A Flower For A Beatle

By JPamLennon@Aol.com
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A Flower For A Beatle: Chapter One

"Yeah, well, I never want to speak to you again! Not ever!!"

"And I don't ever want to see you again for the rest of me life!"

"Then that settles it! I'm gone, George, I'm gone!!"

"That is perfectly fine with me John, cos I don't care what you do as long as it doesn't involve me any longer!"

1964: The two Beatles slammed doors as they both left the house in different directions: John going out the front, and George going out the back. (Narrator's note: Paul and Ringo were on holiday in Denmark).

John and George got into a fight. This was typical, but they never did separate like this before.


John went one way, George went the other. They didn't get back home, nor did they want to go home at this rate and it was already late afternoon. Neither of them cared, cos going back home would be a sign of weakness. They sauntered on their way, thinking about their fight.

"Ack, that George Harrison, wish he would listen to his older mate sometimes. But I don't care, I won't see him anymore, so I don't have to worry about what he's doing right now." John wandered onto the abandoned beach. He sat in the sand, held his knees, and was looking over the majestic and picturesque view of the rolling, blue ocean, tinted with pure white foam. He could see the glowing, reddish sun low in the sky, but not yet sinking. He put his shades on. He continued to look at the ocean.

"Ah, my thoughts are like the ocean now, constantly on the move and never ceasing from trouble. Our anger has already struck, and to clear me mind, I don't ever want to see that Beatle ever again." He laid his head on the soft sand, breathed in the cool, refreshing sea air, and began to dream.


Meanwhile, George went out to a small park called Mystic Garden, his favourite place to be when he wanted to vent and cool down his emotions. He sat under a tall, willowy tree near the clear blue lake. He stared off over the shining water, thinking about the past events, calming himself down, collecting his thoughts. This peaceful, tranquil silence was broken by sobs.

"What's that now? Who could that be? Sounds like they need some cheering up…" George said aloud to himself. "I'd better check to see if everything's all right…" He got up and started to look around. He walked around the lake, wandered around some trees, cut across some grass fields, and ambled around some bushes nearby. He didn't find the source of the sadness.

"Hmm…" he pondered to himself. "The only place left is the flower garden of the park, I'll check that." He walked cautiously on the stone path of the flower garden, put there to prevent the flowers being trampled on. The flowers rose to a height that reached to the middle of his thighs; from a distance, it would seem like the Beatle was wading in a pool of flowers.

However, the sobs were becoming louder. George knew he was on the right track. He turned a corner.

There was the source of the sobs, a literal fountain with tears spilling forth.

It was a little girl, sitting on the soft dirt, hidden by the tall flowers that surrounded her. She had long, chocolate brown hair with a green bow in it, a dark green dress to match, brown eyes, now red from crying, rosy cheeks, little black shoes with pure white socks. She was a beautiful little girl.

George was a little surprised to see her all by herself. "No wonder I couldn't see her, the flowers were too high…poor thing…." He had to do something…find the parents and whatnot. He couldn't just leave her there, that would be cruel and unkind. He approached her slowly. The little girl was slightly taken aback, but remained there on the floor, still crying.

"Don't cry, it's ok, everything will be all right. What's your name luv? I'm here to help you." George knelt down to be at the same level as the little girl.

"My name is…is…" she stammered out thru gentle sniffles.

"I'm not going to hurt you luv, it's ok to tell me your name," George softly reassured her.

"Ok then…" she said between sniffles. "My name is…Laura," the shy, little girl finished.

"Laura? That's a very lovely name for a lovely girl like yourself," George remarked. "You feeling all right? Where are your parents luv? What are you doing here in the middle of the flowers?"

"I…I don't know…I'm lost…" she started to sob again.

"Oh, that's all right, don't cry luv…you're lost? Well, the only thing we have to do is find your parents, that's all."

"Uh huh…" was all that she could manage.

"How old are you Lovely Laura?" George asked. He placed a beautiful flower in her hair next to her angelic face. "Lovely Laura, Flora Maid." George smiled.

She revealed a small, sweet smile at that rhyming name. She liked it.

"I'm se-seven years old…what's your name?"

"Oh, my name is George."

"George? That's what my older brother's name is…"

"Is it really? That's very gear luv. Does he look like me?"

"I've never seen him before, my mummy and daddy tell me about him though…"

"Oh, I'm sorry luv," George said sadly. "C'mon luv, let's go find your parents."

"Ok, George," She stopped crying a bit and smiled. "You can be my older brother then," she said cheerfully. George smiled.

"Just for now luv, just for now." George took her hand and helped her up, and continued to hold her hand as they walked along, trying to find little Laura's parents. He asked around, to anyone, but no one had ever seen her before, nor have they seen her parents. They even check around outside the park as well, and tried and tried to find them, but nothing came up. Not only that, it was getting dark.

"You wanna rest for a while luv? We've walked all day."

"Ok…" she said softly. They both rested on a bench of the park. George could see the sun sinking behind majestic mountains. He checked his watch: 7:45 p.m.

"Finally, me legs feel a lot better…It's kinda late to be out here, especially since I'm a Beatle, and have no protection now…I have to get back home, and…" he shuddered a bit. "…ugh, I'd have to see John if I go home now. Oh well, he'll have to help me with Laura here anyway," he thought aloud. "Hey luv, you think you can walk with me now?" It was silent.

"Laura?" he started again. He looked down. She had placed her head on his knee and was looking up at him. "I'm so tired George…I can't sleep though…"

"What's wrong luv? You worried about your parents?"

"Uh huh…and my mummy always sings me to sleep…could you do that for me too, please?" she asked innocently.

"All right," he said as he lifted her up to carry her. "What do you want me to sing?"

"Anything George…I don't mind, you're my big brother," she rested her head on his shoulder now. George thought it was very cute how the little girl pretended to be his younger sister.

Well, I never had a younger sibling before…first time for everything I guess… He walked home, and while he did still hold a slight grudge against John from the argument, he couldn't think of any other lovely ballad to sing, so he softly started to sing "If I Fell" to the little girl, who was soon fast asleep.

