Just listen Geo, fight it, be strong…can you hear me? Don't do it!"


John's head flung back violently and nearly smacked into the wall. His head flopped forward. He let out a painful groan. He tried to bring his head up.

"Yeah, that's fantastic! Do it again!" Xavier commanded, beaming proudly.

Another two thwacks ensued. John's head was now heavy with pain, he didn't care that his left cheek was now iridescent, or he was bleeding, or that his neck hurt after the 'whiplash,' he only cared that he was hurt by his own mate…that carried more weight that getting punched by 50 other guys. He dared not to say a word, he wanted to save his own strength…maybe when he was free he could do something about it, but not now, not in this condition, being handcuffed to the pipe and all. But he did grow indifferent.

Paul became depressed. He couldn't save either of his mates…

Julek quickly inspected the hurt Beatle who now sank to the floor.

"It doesn't look good man, what are we going to do?"

"I don't know…right now, I don't feel like doing anything…"

"Man, don't give up now! Where was that determined guy I saw trying to dart out of the door earlier? Wrestled my brother? Where is he!"

"He's wallowing in his own stupidity that's what. He failed, now I have to pay for it. I don't care anymore, just leave me alone…"

"Hey you, get up! Get up!!" The obstinate Beatle heard the request, but refused to do as he was told. "Xavier!" Julek shouted. "This is all your doing! Ok, you have the diamond, but you've abused the power! What do have to say for yourself?!!"

'What do you mean I have something to say? It seems now, you're the traitor of our group. I thought we were a trio, Julek, but now, you're abusing it." Xavier scoffed.

"You just have to be so twisted, huh?? Let me at you!" He lunged toward his former 'leader.'

"Heh, you don't scare me, I have my own defenses. Janair, get 'im!"

"You have to get thru me first brother Julek!"

"My pleasure!" Julek knocked Janair to the ground and started to wrestle. He had Janair pinned. Janair desperately tried to reach for his knife, but failed.

"You think you're younger brother didn't have the guts to take you on huh?? How's this??"

A revolver went off. Paul and Ringo cringed. Julek was a bit surprised, but in that moment, Janair kicked Julek off of himself.

"Xavier, why do I have to fight him? This is so pathetic, it's a waste of my time! He's going to lose anyway, so you do it!"

"Why should I? I don't have to when…he can do it."

'He' was George.

"Hey, you, get this guy of my sight and life would ya? Thanks so much." Xavier ordered.

"Hey kid, don't get near me, I don't want to hurt you, so stay right there ok?" Julek said backing up from George.

"What in hell are you waiting for? An invitation?? Get him I said, get him!"

With a strange inner strength, or just adrenaline, George tackled Julek and had him pinned.

"Well?? Get rid of him! He's of no use to me!"

George hesitated and seemed to be confused again.

"Kid, I know there is something preventing you from doing what you know is right…Fight it!"

"No! Stop talking! You have to kill him! I hate traitors; they are weak-minded and cowardly. Kill him."

George clasped his hands around Julek's neck. George's face now had a tear rolling down it, although the eye that bore it showed no emotion.

That's him in there somewhere, I know it! Julek thought.

"You're not doing it fast enough! Just finish him off!!"

George squeezed his hands tighter and tighter. Julek knew his air supply would be low soon. The pressure of the controlled Beatle's hands was getting stronger. Julek let out one long breath and closed his eyes.

Seeing this, George released his victim. Julek's head slumped lifelessly.

"Oh good, yes, thank you. You may get off him now and come here." George obeyed Xavier.

Julek knew better…he kept his eyes closed and tried to keep still as he could and appear dead…

At the sight of all this, Paulie knew he had to do something…but what? He had to save John, and George, and now Julek was 'dead,'…what now? He decided the time now would be the time to act. Paul darted like a spy here, there and everywhere, till he reached his counterpart-music composer buddy.

John seemed indifferent to Julek's death. Paul looked at his forlorn mate.

"John? Johnny? John-John? You there? Can you hear me?"

"Of course I do, now go away, you're going to get caught…" was the reply, still depressed but concerned for Macca's safety.

"No, I want to make sure you're all right."

"I'm all right, you should check Julek if you want to be a hero and don't have anything to do."

"Good idea, but I know his plan, and it should work, he's a smart one."

"His plan?" John asked. "I don't get it…"

"I'll tell you later. But for now, I have to go and find a way…"

"The only way you're going is my way. Now get up." Xavier discovered Paul. He placed his revolver he shot earlier to the back of Paul's head. Paulie quickly put up his hands.

