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Shirley Bellinger
I never was much for any kind of religion....
Ryan O'Reily
I love her. She can send me to a thousand shrinks....
Vern Shillinger
McManus, I had to listen to your sanctimonious crap when I lived in Em City. I don't have to now.
Oh, I heard your wife "offed" herself. [Hysterical laughter]
More Than One Inmate
Shillinger: Said, I read your book.
Said: I don't give refunds.
O'Reily: Hey Shibetta, today's lunch special is arsenic.
Mack: Yo, you got agita bro?
Busmalis: Can you keep a secret?
Rebadowe: Of course he can.
Hill: The question is do I want to?
Rebadowe: What would you like in return?....
El Cid: [Spanish]
Alvarez: You kidding me?
Beecher: I love you.
Keller: I love you Toby.