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The Sleepwalking Beatle

Hey everyone! Remember "Love Comes to Everyone"? Well, even though it is not finished yet, I was at a point where I didn't know what to do, so I threw this together with my spare time. It is a total mock off of the Parker Brothers series that was written for the Clue game. So I took this idea from the Clue books. I just thought it would be neat to have another mystery fan fic out there. Okay, before I start on the actually story, I would like to make an announcement to the people reading and the people who are planning on reading LCTE. I am planning on turning that into a series later, using the same characters. So if you don't like it now, I hope you give it a second chance because my future stories in that series will be much better. Okay, now without further rambling, I give you (Drumroll please.....)

"The Sleepwalking Beatle"


"Mmmmmm.....HUNGRY........mmmmmmmmmm..." the sleepwalker kept mumbling. ""

The sleepwalkers arms were stretched out like the arms of a zombie.

It was three in the morning. The sleepwalker was none other than one of the four lads from Liverpool, one of those Beatles. The only sounds in the house were the ticking of clocks and the loud snores coming from two of the other Beatles. And the sound of the sleepwalker mumbling, ""

In the kitchen, the sleepwalker stumbled to the fridge. He took out one of Paul's cheese pies, "Gross...gross..." said the sleepwalker, gagging. Then he took a bite out of Ringo's left over Birthday cake. "Yum...yum..." And smeared some blueberry jam on a piece of cold toast. "Tasty...tasty..." And washed it down with a swig of chocolate milk. "Ahhhhh..."

Still sleeping soundly, he now marched straight out of the kitchen. Sitting on the mantle in the living room was John's revolver. The sleepwalker picked it up. A puzzled look came over his face. "Gun?...Gun?..."

The puzzled look soon went away. The sleepwalker was now nodding. "Yes...yes....Kill....kill..."

The sleepwalker marched straight through the hall. "Kill...kill...", up the stairs, "Kill...kill..." and into George's room. "Kill...kill..."

He aimed the revolver right at George's head. "Kill..." said the sleepwalker.

The sound of the sleepwalker's voice awakened George. He looked at his mate holding the revolver and screamed.

Which was when the sleepwalker fired. The Baby Beatle's scream died away quickly. The sleepwalker put down the gun and headed back to his room mumbling "Bed...bed...Tired...tired..."

George's scream awakened the other three Beatles and they ran to his room to see what was the matter. There they found a dreadful sight.

"One of us is his murderer," John spoke up. He was right. As a matter of fact, all three of them had been to the kitchen for a midnight snack that night. The only way to find who killed the baby Beatle was to note which of the other Beatles had all the clues. Only John and Ringo had cake crumbs on their faces, and only Paul and Ringo had blueberry jam on their hands. All three had chocolate mustaches. Of course, only the sleepwalker had all the telltale evidence of the three snacks.

Do you know who killed the quiet Beatle?



Okay, here is the answer:

First of all that was pretty easy, considering there were only 3 suspects. So who was the sleepwalking Beatle? Why Ringo of course! Luckily, George was not hurt, he had moved out of the way just in time. When the gun fired, he fainted and the bullet hit a glass of fruit punch he had left sitting on the nightstand and it spilled, looking like blood. In the future, John, Paul and George decided to lock the drummer in his room

The End



*Note* This story is not really mine. It is a trademark of the Parker brothers and I do not take very much credit for it. The characters were changed and the story only changed slightly. However, if I get positive reaction on this "Clue" story, I may continue re-writing the Parker Brothers' stories in the future. In the meantime, don't forget to keep on the lookout for the next story in the LCTE series which can be found in Sarah's Fan Fiction Directory and on Katy's "Our Generation" page.

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