"I told you man…you have to listen to me more often…" John whispered to Paul before Paul stood up.

"Janair!" Xavier called out. "You wanna have some more fun after seeing your brother die right? Take this third one here, and see if he can Fly."

However, Janair had begun thinking. How come I do all the dirty work and he gets all the credit? This sucks. There has to be a better way than this. I do all the work, and he sits there like a bum…oh well, can't do anything now…

"Ha. No problem Xav," Janair said as brightly as he could. "It's my pleasure. C'mere!" He grabbed Paul's collar, and the two headed for the roof. Fly?? I hope it's not what I'm thinking… Paul thought to himself as he was taken away.


"God, now I have nothing to do…hmm…he's done it all, everything is almost complete…" Xavier said to no one in particular. "Heck, this is more fun than holding them for ransom." He sat down in a chair, and put his feet up on the table. He noticed his ray gun still on the floor, now cooled down. He picked it up.

"Hey, I haven't finished trying this yet…ok, setting is now at…low," he said as he adjusted the gun setting. He pulled the trigger, and a tiny spotlight now danced on the wall.

"That worked. Now medium is the stun option…" He shot the wall once again. A yellowish-greenish ray shot out and began bouncing all over the room. Xavier dove under the table to avoid getting hit. The ray finally was absorbed into one of the walls.

"Ok, that was stupid of me."

"Ha, I thought so too…" John whispered under his breath. Xavier came out of his hiding place.

"*Sigh* I'm so bored now, nothing to do…nothing to--wait, I know what I want to do, it's not fair I gave Janair the fun of it all, I want to have fun too." He took out his revolver and examined it.

"Is this too brutal? Yeah, and too quick a death. Hmm…I'll think of something, but not now, I'm so tired. Oh yeah, I forgot about you," he said to George, who was still standing, unaware that he had injured his friend. "You've done enough for today. Great job there. Tomorrow there will be lots more to do…I'll be kind enough to let you live, but when you come out of that trance, you're going to die. Have fun. I'm leaving, I have to get some sleep. You just stand there, and we'll see how it is in the morning, got that?" Xavier left the room and went to sleep.

George gave no sign he listened, he just stood there as he had been the whole time. His eyes were still glossy and dark.

Just then, Ringo peeked from behind the couch.

He knew he had to save them all.


The cool, night wind blew on the both of them as they stood on the roof. Paul shivered from the cold, and from fear. He began to sweat. He couldn't wipe his brow because Janair held his hands behind his back. Paul didn't know if he was going to die or not tonight. He prayed in his heart.

"I don't want to die, please don't let me die now, not now…I'm not even 22 yet…"

"Just shut up and move!! Who gives a damn about your age, or your life for that matter. Now move it!" Janair commanded.

They reached the edge. Paul looked down from the precipitous height, his hands still held behind him. He began to feel sick more than anything else now. He hated heights. The sight was getting blurry. He stopped looking down and jerked his head up to see the stars. It didn't help. His heart beat faster and faster, and his head felt dizzy and woozy.

"Oh, stop being a wimp, we're only up four stories. You're going to the floor soon enough, unless you can fly. Don't tell me you have acrophobia." Janair sneered. Paul didn't bother trying to figure out what that word meant; he was too busy worrying about his health and life. He resisted the sickness he felt and tried desperately to wrench free. He was a little too weak to do much, but Janair didn't take any chances as he pushed the Beatle into the protective guard rails that prevent accidental falls.

"Ow, this is…not good…"

"C'mon, it's time for take off, or should I say…drop off?" Janair said. "Good luck, hell, you need it now."

"No, no…don't do it! I'm not supposed to die now! I don't want to go! Stop! No!!" Paul begged as he felt Janair slowly push his body to the other side of the protective rails.

The fatal side.

Janair shoved the Beatle off, but Paul grabbed the lowest bar of the rails and held on for dear life. He breathed rapidly as he looked down.

"That was so bloody senseless of me, I shouldn't have looked down…"

"Doesn't matter anymore stupid, you're going there soon enough."

"Don't! No!! Unngh!" Paul said as he tried to pull himself up.

"Goodbye! Nice knowing you," Janair turned his back to the Beatle.

"Hey, what are you doing! Let me up! Help! Somebody, please!" Paul cried.

At that moment, Janair turned his head back and aimed his heel…

…right on Paul's hand.

"God, no! Don't do it!! No!!!" Janair unmercifully brought his heel down on the dangling Beatle's hand. Paul relinquished the bar and fell…screaming the entire way down.