He finally reached his home, little Laura, still asleep at his shoulder. He turned the key, and braced himself just in case he's have to see John. He walked in. No one was around. He checked every room of the house. No John.

Thank God he's not here! I won't have to see, listen or talk to him anymore! George thought as he breathed a sigh of relief. What time is it though? It was 8:15 p.m. Oh, he'll be getting home anytime soon though, might as well just go to bed so I won't have to deal with him if I'm awake. But where do I put her? he wondered about Laura. Then he remembered that Paul was on holiday. That's good, I'll let her sleep in Paul's bed.

George pulled the sheets open as best he could with one hand, while the other hand held Laura. He delicately placed the little girl on the soft, white bed. She continued to sleep so sweetly. George looked down at her as he benevolently and slowly ran his hand thru her brown hair. "Good night Lovely Laura, sweet dreams." And he kissed gently her on her rosy cheek.


John awoke from his reverie. I've been sleeping on the beach for all this time? He thought. That's a bloody long time to be outside alone, better head back home…aw man, I don't feel like arguing again, maybe I just won't see George, if I'm lucky. He trudged back home. He opened the door carefully, and saw no George. He was glad, and was about to take a shower to clean the sand from his moptop and clean himself up, until he saw Paul's bed.

"And what's this?" he said as he looked over his mate's white bed. There was Lovely Laura, sleeping soundly, still with the flower in her hair.

"Who is this girl anyway? And what's she doing in Paul's bed? Hmm…but she looks so peaceful…man, that means I have to ask George about it tomorrow." He wasn't thrilled about that thought, but went on by taking his shower, changing and hopping in his pit and fell asleep, still piqued about the fight with George.


The morning sun shimmered and blanketed the rhythm guitarist. It flowed along his body, and crept into his eyes, causing him to wake up. He rubbed all the drowsiness that steeped his eyes out and trying to focus, he put on his glasses. Now everything was clear. He prepared himself for the new day, and once he was done, he wandered over to Paul's bed. The little girl was still there.

"Well, whatever is going on, I have to find out. Sigh, time to have a talk with Harrison," he mumbled to himself. He searched here, there and everywhere for the youngest Beatle, but he was nowhere to be found.

"Where can that bloody Beatle be? It's way too early for him to get up, hell, it's way too early for me to be up!" He glanced over the whole room, and spotted a piece of scratch paper on the ground. He grumbled as he picked it up; he liked things to be neat and organized, and having his space littered in didn't amuse him. As he analyzed the paper, he realized that it wasn't trash after all.

The letter was in George's writing.

"All right, now what?" John said as he read the note to himself:

'"Dear John, I know I don't want to speak to you, so I'm writing to you instead. Clever, huh? See you're not the only clever one around here, but anyway, the little girl you see in Paul's bed was and still is lost, and separated from her parents. Her name is Laura. I nicknamed her Lovely Laura, Flora Maid, because after our row yesterday, I went to Mystic Garden, and there she was, in the middle of the tall flowers. I'm not here now because I'm out looking for her parents, and I had to go buy something for meself. Please take care of her; she's pretending to me younger sister. John, I know you hold a grudge against me, and I still do for you, but do this for me please, for now, just look after her. Thank you.



P.S. I went out a little before, and bought her a new dress, which is in me room, so she would have something to change into.'"

"My, he thought ahead for her. Lovely Laura? And she's lost? And I have to take care of her for now? Dang it George, you didn't say when you'd be back…not that I cared, but oh well. What time is it?" He glanced at his watch, and it was nearly 9:30 a.m. "Hmm, he should be back anytime soon, depending on when he left, but I don't want to see him, so I'd better leave the house…but what 'bout her?"

He had to take her with him, wherever he was going, he didn't decide yet. So he again approached the ivory white bed. He knelt down beside it, facing the little girl. As if on queue and as if she felt a presence, she opened her brown eyes and saw John looking at her. She was a little scared and gasped at seeing a new face. She quickly pulled the covers over her head to conceal herself. John smiled.

"Laura? It's quite all right luv, you don't have to hide…my name's John, and I know George, he just left for a little while," he shuddered a bit as he mentioned he was George, but he had to say that to gain the little girl's trust.

"John?" she timidly asked as she removed the covers. "Are you George's brother?"

"No, no, I'm his um, close friend, I guess…"

"You're not even his cousin?"

"No, just his friend I believe. Why do you ask?"

"You look kinda like him, hee hee, my older brother…I'll call you my cousin anyway then, ok?" she asked hopefully.

"All right, you can do that luv, if you would like that-"

"Yay! My new cousin, John." She got up and hugged him. He helped her out of bed, she washed up and put on her new dress. It was dark blue with sky blue flowers on it, and came with a headband to match.

"How do I look?" she asked smiling.

"Groovy. You look just lovely, Laura, the little Flora Maid." He finished with a smile as she giggled at her nickname again. "Now let's go, we must be leaving…"

"Where are we going John? And why are we going? Aren't we going to wait for George?"

"No, we have to go, and we're not waiting for him."

"Why not John?"

A Flower For A Beatle: Chapter 2

"Why aren't we going to wait for George, John?"


"Don't lie to me, John. That's not a good thing, and you know it."

"Ok, I'll tell you later luv."

"Why don't you tell me now John? What's wrong?"

"Nothing's wrong, I promise to tell you later."

"Why won't you tell me then if nothin's wrong?"

"You don't need to hear about what's wrong with me luv, they're my own problems that I have to deal with."

"You mean I can't help you John?"

"No, sorry, I don't think you can," he said with a shrug.

"Is it because of my older brother?"

"Older brother?"

"Yeah, George! Is it because of him?"

"Oh, oh you mean George! Um…"

"Something's wrong with you and George huh?"

"Well…I told you I'd tell you later."

"But what if I can fix it?"

"But you don't even know what went on luv, and you're a kid, you don't need to hear this."

