Name: Peter Schibetta
Number: 98S112
Convicted: May 19, 1998
Charge: 5 counts of extortion, money laundering
Sentence: 35 years
Up For Parole: 20 years
Gang Affiliation: The Wiseguys
Allies: The Wiseguys
Enemies: The Gangstas, The Latinos
Description: The son of the late Nino Schibetta
immediatley started looking for the persons responsible for
his father's death. O'Reily, in fear of getting blamed for
Nino's death by Adebisi, quickly gave up Adebisi.
Schibetta told Warden Glynn he wanted control of the
kitchen, and if he didn't get what he wanted, he reminded Glynn that he only has to
make one phone call. It was obvious at this point that
Schibetta had something on the Warden. Peter gained control
of the kitchen. Peter often berated Adebisi and claimed
that Adebisi smells. Schibetta tried to get Miguel Alvarez
to kill Adebisi, Alvarez declined the offer. Schibetta
got poisoned when he ate a chocolate bar that Adebisi
had laced with rat poison. Lenny Burrano told Schibetta
that "The Family" was very upset with him. Schibetta,
determined to regain some respect an show that he was just
as good as his father started a fight with Adebisi in the
kitchen. Both Schibetta and his right hand man, Chuck
Pancamo were beaten badly by Adebisi. Adebisi then raped
Peter. "The Family" was so ashamed of Peter that they kicked him out
of The Wiseguys. Peter started talking to his father who
passed away a year earlier. Peter was then committed to the
mental ward at Oz.