The screaming stopped. Janair didn't witness what he had done, he waited for the end. He looked over the edge.

Sure enough, there was Paul…on the ground…motionless.

"Surprise, surprise," Janair said wickedly. "Surprise, surprise."

The Vanishing Beatle Chapter 7

"Oh God, no! He's gone! I didn't save him in time! I'll never forgive myself!!" John and Ringo chorused in anguish.

"What the heck?? Who is that??" John asked.

"Paul, this is for you, I'm going to save them all mate, I'm going to save them all." Ringo said to himself with his eyes raised to heaven. Ringo had overheard Paul's conversation with John about Julek's 'plan.' However, John was not aware that Ringo was there the whole time.

"Ringo? Mate? You were here the entire time??" John asked. Ringo came out of hiding.

"Yeah, I was. Don't speak too loud, you will wake Xavier."

"Thank God you're here! Get me out of here, we have to check on Paulie!!" John said quickly.

"Ok, but how? I don't have a key! Thank goodness you're ok, I thought I would have to save you all by myself!"

"That's ok Ringo, I'm here. Check the room, maybe there's something you can pick the lock with!"

"Wait! Didn't you say you had something in one of your pockets??"

"What? The diamond? That's gone and won't help us now!"

"No! Here, let me check." Ringo searched John's jacket.

"I got it John, I knew it." The both of them smiled.

Ringo held up the corkscrew John put in his pocket earlier.

"Gear fab luv, now get me out!" Ringo carefully and skillfully managed to pick the lock of the handcuffs and freed John.

"What about George, John?? Poor lad!"

'Well, we can't do anything now, and Paul's in more danger than him!"

The two of them ran outside and searched around. They finally found Paulie sprawled on the floor lifeless.

"Oh Paul, I'm so sorry for all the evil things I said to you, and I'm sorry about the time I stole your comb when you wanted it…"

"John, he can't hear you now! Stop it, and check if he's breathing!"

"He's not breathing…but he has a pulse! A strong one too! Here, feel!" John handed Paul's wrist over to Ringo. Ringo searched for the pulse and found it.

"He's still alive! How is that entirely possible! He fell from the roof!" Ringo asked.

"Dammit who cares! He's alive! Oh Paul, I know you can hear me now, I'm sorry that one time I jumped on your bed when you were still asleep, and that time I took your boot and flung it into the…"

"John! Stop babbling about it! We have to get him inside, on that couch!"

"No, why are you stopping him there? Let him go on apologizing!"

Ringo and John stopped. They looked down at their mate.

His eyes were open…he was alive and smiling.

"Paul!! You're alive! You're all right!! But how in the world…"

"Hey fellas, I'm all right, just got a little dirty that's all."

"You weren't breathing though! What's with that??" Ringo asked.

"I was, then there's a thing called holding your breath when you guys checked."

"But you fell, a long way, a long long way, a really long way…and you're alive??"

"What, you're not happy I'm alive, John?" Paul said slyly.

"No no! I was just wondering."

"Oh, when I was falling, I saw the balconies of the floors pass me by. So I quickly grabbed hold of the last one, which is the second floor balcony, then I let go, and landed safely on the ground. I looked down twice, and I mean, I felt so sick to me stomach, I was gonna throw up, but I'm all right now. God, my arms hurt so much when I caught the railing…then I faked my death…just like Julek."

"Paul, you're a genius, sheer genius…wait, Julek??"

"He's not dead! He faked it like me to save himself from really dying! Oh and John, you didn't finish apologizing about me favourite boot which you threw into the…"

"Paul! That means we only have to save George now, and teach those two fiends, Xavier and Janair a thing or two!"

"Yeah, Ringo! But George, poor lad, poor mate, how are we going to save him?" Paul asked.

"Fellas, we have to get inside before they notice us gone!!" John warned.

"Ok men, let's go!" Ringo commanded.


"Julek? Julek, it's ok now, the coast is clear. Get up." The three chorused.

Julek opened his eyes.

"Oh, am I glad to see you guys ok! I thought there were only three of you, and you died by my brother and your cheek is still kinda bruised, and that he killed me."

"Hey, this is Paul here, who was pushed off the building, but he held on to a balcony and saved his hide. Here's Ringo, yeah, he was here the whole time and set me free, and me, I'm-"

"You're John, I know that, cos you yelled it when you baptized my brother with a punch to the face while you were in the locked room. What I want to know is what the kid's name is."

"The kid? You mean him?" John asked while he pointed to George.