"But what if I want to?"

"I'll tell you later then, I swear."

"It's not good to swear John, just promise me."

"Oh ok, Laura, I'm sorry…yes, I promise."


"Yes I do!"

"Promise with all your heart? You have to say it John. Please? For me?"

"Yes I do, with all my heart, and with sprinkles on top. How's that?" She giggled. He smiled.

"Yay, that's good John, you promised. Now, where are we going though? You didn't tell me yet."

"Just going out for a walk or something, where would you like to go?"

"Please John, can we go back to that garden?"

"Which one luv?"

"The one that George found me in."

"Oh, you mean um, let me think of the name…Mystic Garden?"

"Yeah, that's it John! Please can we go there?"

"Sure we can! Just promise to stay close by me ok?"

"Of course I will!" she smiled as she took his hand. "You're my cousin."

John gladly took the little girl's hand and they went out back to the garden. It was not a lengthy walk, but you did get your exercise by walking that distance. They entered the park.

"Oh John! It's really pretty here! I like it a lot! Thank you!"

"Glad you like it luv. Now what do you want to do?"

"Can we please play a game?"

"Oh, all right, what would you like to play?"

"Can you push me on the swings please?"

"Ok luv, whatever you want!" The two of them walked over to the swing set, Laura took her place in the swing and John would gently push her.

"Yay! This is fun!" Laura would giggle. John smiled at her naive outlook on life.

After a while, they played catch, tag, and when they got tired, they stopped all athletic activities. She sat next to him under a shady tree in some freshly cut green grass.

"Do you sing John?"

"Um…sing what luv?"

"Anything John. George sang a nice song to me yesterday…can you sing it?"

"Oh yeah, I sing. What was the song called though?"

"Something about holding hands, love, and a girl and falling."

"Falling? Are you sure that's the right lyric?"

"What's a lyric?" she asked curiously.

"Oh, that's a word in a song. Was 'falling' in the song?"

"Something like that, it was a nice slow song though, I liked it." John thought for a moment…Falling? I don't remember any falling songs over the past three albums…Please Please Me? Love Me Do? No…P.S. I Love You? No…And I Love Her…No, and A Hard Day's Night is the latest album too, but I don't remember any song about falling….wait! He just thought of it. John, how could you forget? He asked himself.

"Did you think of it yet John?"

"Yeah, does it go…<singing> ''If I fell in love with you, would you promise to be true, and help me understand-"

"Uh huh! That's right! I like that song."

"Yeah, I wrote it meself, thanks."

"You wrote it yourself? Wow, do you know anymore?"

"Of course I do, I'm a singer you know."

"Can you sing some more for me please? I like the slow songs."

"Ok, let me think." So John sang "If I Fell", "Ask Me Why" and "All I've Got To Do," for her, while she looked at him with her full attention.

"I really loved that John. You write good songs."

"Thanks, lots of people think so too luv. But anyway, what do you want to do next?"

"Can we play Hide-And-Go-Seek now? I'm not tired anymore. Please?"

"All right Lovely Laura. What do I count to?"

"Count to 25, then look for me!"

John started to count as Laura hid. John eventually found her, no matter where she hid, and when it was John's turn, he'd let her find him. They had so much fun as they played it many more times.

"Ok John, it's your turn again to look for me!"

"All right, but it won't be long until I'll get you again!"

"No you won't no you won't! I'll find a good place!"

"Ok, I'm counting! One, two, three…" he counted as he closed his eyes. Laura ran and hid.

"…twenty-four, twenty-five! Ready or not, here I come!" he said. He started to look in the usual places she hid at. Not there. He then checked all over. Lovely Laura was nowhere to be found. John was now scared. He ran here and there looking for her, but he came up empty-handed.

Oh crap, I'm in big trouble now…where is she? John worried. He called her name, but she wasn't there. He stopped calling out her name because he didn't want to attract too much attention. He knew he checked everywhere he could, but still, no Laura.

God was she right about where she hid…one more check around the park though… he almost was on the verge of total panic as he darted thru the one place he overlooked to check.

The flower garden.

With a little luck, he could perhaps find her. He walked up and down and tried to find her. He stopped dead and scanned the park. He couldn't see her.

"Gotcha!" cried out a little voice full of glee.

"Aiie!" John turned 'round.

It was Laura.

"Ohmigod Lovely Laura, I couldn't find you!"

"Here I am now!" she smiled. "Did I scare you?"

"Did you scare me?? Heck, you had me searchin' the entire park for you!"

"Hee hee, that's ok John. Was it a good hiding place or what?"

"I should have known better with a girl like you, you're the Flora Maid. I should have known that you would be among the flowers."

"Thanks John." She blushed timidly.

"You had me scared there for a long while actually Laura."

"Why John? What did I do?"

"No, it wasn't your fault Laura, I just…"

"Just what John? Tell me please, please."

"I…I just thought I lost you, that's all. I'm thankful that I found you, I would have never, never ever forgiven meself if I lost you…" She came closer to him.

"John, don't worry, you won't ever lose me, ever again! You're my friend, my new cousin, and there is nothing that will get us apart! I'll never leave you again cos we're friends forever! I'm sorry that my hiding spot was too good, please forgive me. I promise that you won't ever lose me John, not ever! I promise, with all my heart…and with sprinkles on top…I love you," and she gave him a tight hug.

By this time, John was nearly in tears…the little girl's words were so simple and concise, but straight to the point and went straight to his heart. The thoughts about the fight ran clearly thru his head again, and he saw what wrong he had caused. The grief was beginning to get to him…the macho Beatle in tears? He thought. He abruptly got up, relinquishing himself from Laura's hug, and walked to one of the green benches that dotted the park. He breathed in a couple times, blinked his eyelids rapidly, and wiped a few tears away, just to hold the others back. But as he played the Flora Maid's words of wisdom back again, his inner self just couldn't endure it any longer and he burst into tears, digging his face into his beautiful hands.

