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Name: Donald Groves (Deceased)
Number: 97G414
Convicted: July 3, 1997
Charge: 2 counts murder in the 1st degree
Sentence: Life in prison
Convicted: August 21, 1997
Charge: Murder in the 1st degree in death on Corrections Officer Lawrence Smith
Sentence: Death
Gang Affiliation: The Others
Allies: Bob Rebadowe, Miguel Alvarez
Enemies: None
Description: Donald Groves hardly looked like the kind who could kill both of his parents and eat his mother(he was saving his father for Thanksgiving). Groves was always getting sent to the hole for sneaking into the morgue. Worked in the prison hopital where he often took tastes of patients' blood. Scared of dentists. Has a stamp collection backed with LSD. Burned the word "MOM" onto his hand. Was in awe at the power Kareem Said has over the other inmates. By listening to Said, Groves was convinced he should kill Warden Glynn. C.O Lawrence Smith jumped in the way of Groves' scalpel and ended up losing his life. When asked how he wanted to be executed, Groves picked firing squad since he considered himself an assasin. Smith's death caused a string of random beatings from the C.O.s on the prisoners. Many C.Os were fired or suspended. Lawrence Smith's mom visited with Groves and says although she wanted to hate him, she can't help but love him. He is her neighbor and she loves him. Groves broke down in tears. The firing squad for Groves' execution consisted entirely of C.Os that were close to Lawrence Smith or "Smitty". The Governor felt that having the C.Os kill Groves will help ease some of the tension. Groves told Father Mukada to write down his last words and give them to Smitty's mother. He said he thought up something beautiful to say. The intercom that Groves was talking into to speak his last words was malfunctioning and Father Mukada wass unable to hear what Groves said. Neither Detective Burrano or any of the firing squad members in the room with Groves listened to what his last words were either.