"Yeah, what's his name? I've been wanting to know the whole time."

"Oh, that's George, little defenseless lad's been thru a whole lot…" John replied. "And we all know you're Julek."

"Yeah, it became quite obvious. Help me up. We have to do something about George there."

The three lads helped their new friend up. They all walked over to the youngest Beatle, still standing there.

"George? Geo? Are you in there?" John asked.

"George? Hey, it's us!" Paul said.

"It's not working, guys. That's a powerful beam from a powerful gun. Talking won't do any good." Julek said.

"Well, nothing's going to work if we don't stop and think about a plan or whatever. Now help me think!" Ringo said.

"All right, I think I have the plan we need mates…" John said.

"You mean the…" Paul and Ringo started.

"Yeah, that's right. The very famous plan." John finished. Paul and Ringo were puzzled.

"John, you don't have a very famous plan." They said.

"Oh, just go along with it, I have an idea." The four of them huddled together to discuss the plan.

"Woah John, don't you think that's kinda outrageous?" Julek asked.

"John is always the kooky one…like that time he…"

"Oh shut up! Are you in or out, Paul?"

"We are all in John, count on it!"

Just then…footsteps sounded.

"Aiie!" Ringo said in a loud whisper. "That's your brother coming to the first floor! We have to…"

"Hide! Do it!" Paul said.

"Hide?? What's the matter with you, is this the right thing to do?? To start the plan this way??" John asked.

"Am I ever wrong John-John?" Paul said benignly.

"All right already, hide then!" John finished. Each of them hid in a different spot. Janair had walked down the stairs and was talking to himself.

"I do this, I do that, I do everything around here! And he's asleep! What is wrong with him? I should be the leader, me, Janair. I have no one to stop me I'm--" he kept on talking as he reached the ground floor.

Uh oh, he's really pissed… Julek knew his brother well.

"I killed the guy, it was my idea to keep them here, I think and do everything! This time, I get even." Janair exited the room to where Xavier was still asleep.

I don't think Ringo should start his part of the plan then…Julek pondered on. He might…oh no!

Too late for the drummer Beatle…his part of the plan was to get the ray gun or his hands on the revolver, whichever was easier…and he was inside already.

Hell, I hope Janair doesn't find him! Julek prayed.


"I don't want trouble Xavier," Janair said as he approached the bed Xavier was asleep on. "So I'll just finish you off quietly…" He tried to find the ray gun or revolver, but he failed.

"Aww man, where did you put those things? I don't want to kill you with my knife, it'll get all bloody and icky, and that's not good…" Janair continued as he stood over the bed.

Sheesh, what's wrong with him? Ringo thought to himself. He had heard Janair walk in so he dove under the bed.

The thing is, he couldn't find the weapons either.

"Hmmm, I just might have to--"

"Gotcha!! You didn't think I had really fallen asleep, huh? I knew it all along, you're just like your brother: a damn traitor." Xavier said, getting up and pointing his revolver at an unarmed Janair. The brother began to back up slowly.

"Now, now Xav, I didn't mean it that way…"

"Oh, what did you mean then? You know you're going to end up like your brother…dead."

"Just hear me out man? Ok? You don't know what you're talking about!"

"Oh, it's not like I haven't been listening or watching you! You, always thinking to yourself, then going to come in here and kill me! I heard you man, I heard you!"

"Xav, you were dreaming! How could you prove any of that crap?"

"Don't get smart with me, with proving and all. You know what you did, and you're going to pay." He cocked the gun.

"Now Xav, calm down, um, you want an explanation? Is that all? Fine, here it is, I'm confessing."

"Quit your acting career, and just tell me what's going on around here!"

"Well, ok, um…"

A crash interrupted him.

"What the hell was that??" Xavier asked. "Turn on the lights!" Janair turned on the lights.

A small table had fallen over and the vase that was once held flowers was now broken on the floor.

And on his hands and knees was somebody who unsuccessfully tried to get out of the room in the dark.

Ringo looked up and met two pairs of fiery eyes. A chill ran down his back.


"What was that?? Did you hear it?" John asked from his hiding place.

"Yeah, sounded like glass breaking or something…" Julek said, as he was closest to the door.

"George didn't do it, right?" Paul asked from somewhere in the dark.

"No, George is still standing there, lifeless…I hope Ringo is ok!" Julek answered. "What are we going to do about George though?"

"Don't worry mate, Ringo knows what he's doing!" Paul reassured. "I hope!"

"We'll worry about George a little later! Shh! They might be coming back lads! Hide! Shh!" John interjected.


