(12-1-98)ahem. ok it has come to my attention that the excessive amount of pictures on most of my pages are taking awhile to load on some people's computers. not mine or i woulda taken 'em off awhile ago, but i'd like to be as easy to access as possible, so some of them will be leaving. sniff sniff. not all of them. not even close to all of them, in fact most of those that i've chosen to take away are actually just re-locating to some of my various sub-pages. (the sprite in my closet has gone to my pointless crap page, so if you get bored you can go visit, seeing as how he's prolly pretty lonely. anywho, just figured i'd let ya know. i'm sure you really care. --- nico.
(10-21-98)Aloha chillens! Welcome to Nico's Swamp, a smaller division of nico's closet. I ran outta room on my first page and i just wasn't finished, so here we are and here we be and alla that good stuff. Anyway, if you wanna go back to my main page, Nico_126's Closet, go for it.
(11-17-98)i have come to the realization that the e-mail address at the bottom of this page is not very valid, i mean it worx and all but i only check it around once a month, so use the other one: nico_126@hotmail.com angelfire just won't give out 2 pages to the same e-mail address.
Okey Doke - i guess this is where i'll start all my new page linx.
more comix a page dedicated to geisha, lenore, and kabuki.
MTV SUX!!!!it really does suck, go look and see what i mean.
My RaThEr HuMbLe JaNiS JoPlIn PaGe
WaaHaaHaa!!! My pointless crap page!ya know ya wanna see it.
My Linx from U- it's a link page that i don't havta fool with! If ya wanna put your link on it, you just go & put in your info. & it does it right then, so i don't have to. kool.
(11-16-98)WoOhOo!!!!! ever since the beginning i've wanted to make pages dedicated to my favorite films and we're not talkin that ooey gooey titanic stuff either, it's the good stuff...yeah. so gimme a little time and you'll see stuff on empire records, all over me, dazed and confused, mallrats, welcome to the dollhouse, reality bites, chasing amy, and prolly some others. anyway i started on them today, so here's my debut in the film pages.
Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Fairies
ok i'm no advocate of the gap...
but that commercial really rox! swing lives!!!
WhY dO i AlWaYs WiNd Up RaMbLiNg??? i'll just start talking and i keep going and going and going and then, outta nowhere, i'll just trail off...
the pages on my other page...umm...yeah. The stuff from my closet.
my tribute to ani difranco
my anime fan page
my skeleton key comic page
my leisha - murmurs site
my holiday in the sun with the sex pistols
Email: nico_126@chickmail.com