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Paul collapsed down into his computer chair. It had been a long day and he needed a laugh, so going online seemed perfect. He looked over his screen-names and quickly selected Paul Ram, his favorite of aliases. Typing the password and pressing enter soon brought the sound of the ringing connection. He waited and sure enough he heard the faithful 'You've got mail' noise, when did he not? But today he was not in a mood for mail, Paul felt a chat would liven his spirits. He checked all the member rooms, but none looked particularly inviting. So he decided to go to a private chat and see where it got him. He typed in the keyword 'McCartney', chuckling at his cleverness. He zipped to a room where there was an apparent meeting in progress.

Ringo13579: And so I think that we should all send in articles this time and the newsletter will be better.
GldSlumbrs: Hi Paul Ram!
Ringo13579: Umm... Hi! How did you get here? This is a private room...
SGEP: Hey Paul!!
Paul Ram: Hey guys! What's shaking?
Ringo13579: We are having a meeting, not to be rude but, a PRIVATE meeting.
Paul Ram: Oh, I don't mind, go ahead!

Paul chuckled, they had no idea!
TaxGirl999: Hi guys, sorry I'm late!
Ringo13579: It's ok.
Paul Ram: So, what are you all talking about?
Ringo13579: We were actually talking about a newsletter, I run it.
Ringo13579: It's called "Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Online"! Wanna join?
Bpa127: It's a great club!
HargraveHM: Superb!

Paul cracked a grin, what an opportunity!
Paul Ram: Wait... Isn't that those Beatle people?
GldSlumbrs: You recognize the best I see!
SGEP: Only the toppermost of the poppermost!!
Paul Ram: Ahh, never really liked them.
Ringo13579: You don't have to stay you know.
Paul Ram: Those Beatle folks, what, you all big fans?
Bpa127: Yes, you could say that.
Paul Ram: Oh.
JASONRADIO: You should join, you would like them once you knew more!
Paul Ram: Nah, well I'll be leaving you now.
TaxGirl999: Bye Paul! (Paul Ram has left the room)
Ringo13579: That was a strange guy there...
GldSlumbrs: Hey, did you know Paul once went under the name "Paul Ramon"?
HargraveHm: Yeah, wierd.. and why would he come in Private Room: McCartney if he didn't like the Beatles?
Ringo13579: True... That's strange! Well, on with the meeting!!!

Paul grinned, no doubt there were some very confused youngsters out there, somewhere, He should have set them straight, oh well. Paul decided to check his mail. He looked at the list of mail, then hit the desk with his fist, someone had obviously found out his screen name. He had really liked that one too. He went through the mail, deleting most of it, junk mail. He read a few Fan letters and answered some, stating that he would not ever use that name again. Suddenly the peace was interrupted by an instant message

Jude1969: Hi, Paul
Paul Ram: Umm.. hi.
Jude1969: I was just wondering, and this kind of foolish... but are you Paul McCartney?
Paul Ram: Um, why would you think that??
Jude1969: I knew it was stupid...sorry for bothering you.

Linda walked up behind Paul put her arms around his neck.

"You know you are getting better at that.."

Paul shrugged. "It doesn't feel quite right to lie to them outright..." Suddenly, through the stillness came a shrill yell, from Stella.

"Dad!! James left his guitar in the wash again!!"

Paul raised his eyebrows and gave a sigh. He turned off the computer, gave Linda a quick hug and went to perform some more duties of fatherhood.

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Copyright 1997