"Ok, what's this? Now we have another one here! They're coming up all over the place!!" Xavier cried. "Did you kill that last one, the pretty-faced one?"

"Yeah, Xav, I did." Janair replied coldly.

"Well, that's good. Janair, stay here and make sure he doesn't get away. I'm gonna get my ray gun." Xavier opened a secret compartment and got out his ray gun.

"Bring him over here, take the revolver while you're at it." He tossed the revolver to Janair, who in turn, grabbed Ringo's arm and made him walk.

Janair was armed…he knew he could act now.

As they exited the room, with Ringo in their possession, Xavier looked around to check for trouble. As he scanned the room, he noticed something was missing. Julek was still dead on the ground but…

…John was gone.

"Janair! Hell, one of them escaped! How did you not see that??" Xavier screamed.

"Oh shut up, Xavier!" Janair was so angry he forgot he was still supposed to be watching Ringo. Janair just threw him aside; Ringo landed on the floor on his side. His part of the plan failed, but he hoped that the others would be more successful.

"Xavier, you are always ordering me around! Why don't you do something for a change??"

"I have! And I've been doing it right! Not like you!"

"I had to kill the other one! He must have gotten loose when I was up there! And who was down here?? You!! So you lost him, not me!"

"Stop blaming me for everything! I'm a busy guy, dealing with the diamond, the gun, and…"

"You stop talking about all that you do, you don't do anything! I'll cut your tongue out, or better yet, I'll shoot a hole thru it!" Janair held up the revolver, his index finger on the trigger.

"Janair, Janair…don't you know that I still have this?" Xavier held up his weapon, the ray gun.

"Hell, I don't care, if I shoot you first, it doesn't matter what weapon you have!"

"But that's not gonna happen now is it? If you kill me, you're going to get life in prison or death, do you want that? Or do you want to stick with me?"

"I'd rather see you dead, Xavier. Say your prayers." Xavier then swiftly kicked the revolver out of his former partner's hand.

"What?? You can't do that!"

"I don't play by the rules Janair, you know that. Now do as I tell you or…"

"Or you'll what? Put the gun down and both you, hands up," a different voice coldly and solemnly commanded.

Ringo now held Xavier's revolver.

Chapter 8

"C'mon now, do it before I do something drastic." Ringo said, clutching the revolver. Janair and Xavier put up their hands and glared at each other. Xavier dropped his ray gun.

"Oh, and do you guys believe in ghosts?" Ringo asked.

"What? Why are you asking such stupid questions?"

"Shut up Xav, he's going to shoot you for being pathetic. Ok, you have us here, what do you want?"

"I asked you a question. Do you believe in ghosts?"

"No, of course not, why would we?" Xavier answered irritated.

"Cos I have something to show you, look over there across the room." Ringo gestured with his thumb. His back was in the direction he wanted the two to look at, so he turned his head slightly back to see, but he still held the revolver at them.

A small, dim light over that side of the room lit. An apparition stood; Xavier and Janair could see the dark figure stand in front of the wall. It slowly moved its hand up.

And pointed a finger at Janair. It spoke.

"You you killed me you bloody fool. Now I'm back, this time, to watch you die."

Janair grew a little scared but kept his cool. He knew better than that.

"Oh yeah, you're the pretty-faced one. If you're really a ghost, this won't hurt huh?" Janair took out his knife and launched it toward the "ghost." Paul knew that he wasn't dead, so he dove down as quickly as he could.

The knife struck the wall Paul heard a rip.

The blade had caught his jacket and now, a piece of it was left dangling there with the knife. Paul scrambled to avoid getting hurt for real.

Janair's actions surprised Ringo and he was caught off guard. A quick-thinking Xavier then grabbed the revolver from the Beatle and Janair dove to the ground and brought up the ray gun. He set the ray gun on 'medium,' the stun option. Ringo was no longer a threat for he had no weapon.

"Janair, go and look for that one that just went to hide. I'm gonna take care of this one," Xavier said as he pointed with his revolver at Ringo. Ringo gulped.

"Xav, why don't you do it? I'll take care of this one."

"No, that one over there was yours to begin with, but you didn't kill him, so you have to finish your job! So do it!"

"Yeah, and what if I don't?"

"Then the both of them will see you get a shot thru your head. You wouldn't want that, would you?"

"Oh, no, we wouldn't want that, no, not at all." Janair said sardonically.

"Janair, those are the last words you shall speak tonight!!" Xavier exclaimed. He turned his gun at the twin brother and pulled the trigger.


