Name: Jazz Hoyt
Number: 98H432
Convicted: August 12, 1998
Charge: Aggravated assault in the 1st degree
Sentence: 8 years
Up For Parole: 4 years
Gang Affiliation: The Bikers
Allies: The Bikers, The Aryans
Enemies: None
Description: Jazz Hoyt is a rough rugged biker who
brutally beat up a cashier at a video store cause the line
was taking to long to move. Who knew a
monster like this could have such a good heart? Jazz Hoyt
works in the mail room with Vern Schillinger and one of
their jobs is to randomly open up letters and read them to
check for signs of scams. Jazz opened up a letter from Bob
Rebadowe's mother and read about how Bob's grandson had
leukemia and how his dying wish to go to Disneyland. Jazz
proposed that everybody in Oz gives money to Rebadowe to
send his grandson to Disneyland. McManus said that
whatever the cons raise, the C.Os will match it. Jazz's
idea raised over 4,000 dollars- more than enough to send
the young Rebadowe to Disneyland and make his dream come