Laura was still on the ground, saddened by the fact that John had left her there alone, but when she saw her 'cousin' crying his heart out, she became more downhearted. But she kept her strength, and got up and sat next to her friend, and finished giving him his hug. He quickly returned the little girl's caring embrace, and she comforted him as best she could.

"John, please don't cry…it makes your eyes red and puffy, and…it's not good to be sad, please be happy again, please?" she pleaded. He sobbed loudly.

"What's wrong John? Why are you crying? Did I do something bad?" she searched his jacket and found a handkerchief. "Here John, please wipe your tears away." He took it in hand, and not only wiped his tears but blew his nose.

"Are you going to tell me what's wrong now? Is it cos of George?"

"Actually…Laura…" he said, still sobbing.

"Yeah John? What is it?"

"It is because of George…" he blew his nose again. "I had--had an argument with him earlier…"

"An argument? Um, like a fight?"

"Yeah, that's right…"

"Does that mean you sad some bad and mean things to him and he did it to you too?"

"Uh huh," he nodded.

"Did you say you were sorry yet?"


"How come John?"

"I don't know Lovely Laura...I was really angry with him, and now..."

"Now what John? It's ok, you can tell me."

"Now I don't know if he'll ever forgive me!" he again sobbed loudly.

"John...you listen to me now ok? You listen to your younger cousin a bit."

"All right..." he blew his nose and subdued his tears. "I'm ready."

"John, you have to forgive him...that's a step...if you forgive him, he'll forgive you, that's the way the cycle all works out! It's like when I asked you to forgive me...forgiveness is a, a, what's the word, can you help me?"

"A virtue?"

"Yeah, that's it. You have to say you're sorry John. How will you stay friends with him if you don't say you're sorry?"

"You're right Lovely Laura, you're a really smart and sweet girl. You know what we're going to do?"

"What are we going to do?"

"We're going to go back home now, I need to think about this."

"Why aren't we going to see George?"

"Cos I don't know if he's still angry with me or not."

"So? Isn't that why you have to say you're sorry? So he won't be angry with you anymore?"

"Yeah, that's right luv, but I don't think I'm ready yet..."

"Yeah, but when will you be? Why wait? If you don't do it, then how do you know later that he will forgive you? You have to do it first I'm telling you, please. For me?"

"Um...I don't know..."

"John, you have to know."



A Flower For A Beatle: Chapter 3

"John, you have to know if you're going to apologize to him. It's not good to not say you're sorry."

"I know that, but I'm scared...it's all too much for me now...I want to go home and think about it all luv..."

"*Sigh* I don't know John, I can't make you do it. You have to do it yourself."

"I want to, but I--"

"No, we're going home, you said so. C'mon, let's go then," she said sternly. She held his hand in his own and waited. He could tell she was upset. She didn't even look at him. Her friendly smile and usually sunny self disappeared.

"I know you're upset Laura, but it's so hard..."

"If it's so hard John, how come it was easy for you to get mad at George?"

"It's easy to be upset at someone, but hard to forgive them, especially when they get on your nerves sometimes."

"John, you just solved your own problem."

He looked in surprise at her. He didn't understand.

"What luv? I kinda missed that," he said as he idly scratched his head in thought.

She smiled. "John, you said that it's easy to be mad at someone, right?"


"Yeah, and I was mad at you cos you wouldn't listen to me when I asked you to forgive George. That was the easy part. But the hard part is what you said after that, which is--"

"-It's hard to forgive them. I got it Laura." He now understood; the little girl was very keen. "Lovely Laura, I'll go and apologize to him now. I know that I've done wrong, and I should have known better. Will you forgive me?"

"John, you're always forgiven by me, I love you!" She hugged him.

"Whew! I feel a lot more relieved now luv, thanks to you. Now let's go home and find George."


The door creaked as it opened with caution. Silence flowed thru-out the house, dominating every corner and crevice. Not a soul was there. The pair walked in quietly looking for George to complete their trio.

"George? George? Where are you? It's me, your younger sister, waiting to give you a hug."

"George? Are you here?" John grew disappointed. "Laura, he's not back yet, I'm sorry." She let out a sound of sadness.

"I wanted him to be here, so I could see you two become friends again. Now I don't know if that will ever happen."

"Ah, don't worry luv, I'm going to apologize to him, remember?"

"Yeah, I wish he would come sooner. Can we wait for him together?"

"We'll kinda have to, he went out to look for your parents."

"I hope he finds them...I miss them." She started to sniffle.

"Don't cry, don't you know it's going to be all right?"

"Yeah, but I want the two of you to not be mad at each other anymore, and I want to see that for myself."

"George has to be home first luv. Come, let's sit on the couch and wait for him."

"All right, that sounds good...what are we going to do while we wait?"

"What do you want to do Laura?"

"Can you read me a story?"

"I don't know what you want me to read...I don't have any books you might want to read, but you can check on the shelf if you wish."

"Goody!" She dashed off to search for the perfect book. She felt happier knowing she could wait for her brother with her cousin.

"Hmm...there's a book on art, England, and one with a long word that starts with an 'M'..." she tried to pronounce it.

"Met--meta--um...John, what's this?"

"You mean, metaphysics? That's-"

"Oh! This is cute! Read this please!" She held up the book titled:

In His Own Write.

"Is that you on the cover?"

"Yeah, it is luv, I wrote the book."

"You did? How gear! Can you read it to me please?"

"Sure!" They both went back and sat on the couch. She quickly opened up the little book.

"Hee hee, what a nice doggie! What is it doing in that ring?"

"It's a Wrestling Dog."

"A wrestling dog? Ooh, read that one then please!"

"Ok, ahem..."

"Did you draw that yourself?"

"Oh, yeah, I did, why do you ask?"

"No, I was just wondering, I like it!" She cuddled next to him as he read the story. He read in usual silly style and she liked that.

"Yep, that's it!" John finished.

"Ok, then, can I read on to you?"

"It's getting kinda late Laura, and I'm so tired..."