The revolver ran out of bullets.

"Dammit! Stupid gun won't shoot!" Xavier said as he tried desperately to have it work. He threw down the useless weapon.

"*Sigh* Looks like you're going down Xav. Oh, enjoy the ride."

"I don't think so."

"What's that? Why not?"

"Because he got away!!" None of them were paying attention, so they didn't notice Ringo leave.

"Great! Now what did you do??"

"What did I do?? You were supposed to look after him!"

"Yeah, you guys are brilliant once again!" A familiar voice shouted. Xavier and Janair were both simultaneously kicked in the back, by two different people. As the two turned back to see who kicked them, they were both shocked.

Ringo was one of the kickers.

Julek was the other.

"My God, you're supposed to be dead!" Xavier exclaimed.

"Well, it looks like I'm not huh? What are you going to do about it?"

"This is what I'm going to do!!" Xavier threw his no longer loaded revolver at Ringo's head. Ringo instinctively avoided getting hit as he dodged the flying weapon.

"He's doing something finally now I'm going to do my own thing! Take that!" Janair still held the ray gun. He shot it at Julek.

The ray flew so fast that his younger brother didn't have time to avoid it.

He was hit and fell to the unmerciful floor. Janair smiled.

"That ought to teach you."

"Looks like we're back together again then? Partner? Great performance." Xavier held out his hand for Janair to shake.

"Partners, Xav. I thought you wouldn't come thru." Janair said. "Let's go get them all."

"You have the ray gun. Any sign of movement, and you shoot it."

"Yeah, well take that!!" Another ambush on the two fiends now started. This time, it was still Ringo, but with a new partner who, by the way, goes by the name of John.

"You don't treat your brother that way man, it's not right!" Ringo kicked Xavier in the stomach.

"You can't shoot anything you can't see or if your finger isn't on the bloody trigger!!" John cried as he tried to take away the gun from Janair.

"Be careful! You'll accidentally make it go off!" Ringo shouted to John. At that moment, Xavier returned Ringo's gift by kicking him the shins.

By this time, John and Janair were on the floor, struggling to obtain the gun.

"Gimme that!"

"You lay off will ya?? It's mine!"

"Not unless I shoot you with it!" John managed to put his finger in the trigger and pull it. The ray gun was above Janair's head as the both of them gripped it.

"Ringo, watch out!!" John cried. Ringo now became aware of the danger.

The ray shot out and started to rapidly bounce off the walls. The three Beatles forgot all about George 'til John remembered.

"Paul! Protect George! Hit the deck! Ooof!" John himself had hit the deck, thanks to the help of Janair. By this time, the bouncing ray had hit a table and knocked it over and absorbed into it.

"No one ever stops me in what I'm doing! Eat this!" Janair pointed the ray gun, first at John, but then at George. "One more shot in his weakened state will be the end of him! Wanna see it happen?!" Janair shot the ray gun.

"No!!" Paul screamed as he courageously pushed George out of the line of fire. He was prepared though.

Paul still had the mirror he put in his coat pocket earlier.

The ray gun pierced thru the cloth of his jacket pocket, hit the mirror and then reflected back out and started to bounce on the walls.

"Crap, not again!" Janair cried. Everyone scrambled to avoid the second ray.

Paul ended up on top of George, still shielding him. Brilliant Paulie had a plan of his own. A little one, and not very famous.

Janair was not aware of the mirror in Paul's pocket and figured he was shot. He wondered why the ray bounced off though.

"Must have been a damn button I hit," he said as he carefully watched the airborne ray, being sure that it wouldn't hit him. "At least he's out!"

Paul was once again motionless, still shielding George.

By this time, Xavier was trying to strangle Ringo. Ringo tried to break free, but then-

"Gonna send you to the other side, pal!" Xavier threatened. Then the rebounding ray struck Xavier in the back. Xavier was out like a light.

"Oh, thank God!" Ringo said, breathing a grateful sigh of relief. "Thank you too, mates."

"Augh! Xav! Aw, shi-" Janair was cut off as John kicked him in the chest. Ringo promptly got up and joined in on the attack.

"Oh, two on one, huh? Is that fair? Can you handle it?" Janair said struggling.

"Oh, we should ask you if you can handle it!" John retorted. Both attacking Beatles had the fiend on his knees.

"Don't underestimate me, you fools!" With a reverberating roar, Janair rose up again and knocked them at least 5 feet away. Ringo was a little dazed as he got back up, but he was still ok.

John on the other hand, as he landed, hit the back of his head on the table. He sat up slowly.

