Name: Antonio Nappa
Number: 98N744
Convicted: June 4, 1998
Charge: Murder in the 2nd degree
Sentence: 80 years
Up For Parole: 50 years
Gang Affiliation: The Wiseguys
Allies: The Wiseguys
Enemies: The Gangstas
Description: Antonio Nappa assumed leadership of The
Wiseguys upon his arrival in Oz. Peter Schibetta, the
former leader of The Wiseguys wound up in the mental ward
after a vicious attack and rape from Adebisi. It's very
probable that even if Peter Schibetta was in perfect
mental health, Antonio Nappa would still have assumed
control of The Wiseguys. Nappa with help from Lenny
Burranno orchestrated a "random" drug test for the sheer
purpose of getting Adebisi caught and forced to go to drug
counseling. Nappa and Pancamo swiped an entire shipment of
drugs from The Gangstas. The Gangstas and their operation
was on its knees. This compelled The Gangstas to form a
partnership with The Wiseguys since it was clear that no
money or drugs would be coming their way as long as Nappa
was in control of things.