"Please John, please?"

"Ok, read um...read I Sat Beloney then..."

"All right," she said. John leaned his head back against the couch. "I sat beloney down..." and she continued on, sometimes struggling, but was determined to get thru the whole story (I should say poem). And she did.

"Yay John! Did I do good? What did you think?"

No response.

"John? John? Are you there?" she asked, gently shaking him.

He was asleep.

"Aww John...you look so funny and cute when you're asleep. Ok, I'll keep reading to you then, I'm--" she yawned. "--I'm not tired." She started from page one and began to read aloud to him.

Time passed by...Laura was getting worried about George. He hadn't shown up yet.

"Where is he?" she wondered. She hesitated as she debated if she should go out or not.

"Hmm...what to do what to do?" Laura pondered. She, being the adventurous spirit she was, decided to look for him.

"See you later John! I'll be back to read to you in a jiffy!" She hopped off the couch and thought to herself.

"Maybe George came in, but didn't want to see John, so he sneaked in...my brother is so clever that way..." she began to search up, down, high and low for him, but still no George.

"Gee, it's getting dark in here, better turn on a light." The shrewd little girl knew not to turn on a light in the room where John was sleeping, so she went upstairs, finding her way with the remaining sunlight and stayed in Geo's room. She sat down next to the window, making sure she could kinda see outside, so if Geo came thru the front door, she could see him.

After a while, she heard a faint click. She didn't know what it was, so she got a little apprehensive. Not wanting any harm to come to John while he was sleeping, she stealthily went downstairs to investigate.

She turned on a tiny nightlight (John's nightlight; he hates the dark) to see better as she walked passed the kitchen. Nothing was there. She looked all over, and she was going to think she didn't hear anything after all, until she felt a cool breeze pass.

The window was open.

Oh no! The window...somebody came in! What should I do...John! She remembered he was still asleep. She dashed off and returned to the couch she was reading to him on.

John was still there, and he was ok. She sighed a sigh of relief. Then she heard the window shut.

Now what? Maybe I should wake up John...she decided. "John-John, it's me, get up please, there's something going on..." she said softly. She shook him a bit and kissed him on the cheek.

"John, get up. C'mon, please..." she shook him harder. He slowly opened his eyes and adjusted to the dark.

"What is it Laura? What happened?" he asked her half-heartedly cos he was still tired.

"John, the window was open, and I didn't do it, then I just heard something or someone close it!"

"All right, let's go find out what's going on." He got up and took her hand, and they groped their way to the window.

"Are you sure you heard it?" John whispered.

"Yeah, I felt the wind blow in, then I heard it close." She whispered back.

"Ok, anything else?"

"No, nothing more I think. Let's go now." They groped their way to one end of the hallway. John was a little relieved that he could see a bit.

"Hey Laura, who turned on the nightlight at the end of the hall over there?"

"Oh, I did..."

Then everything went dark.

Someone turned off the nightlight.

"John! I'm scared..." she whispered to her cousin as she gripped his hand tighter.

"Be brave luv, don't worry...let's go over there and turn it on."

"Ok, you first..." The duo carefully and cautiously tiptoed over and clicked the nightlight back on.

Nothing happened. The light just came on, but they didn't see anyone.

"Hmm...that's strange. Someone should have noticed," John figured.

"They didn't though, and they're still here...maybe they went upstairs," Laura offered.

"We'll check that now then Laura..." John led Laura over there but on the way...

"So far," John whispered. "So far, nothing's here, so I'll--Aiee!" He cried. Laura did as well and so did a third voice simultaneously.

As John and Laura heard the third voice, they both reacted the same way.


"What happened John? What's wrong?" Laura asked.

"I bumped into it or him or her or whatever it was!"

"Ohmigosh! Where is it now?"

"Laura...is that you luv?" The third voice asked.

"Wait, I know who that is!" Laura said happily. "Look John!"

"Luv, I can't see, it's too dark...and I hate it!!"

"It's ok John, I'm going to turn on a light!" she sprinted and turned on a light.

"Look now John! It's--"

"--George. I know." John said laconically.

George just stared back at John intensely.

John cleared his throat and shifted his weight uncomfortably.

"Um, George, mate..."

"Shut up John. I know what you're going to say. Don't tell me what to do. I know I forgot my bloody key, so I got thru the window. I saw the nightlight on, so I just turned it off, so sorry I forgot you hated the dark," George said coldly and sarcastically. "Don't bother me, I'm just going to bed."

"But George..." John tried to continue.

George simply ignored him. "Laura, I didn't find your parents yet...I'm sorry luv, I'm going to look tomorrow as well...but I got you another dress cos I knew you'd be here another day and it's in my room already. So good night Flora Maid."

"George...don't--" The little girl insisted.

"Laura, I'm exhausted, please, just let me go."

"Um...ok." She said sadly. George trekked up the stairs and slammed the door to his room shut. He went to sleep without even changing out of his suit. A tiny tear trickled down the lovely maid's face.

"John, hold me tight, I need a hug...what's wrong with George, John? What did I do? Oh, it's all my fault!" she burst into tears and sat down on the soft carpet. John sat down next to her and hugged her comfortingly.

"It's ok luv, it's not your fault. You've cried enough times already, I don't want you to cry until you have no more tears left. George's just still mad a bit..."

"But he didn't have to be so mean to me, his little sister, or to you, his cousin..." she sobbed. John pulled out his handkerchief and dried her tears.

"Remember what you told me in the park luv? When I started crying? You said it makes your eyes all red and puffy, and we wouldn't want that...it's not good to be sad remember?"

She sniffled. "Yeah, you're right John...I told you that, so I should listen to it too."

"Yeah, that's the spirit! The things we said today will pass, and tomorrow never knows, it won't be long until it's a new day and maybe he'll be better tomorrow!"

"Uh huh...thanks John-John, thanks for everything."

"Oh, thank you girl for helping me out. If it weren't for you, I'd be like George is now. You helped me out so much Laura, you should be proud."

