Name: Shirley Bellinger
Number: 97B642
Charge: Murder in the 1st degree
Sentence: Death
Up For Parole: No possibilty of parole
Gang Affiliation: None
Allies: None
Enemies: None
Description: Shirley is a female inmate who has been
relocated to Oz since there is no death row in Parker
Womens Prison. Shirley drove her car into a river with her
daughter inside who subsequently drowned. She lifts her
dress up to Timmy Kirk everyday as he mops past her cell.
She made Father Mukada very uncomfortable by getting all
"touchy-feely" with him. Diane Wittlesey who was trying to
cope with all these feeling of guilt stemming from when
she killed Scott Ross asked Shirley how she lives with
herself. Shirley told Diane that she just tells herself
that it's what had to be done. Adebisi sent Shirley a
note one day with her luch that read "I love you". Shirley
wrote him a note back returning feeling. The two sent
notes back and forth to eachother everyday. Shirley sent
Adebisi a note telling him that it's her birthday and that she
wanted to meet him. O'Reily had Kirk give up his mop route
to Adebisi for a day so he could see Bellinger. Adebisi
gave Shirley a special lunch for her birthday- a cupcake
with a candle stuck in it. Shirley is a racist and was
disgusted when she met Adebisi and insulted him. Dr.
Nathan is disgusted with Bellnger and told her that she
can't understand how a mother could do that to her child.
Bellinger simply told her that is was an accident.-----
Bellinger has some company on death row in the form of Richie Hanlon-a homosexual. She asked if she could see his "package", cause she didn't want to die without ever seeing another pr*ck. Bellinger asked Hanlon why he and Schillinger always sneer at eachother whenever Vern delivers the mail. Hanlon explained the whole deal with Metzger making him confess to killing Vogel. Bellinger told Hanlon to tell Glynn that he and Vern killed Vogel together, that way Vern would be on death row right next to him.