You won't believe how
ignorant learned people can be.
I think people afraid from me. Once you don't speak their language, or you don't behave, dress, or think like them, They will reject you. Here we are talking, again, about tolerance. What wrong with these people? I don't reject other people just because they are deferent!
Story number 1: About two weeks ago, I briefly spoke with a young American girl student, about education and traditional Judaism. I didn't have enough time to explain what I was saying, But she, on her way out, said something about Bums. Few days later, on Aug 19th, I looked what the Cambridge University Dictionary has to say
about Bums.
I couldn't find ANY of the suggested definition to slightly fit to what she & I spoke about. Strange.
Story number 2: 10 day ago, on Shabbat, I went to daven (pray) in a certain synagogue in my new neighborhood. My first time as a local resident. On Shabbat, I usually dressed off-white pants & a white shirt. Light brown shoes, and Shabbat special Kipa. At the end of the service, one man came to me and said: if you plan on coming here regularly, people here wear a hat (suit & tie).
Story number 3: last week, I went to meet one of my supervisors, in my new work place. After explaining most, if not all, my duties, we set down, and she asked me few questions about myself. I said that the best place to read about me, is my website. Sorry, it is hard for me to talk about myself.
Then she asked me one of those annoying question: what kind of a career I am planning?
SO, I went on an interesting journey, to acquire some "knowledge" about the various fancy words those people uses, and live by:
Profession - "... often one which is respected because it involves a high level of education".
Education. See some smart quotes about education (from
College - I wonder, if College is a positive thing, How come all quotes are negative?
To me it sounds like people has nothing to offer of their own self, so they become "Professionals" who need to be trained & educate in a certain way, so they can feel being Respected, and earn more Money. I find that most of those people, who so-called "professionals" are like compensating their "hollowness" by it.
I love Cambridge:
hollow (EMPTY)
And when someone (not as fancy) that prouds of his/her Self is in the Fancy people immediate area, the "profession" people will feel embarrassed next to them. Like being ashamed of themselves. Then they will attack you. They will let you feel unwanted, rejected, etc. They will make sure you will feel like looking down at. I feel sorry for those who think that without a "Career" they are not worthy.
While searching for info. I found a great saying by Mark Twain:
"I never let school interfere with my education".
I wanted to explain the young lady why it is very important to keep the national
I wanted to show that without one's tradition, we are basically choosing to assimilate with the rest of the world. And to lose our uniquness.
Talking about Career, Professionalism, Dress Code, etc. I went to explore about Suit & Tie;
How & Why it became the uniform of an unfortunate group of people?
What is "a long, thin piece of material worn esp. by men which fits under a shirt collar, is tied in a knot, and hangs down the front of the shirt"? Yes! This is a
tie, necktie. "Necktie is usually a dress requirement for businessmen" (could it be that everyone in my shul are businessmen, and if you are not you can't be there?
I think people are much too much attracted to Oscar Wilde's saying: "A well-tied tie is the first serious step in life";
The history of neckties. Enjoy the other info about
Clothes and the Man &
A Loosening of Ties, By Willy J. Spat
('was assisted by The Necktie Repository website).
Now lets review some details about Suits:
Here is, again, a great article
by Alan Flusser
Suit is... &
Suit yourself
Very Interesting what I found
here - "The uniform impression of a suit... may carry connotations of staid respectability, unadventurous conformism and narrow-mindedness". ???!!!
Narrow minded ??????????????????????????????????????????
Tolerance. Tolerance. Tolerance.
Anagram for "Tolerance": No
Treacle, Clean Rote, Net
Oracle, En Locater,
Clear Note/Tone, One
cartel, Alert Once, An elector, No! Electra...
Want to be formal? You should find the way to bridge without
compromising and without ruling out parts of your own original fundamental tradition.
Then, I looked up for "Jeans" ( Originally work clothes).
I was curious to know why the "pro" people are so against this kind of cloth; Rejecting it like it was
"Zoot Suit".
What I am trying to say?