"Yeah, I am...I just have to help George I guess."

"Little child, don't worry about George. I can handle him, I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Are you sure?"

"Positive Laura. I promise...with all my heart with sprinkles on top."

"Hee hee, I like that."

"I know you do," he smiled. "You feel better now?"

"Yeah, but now I'm tired."

"Ok, I'll take you to your bed...actually it's Paulie's bed, but that's ok." Laura gave him her hand and went to bed.

"John, could you give me a good night kiss please?"

"Ok." He fulfilled her request. "Good night Laura."

"Thank you John." She smiled. "Good night!" She closed her eyes.

John went to his pit and was so tired, he fell asleep as soon as his head touched his pillow.


However, little Laura wasn't asleep; she merely closed her eyes.

And she wasn't happy that her older brother had treated her that way. Talking to John tomorrow would be too late. She had her own little plan for George...

George heard a knock on his door. It awoke him. He was irritated because he was sleeping so peacefully too. He got up grumbling, thinking it was John who was bothering him just to spite him. He opened the door.

"John, it's not funny..." He began. But John wasn't there. No one was there. He looked around, then his eyes wandered to the floor.

A little flower was left at his door.

It had to be Laura's.

"What's this then? Why is this here..." He wondered.

Then from downstairs...he heard a door slam.


A Flower For A Beatle: Chapter 4

"Uh oh, what was that?" George thought to himself as he heard the door downstairs slam. He picked up the fallen flower from the ground. "Oh crap!" He just realized. "Man, that might have been Laura who went out the door! Oh God!" He sprinted downstairs like lightning. He ran to the backdoor.

There it was...swinging there in solitude.

"That can't be right! She wouldn't do that! It's too late out!" He checked Paul's bed to see if she was still there. John was still sound asleep in his pit, the pillow over his head, but as Geo glanced over...

Sure enough, the little girl was gone.

"Now I have to go and bring her back! I hope she's ok!" He ran outside, closed the door behind him and was panicking. His breathing became rapid and his heart raced. He told himself to calm down and think.

"George, calm down, you're not going to get anywhere at this rate. You don't know where she's gone, so think! And don't forget to breathe!!" George looked up to the sky of diamonds and the little brother to the sun, the moon, which was full too. He pondered as the diamonds twinkled at him.

"Where could she have run off too? And why did she? Poor little girl...it was probably all my bloody fault too!" He was angry with himself and kicked some dirt with his boot. He looked down at his hands.

He still held the precious flower than belonged to the precious girl.

"Got it! Yeah!"


George hurried past the gates of Mystic Garden, desperately on the lookout for Lovely Laura. After he couldn't find her, he broke out in a cold sweat. Then a light bulb flickered on in his mind.

He didn't check the flower garden.

I always forget to check here! George thought to himself. He raced up and down the garden, thinking that she would be there. But there was no sign of her.

"Oh no, I thought wrong...what if she's not here at all? What if I wasted all my time looking for her here? What if she won't ever come back...what if...George! Stop this 'what if' business!" He scolded himself again. "Just look more carefully, ok?"

Then he heard some faint splashing of water. It had to come from the lake...there was no other water in the park. Now he remembered...he was at the lake under the willowy tree after his argument with what's-his-face. So he walked to the lake and reached the edge. But the funny thing was, the splashing stopped. So he stood awhile in thought, was he dreaming? Was it his imagination playing tricks on him? He shook his head to see if he could tune more into reality. Once he was done tuning, he looked over the water.

By the light of the full moon, he could see ripples...so he couldn't have been dreaming...

Splash! Went a rock, slightly showering the Beatle with a spray of cool water.

"Aiie! What was that?! I got wet!" George asked aloud as he jumped back from the edge.

"Jeez, finally George, what took you so long? I've been waiting here forever!" Someone called out in a voice that was upset. "I thought you cared about me more than that."

George was astonished...he knew who it was, he didn't have to ask. But he did care...

"Laura! Where are you luv?" he called out.

"Up here! Can't you see?" she called back. He perused the lake...and on the railing of the stone bridge to the island in the middle of the lake...sat the Flora Maid. He could see her a bit from the moonlight. "I almost ran out of pebbles to throw at you to get your attention!"

"There you are! What are you doing there!" he asked her.

"Don't worry about me! Why did you do that to him, huh? Tell me that!"

"Huh? Do what to whom?"

"Oh George, you know, to your own cousin." George then realized she was thinking about what's-his-face. He was still mad at him.

"Oh him! What did I do?"

"I can't believe my older brother is such an evil blue meanie. He's in denial, he's mean and cruel and won't take res-responsibility for his own self!" She was proud that she could say "responsibility."

"Laura, he was so-"

"He was so what? Weren't you the same?"

"Yeah, but..."

"*Sigh*, you're worse than John..." she whispered to herself. Then she got up and stood on the railing she was sitting on.

"Laura! Don't do that! You might fall in the lake!"

"So what if I do Geo? It's not like you care!" George was so worried, he ran over to try to get her down.

"Don't move Laura! I'll get you! This boy wants you back again!"

"It's a little too late for that George," she said solemnly. She held her breath...

...and plunged into the navy blue lake.

"Laura! Oh God, what have I done! Laura!" George called out. "God, I have to do something!" He hadn't reached the bridge yet and was still at the edge of the lake. So he just walked in the lake and when he couldn't reach the bottom anymore, he started to swim out.

"Sheesh, this lake is deeper than I thought...I can barely see!" he said as he endeavored to look for the little girl. And it didn't help that he still had his suit, his jacket and his leather boots.

Where is she? Man, if I don't find her...may I be punished for life! Please let me find her, I'll do anything, just let me find her!! He stopped right underneath the stone bridge to gain some more strength as he just peddled his legs to keep afloat. He did a 360 degree turn to see the entire lake, but he heard a gasp for air...and his name.

"George! Over here!" She said, struggling to stay visible to him. But then she went back under.

