Name: Arnold Jackson (A.K.A Poet)
Number: 96J332
Convicted: February 15, 1996
Charge: Armed robbery, attempted murder, possession of a
deadly weapon
Sentence: 16 Years
Up For Parole : 9 years
Number: 98J332
Convicted: July 20, 1998
Charge: Murder in the second degree
Sentence: 26 years
Up For Parole: 19 years
Gang Affiliation: The Gangstas
Allies: The Gangstas, Kareem Said
Enemies: Kenny Wangler
Description: Poet made a few appearences during Season 1,
during which he read his poems on the stage during
lunchtime. We did not get formally introduced to Arnold
Jackson however until Season 2. McManus made a deal with
Poet; if Poet agreed to go to McManus' educational program and
get his General Education Diploma, McManus promised him
one conjugal visit with his girlfriend. Poet agreed.
McManus had a brainstorm and tells Jonathan Coushaine(the
teacher) to record 5 or 6 of Jackson's poems and give the
tape to him[McManus]. McManus transcribed the poems and
got Kareem Said to send the poems to the publishing
company that released his book. The publishing company
agreed to print the poems as part of their book- "Unheard
America". Tension between the un-motivated Kenny Wangler
and Poet began when class dismisal was delayed a few
minutes so Poet could finish reciting one of his poems. Many
powerful authors and publishers began pushing for Poet's
parole. The state agreed to overlook Poet's record and
have a parole hearing. Poet got into a fight with Kenny
Wangler when Wangler snuck into his pod and began
tearing up his poetry. Wangler was barred from graduation
since this was his 3rd fight in as many weeks. Poet was
granted parole and was named class valedictorian. Wangler
and Jackson settled their differences, and Poet agreed
to help Wangler write a note to his mother aplogizing for
screwing up and not being able to attend graduation. Poet
spent most of the money he made from public appearences
and from his book deal on drugs. After the money ran out,
the dealers came looking for him, and Poet ended up
shooting a drug dealer dead at an autograph signing.
McManus tried to talk to Poet but Poet is to ashamed of
himself to look McManus in the eye, and the other party that was instrumental in Poet's release-Kareem Said is too disappointed in Poet to talk to him.