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Name: Mark Miles (Deceased)
Number: 97M573
Convicted: July 10, 1997
Charge: 3 Counts Murder in the 1st degree
Sentence: Death
Up For Parole: No possibility of parole
Gang Affiliation: None
Allies: None
Enemies: Moses Deyell

Was on Death Row for killing his family-twice! He killed his first family ans was sentenced to a mental istitution, then 20 years later, he killed his new family and was sentenced to death. Miles would always provoke Moses Deyell by calling him several racial slurs before finally settling on "negro". When Bellinger died, Mark asked for her mirror so he could draw a self portrait. Miles would alway throw a fit whenever he was asked how he wanted to die. Little did he know Deyell was digging a hole through the wall. During one of his verbal assaults, Deyell punched through the wall and through Miles' self portrait and choked him to death.