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Moving Right Along
Moving Right Along

Yes, of course there was something they could do.. They simply had to think of it. That, however, could take a while.

They went back to Linda and Jim, and Ringo explained the switch that had occurred.

After he had finished, Jim apologized to Paul, then sighed.

"I suppose that you think you're married to my wife too then?" Jim asked, good-naturedly.

"Ah---uh---," Paul responded wittily, "look, do you know any way that we can get back?"

"Sorry buddy, I'm just a passenger on this ride, not the driver," said Jim.

"Ok... uh... what were you doing when Ring here dropped by?" Paul asked.

"Sorry again old man, I'd help you if I could, but that's confidential," Jim replied.

Paul turned, annoyed, "Of course."

"Not confidential to me," Ringo said, "he was off in some place... what was it called... Karl... Karla-something... A civil war broke out, and the people were after the prince... Paul, the prince is *George*. Yeah, I know. Jim is some sort of... James Bond. And he was on a mission... to get the prince to safety. But now the people think George is dead. Which means he's safe for now. But..."

"--But if they knew he was alive, he wouldn't be," finished Paul, catching up.

"Exactly," said Ringo.

"Maybe we're supposed to help him get his country back..."Paul said

"That could take forever!" objected Ringo.

"That's why I'm here," Paul stated modestly, "you probably wouldn't have even thought of trying this."

"Paul, I'm goin' through enough lately..." complained Ringo.

"But it's true... without me you wouldn't have gone any further."

"I believe you're omitting a little detail," reminded Jim, "or perhaps a couple."

Prince George walked out and joined the group. Paul watched in interest as Linda quickly clicked her heels and curtseyed, Jim bowed, and Ringo nodded his head.

"Your Highness, is something wrong?" asked Linda, still with head down.

"No formalities here," reminded the Prince.

Paul laughed out loud. The stress coupled with a thousand other little nuances, topped off with his wife bowing to his friend was certainly enough to warrant a giggle. Jim shot him a look as though he was insane, which he quite felt at the time. Ringo smiled. Paul quickly sighed and straightened his face.

"Sir, I believe that Ringo and myself might be of help to your majesty," Paul said.

"How could this be?" asked George, interested.

"Well, your highness," Paul smirked inconspicuously, "we're not exactly sure how... but we think that we're here to help."

"That is," Ringo said, "we're here... and helping you might be why."

"I seriously doubt that--"Jim started.

"--and most importantly," interjected Paul, "we won't need permission--"

"--look--" tried Jim.

"You look," said Ringo, "we're not exactly trying to be downers here, but we are going to get back, and if that means that we need to help the prince, that's what we're doing. We're not about to give up. Trust me. I've got kids to get home to."

"My baby's due any day," said Paul.

"Thousands of people would miss us if we never got back."


"Look, you've got a wife, you understand..."

Jim and Linda exchanged a silent glance...

"I just want to get back to my family..."

Jim sighed, glanced at the Prince, and then back to Paul and Ringo.

"It's against all regulations..." Jim started weakly.

"Regulations don't cover interdimensional travel, I'd imagine," Paul responded.

"Look mate, whether you will or not, we're coming," said Ringo, getting slightly angry, "It's out of 'regulation' bounds. If we're assassins, then you've done a shoddy job by letting us this close already. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'd like to be ready for whenever we go back to his... country, which I assume will be soon. I'll need to discuss things with my partner."

Ringo turned rather dramatically and went inside. Paul followed, leaving Jim, Linda and the Prince.

Jim shrugged, and gave a slight sigh, "I guess that covers it."

On toChapter 19

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