"Ow! that bloody *&%# table!!" He idly stroked the back of his head. It wasn't bleeding, but it hurt (no kidding!).

"Surprise, surprise. Looks like it's just you and me, bud," Janair said coldly to Ringo.

"I'm not your bud, pal, or anything that deals with being your friend! Oh, and you should watch where you put your belongings!"

Ringo pulled out Janair's knife from the wall. He stuffed that part of Paul's jacket in his own pocket.

"Ok, you asked for it. Let's go." The two began to square off.

Paul still didn't move as he lay shelter George. But after all this time...

Miracles do happen.

His eyes blinked normally. The gloss disappeared and shined with its regular brightness. His moptop was a little messed up, but that was the least of his worries. He wondered what had happened and where he was, and why the heck was he on the floor with Paul on top of him.

"P-Paul??" he said slowly and weakly. "W-what's going o-on?"

"Shh, hang on a sec man, I'm, oh my God!!" Paul exclaimed in a whisper that was going to burst with enthusiasm and joy.

"George! Luv! You're all right!! Oh Lord, we we're so worried about you! Oh God, oh man, are you ok??" Paul gave Geo a tight hug.

"Paul, Paul I'm ok, as long as I don't suffocate first!" George said in a whisper. "What happened?"

"Listen," Paul's mind raced franticly. "I have an idea. Just follow along. Oh, and this is what happened to you!" Paul explained his plan and what had happened.

"You know, we're not going to get anywhere at this rate!!" Ringo said frustrated as he faced Janair. The both of them didn't attack each other yet.

"Oh, so you just want me to kill you now and get it over with then?" Janair asked with an evil smile. "I'll be thrilled to help you out!"

"All right Julek! Get help, get help!" Paul cried out as a figure ran up the stairs.

"Julek?? Alive?? And you're alive too?? Why does my luck always run out around here??" Janair said angrily. He turned to Ringo. "We're going to finish this later, got that?"

Janair raced up the stairs after Julek. "Julek, you better come down here right now!" Janair ran past the second floor.

"You know you don't want me to find you!" He said as he ran past the third floor. "There is no way out stupid. You get to the roof and it's curtains for you! Are you that moronic?" Janair said as he saw the door to the roof swing.

"Surprise, surprise, I guess you are that stupid, little brother," he said, exiting out the door and emerging onto the roof. No sign of his brother on the roof.

"Ooh, where did you fly off to?" Janair said as he walked over to the edge and looked down.

"I don't know, you should go and find out!!" A voice shouted. Before Janair could react, Julek had shoved him over the railings and now Janair held on the edge of the roof for dear life. He grew frightened that he might fall, but not be as lucky as the pretty-faced one he pushed off the edge.

"Julek, dear brother, don't kill me, it's not right!"

"Oh, and all the stuff you did to me was?"

"Well, Julek..."

"Stop calling me that!!"

"Why? What is wrong with me calling your name?"

"Cos that's not my name softhead!"

"What do you mean it's not..oh damn, it can't be you!!!" Janair carefully looked and examined the face that stared back at him.

"Julek" was George.

"Surprise, surprise back to you Janair!!" he said with passionate mischief. Janair continued to look up at the Beatle he had abused. All the evil deeds he committed flashed thru his mind. But Janair had the audacity to beg for mercy.

"Please man, I'm slipping, forgive me, I'm so sorry for-"

"For what?? For nearly beating me up to death?? Harming me mates and your own brother?? Shooting me with that bloody ray gun?? You're not sorry, and you're going to pay for it. With your life." George summed up solemnly.

"Please, no! I'll do anything! I swear it!" Janair pleaded. "I-Ahhh!"

His hand slipped off. He hung with his other hand remaining on the edge. He quickly reached again for the edge with the fallen hand and held on.

"This is for Julek!!" George cried. He stepped violently on one of Janair's hand. Janair let out a cry.

"C'mon man! Don't do this!" Janair begged.

"This is for Paul and Ringo! You bloody-" George's last word was cut off by another cry from Janair, which resulted from his other hand being smashed. Janair relinquished the roof, and thought he was going to die. But George quickly caught Janair's collar with both hands. Janair dangled in the air. His fate was in the young Beatle's two hands...literally.

"This is for John!" George let go of one hand and punched Janair in the face. Hard. His face was now bruised and it hurt him when he moved his jaw.

"And this this is for me! For all those times you hurt me, you deserve this!!" (The Quiet Fab was actually threatening in a loud and dominating voice).