"Laura! I'm coming!" George then, unconcerned that his own strength was running out, held his breath, dove under the dark, dim water and approximating where he heard her voice (he was very lucky), bumped into her. He pulled her up and when they reached the surface, both of them gasped for air. She coughed to get the water out of her throat. She was alive, and he was thankful.

"Can you hang on for a little while then?" he said gently with a smile. She just nodded sadly. He placed her arms around his neck, and placed her on his back and using every bit of strength he had left, swam to shore. Once he felt the bed of the lake, he stood up and held onto the Flora Maid while she was still on his back. He carried her to a grassy area, lit by the moon. He put her down on the ground, and he sat next to her.

"Oh Lovely Laura, are you all right? Are you ok?" he asked her.

"George...I'm c-cold," she said shivering.

"Here luv, it's not much, but it'll be better, I think," he took off his soaked jacket and placed it around her and gave her a hug.

"Is that better?"

"I liked the hug better than anything else..." She replied. Her beautiful brown hair was now dripping wet and her new dress was ruined.

"I'm glad you're all right luv," George replied, shaking his moptop to get the excess water out of it. He took off his boots and poured all the water out of them. He placed them back on.

"Laura, if I lost you there...I don't know how I would go on living!"

"Oh George...it's ok, I'm here...see, you never know how much something is, until you lost it, or almost lost it. Then you begin to appreciate it, and love it more and more." She smiled. "But you'll never lose me, I'll always be here with you, forever and ever! You're my brother, and you saved me. I love you!" She gave him a tight squeeze. He hugged her back.

"I'm just so happy that you're ok! I never thought of you any less, I've never taken you for granted Laura."

"Maybe you haven't done it to me...but I know who you've done it to."

"Huh? What's that Laura?"

"George, you know! You were a meanie to John back at home!"

"Laura! He was going to yell at me! I didn't want that again!"

"He wasn't going to yell at you! He was going to say he was sorry!"

George was puzzled...John? Apologize? Him apologize to me?? Lord, it couldn't be..."how do you know this then?"

"He told me. He told me at home, when you weren't there. He promised me that he'd apologize, he promised George. He promised with all his heart and with sprinkles on top. That's not something I could say for you...You didn't even give him a chance! You just kept interrupting him! Then after you left, he cried, George. He cried, and I had to take him to bed. It's all your fault!"

By this time, George was really depressed about the whole thing...now she had to lay a guilt trip on him...I deserved it, he thought.

"Now you're going to lose your friendship...you don't want to lose your own cousin, right? That's just mean George, you're going to remember it for the rest of your life. You'll look back and think...'I was so stupid, I should have said I was sorry, and he would still be friends with me.' Do you want to keep having him hate you? He will eventually, cos he thinks that you still hate him now. You don't value your friendship enough now, and soon, you'll regret it in the end..."

George couldn't take it anymore...he figured since he was still wet, it would hide the tears anyway. So he himself began to cry.

"Oh George, don't cry...I know that it's hard...it's hard to get over things like this...at least you know what you have to do, right?

"Yeah, you're right Laura...thanks for showing me the light...I shouldn't have been so mean and I should have apologized earlier too...let's go home and make things right!" He stopped crying and confidently stood up, ready to face the music. He took her hand in his own and helped her up, and they both walked toward home. Then Laura realized something.

"George? I have a question."

"Yeah, what did you need luv?"

"Do you have the key to get back in?" George paused and stopped walking.

"Oops. Oh well, we'll just get thru the window."


John was awakened by a thump. He threw his pillow aside and got up. He heard some whispering going on, but he kept quiet. Groping his way around the house he knew by the back of his hand, he eventually found the end of the hallway. Before he could turn on the nightlight though, he felt something brush by him.

Already being a bit paranoid about people in his house, he ran back toward his bed.

But when he was so close to his bed, he bumped into something. Cries of surprise emanated, and there was a scuffle. A light switched on.

Laura giggled. "You guys look so funny!" she said, her hair still wet.

After the scuffle, John ended up sitting on George's soaking wet jacket, and George was also on the floor, covered with John's bed blanket.

"Geo-John!-rge!" They said each other's names simultaneously.

"I wanted-" "Yeah, I've-" "Don't have to-" "I should've done-" George and John kept interrupting each other.

"Guys! One of you have to be quiet so you can say what you want!" Laura said smiling as she sat near them both.

"Ok, I'll go first George. George...I'm really sorry for all the things I said, and dissing you, and for getting mad at you. I'm really sorry."

"Yeah, I'm sorry for getting mad at you too, and not listening to you, and being just a bloody low-life...I shouldn't done those things, and I'm sorry too."

"Then we're friends again? Hopefully?"

"John, we're friends forever mate!"

"You said it Geo! Friends to the end!" The both of them hugged.

"Yay!" Laura interjected. "You guys are friends again!"

"It was you who helped Laura, thank you girl."

"Yeah Laura, if it wasn't for you, we'd probably still be mad at each other! Thanks!" She giggled. Then the two Beatles got back up.

"Aie! I'm all wet now!" John said looking down at his suit. He hadn't taken off his suit when he went to bed either.

"Yeah, well so's your blanket. Here you go! Thanks!" George had used the blanket to dry his moptop.

"Geo! I have to sleep with that!"

"Yeah, and what of it?" George asked innocently. John benignly threw the blanket back at George.

"Ahem!" Laura again interjected.

"What did we do wrong now Laura?" John asked smiling.

"I'm still wet!!" Laura replied laughing.

"Ok, why didn't you say so!" said George in mock surprise.

"I couldn't have been able to tell either mate!" John said with the same air. So George gave her the new dress that was still in his room and a towel and told her to dry off and change. She thanked him and closed the door to George's room cos she was going to change in there. George came back downstairs to see John. He had a thought.

"Hey John," he said to his mate who was on the couch, drying himself off with his blanket. "Did you see her parents at all?"

"No, I didn't, or else I would've returned her over to them." John answered as George sat down next to him

"Hmm...cos I looked all over, and I didn't find anyone that knew her or her parents. I wonder where she came from."

