Name: Agamemnon Busmalis (A.K.A The Mole)
Number: 98B242
Convicted: March 10, 1998
Charge: Grand theft larceny, breaking and entering
Sentence: 10 years
Up For Parole: 4 years
Gang Affiliation: The Others
Allies: Bob Rebadowe, Augustus Hill
Enemies: None
Description: The Mole said on his first day in Em City
that he would build an escape tunnel out of Oz. Certainly
nobody took him seriously but after months of him and
Rebadowe digging every night, they had an escape route out
of Oz. Evey night they would take turns digging and
watching out for hacks. Then when morning came, they would
put the floor titles back and get rid of the dirt by
washing their clothes. Unbeknownst to Rebadowe and
Busmalis, Mark Mack and his cell mate had been watching
them digging every night. After some intimidating,
Rebadowe and Busmalis agreed to give them the tunnel as
soon as they finish. With the help of Officer Metzger,
Mark Mack and his cellmate moved into The Mole and
Rebedowe's pod. Mack and his friend attempted to leave
through the tunnel but were crushed when the tunnel
collapsed on top of them. It turned out Busmalis and
Rebadowe purposley loosened the support cables the night
before. Busmalis and Rebadowe were called into McManus's
office and questioned about the tunnel. McManus explained
that the tunnel was in the pod that used to be their's.
Rebadowe told McManus that Busmalis built the tunnel
under orders from Mark Mack. Although McManus didn't seem
to believe the story, Busmalis and Rebadowe went unpunished
mostly because neither one is much of a discipline