George's remaining hand on Janair's collar now released.

George watched stoically as his foe plummeted to the ground. Janair was falling to his death. He was so frightened, he screamed the whole way down. He knew this was the end; he was going to die.

He landed with a thud. His screaming ceased.

That was the end of it.

But he wasn't on the ground..he wasn't dead.

He was still alive. How could it be?

He fell, that is true. He fell at least 40 feet..

into the awaiting arms of Paul, John and Ringo.

"Surprise, surprise," the three of them chorused.

Chapter 9

"Hey Julek, glad to see you ok and going back home luv. I hope you take care of that bloody pair, and the diamond," John said, leaning on the Beatles' black car.

"Yeah, you're so right, I'm gonna destroy the gun, and bury the diamond deep. I have to turn myself in along with those two. They're gonna say I'm an accomplice, and I was in the beginning. Have to do what's right."

"Well, I hope that everything works out ok. You're a good person, and you'll be out soon. Maybe we'll see you later? Chat later about all the gear things that passed?" Paul asked.

"It would be great to get together and talk again. But I have to do what I have to do first, and then when I'm free, I'll try to contact you guys."

"Oh, I don't think contacting us would be a big problem..." Ringo said, winking to the others.

"What's that?" Julek asked puzzled.

"Nothing, he's trying to be funny," George finished smiling. "You know, I have to thank you for all that you've done mate. Without you, we couldn't be here now. I couldn't be here now. Thanks."

"It was not a problem. I wanted to do what was right, that's all. Hey, I'll be on my way now, before it gets too late. Plus Xav and Janair won't be happy!" Julek patted the hood of the trunk, and there was a muffled noise. Julek smiled, walked over and hopped into the driver's seat of his car and opened the window.

"Did you think I was happy when I was in there?" George asked grinning, pointing to the trunk.

"Yeah, you're right. You know, all of you, I really admire your determination and teamwork. You four seem to have a bond that's tighter than blood, as you can see from me and my brother here."

"Oh, we've been together now for--" John said, pausing.

"Forty years!" Paul and Ringo chorused.

"Right guys, and I'm one of the Beatles. Well, I must be off. See you all later!" Julek winked, flashed a sly smile at them all, departed, then was out of sight.

"Uh you guys, fellas, what did he just say?"

"Did you think he knew?"

"Maybe he did you think he knew luv?"

"No, it couldn't have been...but..."

"Yeah, he said that he didn't recognize us"

"I don't think it matters if he knew."

"How do you know Paul??"

"Cos left handed people are always in the right mind, John."

"Does that mean I am too?"

"No, Ringo, we'll gladly make an exception of you!"

"Ack, little one, you have to get your head examined luv."

"Thanks a lot!!"

"So what are we going to do about Julek?"

"Who knows? We'll find out later!"

"How are you so sure about that?"

"What did I just go over with you mate?"

"That has nothing to do with it!"

"But I don't think he's going to do much about it, he knows he knows, so what?"

"Yeah, he didn't reveal it with his brothers look, what if he doesn't even know?"

"Mate, he winked and smiled at us, like we do when we cause a bit of trouble."

"So, what's your point? Maybe he did that just to confuse us! What do you think about that?"

"Geo, well, I think that--"

"As a matter of fact--"

"Well, I think--"

"What do you think fellas?"

"I don't know, I've forgotten."

"Me two Paulie oops, I mean too!"

"Me four wait, that's not right!" Giggling commences.

"Geo was right about the exception, Paul!"

"Hey John, you were the one who started this number business with the 'me two!!'"

"Great, just what I need; me older mates have gone potty. Let's go home ok? I wanna go home and take a nap!" Hopping into the car commences.

"Oh, and you're driving?? Don't think so!"

"No, I want to drive!"

"No, me!"

"I'm already in the seat fellas. Let's go!"

And then George started the car all the lads were thinking about Julek and who got to control the radio station.

"It's my turn to change the station McCartney!"

"No, Lennon, you did that last time! It's my turn!" And the car drove off into the distance and headed back home. They drove and reached a familiar freeway, and took that path. George held his breath as he drove thru a tunnel, made a wish and exhaled as the car emerged from out of the tunnel.

Nope, the two lads still kept on arguing over the radio station. He sighed. At least he was going home. Yet he didn't notice that the tunnel was under an overlooking bridge.

As soon as they emerged, someone on the bridge was looking...

...Looking down on them pass. He nodded in approval and smiled.

"Yep, Lennon and McCartney. I was right, from the beginning all along, all this time."

The End

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