"Yeah, me too. But if she hadn't have stayed, then we wouldn't have renewed our friendship, right?"

"Yeah, you're right. Maybe she came, just to do that for us, to help us along, you know?"

"That could be a thought. But I don't know George, it's a weird situation."

"Maybe we all could go and look for her parents then, huh?"

"George, it's a little past three in the morning."

"Oh, I hadn't realized it was this late...or early already. Oh, she's coming."

She came down the stairs in her new dress, a dark teal dress, with lace at the cuffs of the short sleeves. "How do I look?" she asked smiling.

"Groovy, groovy! Hey, how about me?" John asked playfully. She giggled.

"Laura, are you up to go looking for your parents now?" George asked.

"Yeah, I miss them. I'd love to go with you guys. Please? That way my mum and daddy can see you guys! You found me and took care of me you know. Let's go!" The two Beatles weren't expecting a positive response, and since they didn't want to disappoint her, agreed to take her. They left the house.

"Do you know where we should start Laura?" George asked. "I tried everywhere, and I couldn't find them!"

"We'll just walk around then, maybe we'll see them!" she said optimistically.

"Oh, all right then luv. If we don't find them, then we can always check tomorrow luv," John said.

"Don't worry about it, we'll find them, I know it!" she continued, happily walking, holding one of George's hands and one of John's hands. John and George quickly exchanged puzzled glances.

After about an hour walking around as much as they could, they were still not successful. John and George were both equally tired...John spending the whole day playing with her and George spending his day doing his daily routine, then saving her from the lake. "Laura?" John benevolently asked. "Are you sure you don't want to go home and check tomorrow?"

"Yeah Lovely Laura, Flora Maid, we can check tomorrow...please?" George implied his desire to go home. Just then, all of them saw a woman waiting at a crosswalk...like she was expecting them.

"Laura, you know, the sun's going to come up soon, and I want to sleep at least for 15 minutes-"

"Mummy! Look John, look George! It's my mum!" Laura ran over to the waiting woman and was greeting with a warm embrace. John and George followed.

"Laura, my Laura! You're ok! We were so worried about you! Thank goodness you're all right!" Laura's mum kept Laura in her arms and kissed her several times.

"Mummy, I have to show you my friends...see? This one's George, he found me when I was lost and got me some new dresses. And this is John, he took care of me and read to me, and both of them sang to me too! It was really nice mummy." George and John stood blushing.

"How can I ever thank you two for saving our daughter? You've saved us and her!"

"Oh, that was all right, ma'am, she was a lovely little girl, and she helped us too," George said shyly.

"Whenever you need anything, just call us, and we'll have it for you, just to show our gratitude for you, but I know it'll never be enough."

"That's perfectly all right, ma'am, we just wanted to help her cos she was lost..." John said, equally as shy as George.

"Thank you very much, what nice mannered young lads you are. We must be going, we must getting home, the morning moon will be up soon. Thank you once again!" Laura hugged John and George goodbye. "I'll see you guys later! I'll miss you so much! Thanks for everything!"

"We'll see you later Lovely Laura! We'll miss you too!" George said as he and John were finished hugging. Laura now held her mother's hand.

"See ya John and George! I love you forever!"

"Just a minute Laura dear," the woman started. She turned to the two Beatles. "Did you young gentlemen know my son?"

"Um, no, I'm sorry ma'am, we don't think so," John said timidly.

"I lost my son about eight years ago, and I was hoping you might have known him in school perhaps..."

"I'm sorry we couldn't be of help, Laura told me a little bit 'bout 'im..." George supplied. "I hope he's all right then..."

"Oh, yes he's fine. He has wonderful friends who care for him. He's all right, I still miss him greatly though. But thank you very much, you two have saved my Laura!"

"It wasn't a problem, ma'am, it was our pleasure!" George said enthusiastically.

"Yeh, we helped her, and she helped us in a way too," John added, winking at Laura.

"Thanks George and John, I'm going to miss you two!" Laura said before the woman could say anything else. Lovely Laura now had a second opportunity, so she hugged the both of them at the same time and whispered to them: "I'm glad that I could help ya." Then she said again aloud, "I'm going to miss you! Will I ever see you again?"

"Sure you'll see us! We'll miss you too! See ya!" John and George chorused. Laura and the woman waved goodbye and were soon out of sight.

"Hey John, wasn't that kinda weird that Laura's mother had a son and she like, knew he was fine? Laura told me that her brother's name was George..."

"I thought it weird too, I felt...I don't know, it was a pleasant feeling being around her mother, like I knew her..."

"You felt that too? Wow...well, look at the time John, we have to get some sleep. Paulie and Ringo won't be happy when we don't pick them up from the airport today. They're back from Denmark."

"All right, and remember the dresses you bought...yeah, keep them..."

"Of course John. Just don't tell Paul and Ringo about it?"


"John? Are you all right yourself? You look a little dazed...thinking?"

"Yeah...I'm ok...just thinking about her mother...if it is her mother at all, or if her son's name is George at all..."

George was a little surprised at that last remark, but figured it was John not getting enough sleep; weirder things have happened when John didn't get any or enough sleep. They had a giggle when Laura's mother called them "gentlemen" and "nice mannered young lads." Then the day went by normally after John and George got home.


Once John and George were out of sight...Laura looked up at the woman.

"Did I do good, Mary? Did I do a good job?" she asked innocently.

"Yes, you did Laura! Very well done."

"Thank you! Oh, you're the best, Mary!"

"No, Laura, I should thank you...for helping my son's mates, John and George, become friends again. I hope when my son comes home from Denmark that he comes home to two mates that value him as a friend more than ever before."

The End

So did you all like that one? Well, there's more to come for the lads, this time, all of them will be involved, so expect to see Paul and Ringo in on the action as well! Thanks for reading! Don't forget to drop me a line!

JPamLennon@aol.com ///-o-o-\\\