Name: Dino Ortalani (Deceased)
Number: 96C382
Convicted: December 12, 1996
Charge: 1 count 1st degree murder, assault with a deadly
Sentence: Life in prison
Up For Parole: No possibility of parole
Gang Affiliation: The Wiseguys
Allies: The Wiseguys
Enemies: The Gangstas, Ryan O'Reily,
Description: Dino Ortalani, the hot tempered Italian.
Every inmate either hated him or was terrified of him. Was
great at running the kitchen. Homophobic. Had many run-ins
with homosexuals. Got into a fight in the shower with
Billie Keane, the brother of Jefferson Keane. Tim McManus
realized that sentencing him to
time in Ad Seg isn't doing much, so McManus put him to
work in the AIDS ward. Fufilled AIDS patient Emilio
Sanchez's wishes and ended his life. Was subsequently
battered by the guards, and put in the hole. Dr. Nathan
was brought in to sedate the wild Ortalani. Later that
night Johhny Post was let into the hole (this was made
possible by inmate Ryan O'Reily who wanted Dino dead and
had ties with some C.Os) and did the job for The Ganstas
by burning him
alive. The Dino Ortalani incident was the foundation of
Season One.