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Name: Tobias Beecher
Number: 97B412
Convicted: July 5, 1997
Charge: Driving while intoxicated, Vehicular manslaughter
Sentence: 15 Years
Up For Parole: 4 Years
Gang Affiliation: The Others
Allies: Ryan O'Reily
Enemies: Verne Shillinger, The Aryan Brotherhood
Description: Tobias Beecher, the mild mannered inmate with no street skills. Formally a lawyer on the outside, Tobias Beecher was originally bunked with Simon Adebisi. After chatting with Verne Shillinger who seemed to be genuine in trying to help Beecher, he requested to be moved to Shillinger's bunk. Beecher wold soon realize he had been decieved by the leader of the Aryan Brotherhood. That night Shillinger burned a swatsika into Beecher's backside. Tobias befriended Ryan O'Reily, when O'Reily asked him to look over his case to see if there is any possibility for him to appeal his verdict. Beecher was exposed to heroin via O'Reily and subsequently became an addict. Beecher continued to be Shillinger's prag through most of the first season, but everything that Verne did to Beecher, or had Beecher do, along with the heroin in his system caused him to snap and break the plane of glass in Shillinger's room with a chair, thus injuring one of Shillinger's eyes. When Tobias was released from the hole and Shillinger from the hospital another confrontation took place in which Beecher deficated on Verne's face. Beecher's "Take No Sh*t" attitude continued through the remainder of the season.


After the riot, when all the Em City prisoners were temporarliy placed in Gen Pop, Beecher bit of the tip of James Robson's penis when Robson asked for a sexual favor. While in the hole, Beecher told Alvah Case that he had been under a lot of pressure latley and he hadn't been acting like himself and that "this whole biting thing just wasn't working". He also told Case to check the bullets in McManus and that would explain why Scott Ross is dead. Beecher repeatedly tried to get a rise out of Shillinger, but Shillinger stayed cool since he didn't want to botch his chance for parole. Beecher told Shillinger that since he works in the psychiatric evaluation office with Sister Peter Marie, he can add infractions to Vern's psychiatric profile, the profile that the parole board was to read. Shillinger went around to every gang in Oz trying to get Beecher "whacked". Either everybody wanted too much money to kill Beecher or was afraid to touch him-A far cry from the Beecher of the past. Shillinger went to Whittelsey to get her to kill him. Whittelsey told the authorities, and Vern lost any chance of parole and was now facing 10 more years for conspiracy to commit murder. Hill warned Beecher that with no chance of parole, Shillinger had even more of a reason to kill him. Beecher replied "thank GOD I'm crazy". Beecher showed more psychotic tendencies by resiting nursery rhymes for no apparent reason. Beecher got a new roomate by the name of Chris Keller. Keller got into a fight with some aryans when they gave him trouble when he wanted to use the phone. Keller proposed a friendship between he and Beecher since they're all alone in Oz. We then saw that Keller is nothing more that a plant by Shillinger to get inside the head of Beecher and destroy him. Beecher and Keller became closer and closer. The two wrestled in the gym everyday and played checkers together. Beecher received news from McManus-his wife Genevieve had killed herself and that his kids had found her dead in the stationwagon. Beecher, although noticably upset kept his composure and told McManus to look for a suicide note. A few days later, Beecher got Genevieve's suicide note through the mail which explained that he had killed her in essence, just as he had killed that little girl who he hit with the car. This made Beecher even more upset and he started having nightmares and frequently cried throughtout the night. Beecher's mother didn't want her grandkids to see their father like this so Beecher shaved his beard and tried to act like the Tobias Beecher his kids knew just for that visit. Keller said he could make the swatsika on Beecher's backside more "politcally correct" by boxing it in andmaking it into a window. Beecher told him the swatsika hurt enough, he's not gonna go through more pain to fix it. Keller told him he won't have to worry about the pain and showed Beecher a jar of moonshine "101% alcohol". Beecher declined his offer since he had been alcohol free for over a year. The next day in the laundromat, Beecher told Keller he loved him and the two began kissing. Two C.Os knocked on the glass to break it up and Keller threw the jar of moonshine at the wall, the guards then came in and Keller tried to assault them which landed him in the hole. Beecher was so depressed that Keller was in the hole that he took the dive and chugged the moonshine. Sister Peter Marie could detect he had been drinking and instead on sending him to the hole, she sent him to the hospital to get cleaned out. Shillinger came up to Beecher in the hospital and asked him if he would feel any better if his wife didn't commit suicide? Shillinger eluded to Beecher that he had Beecher's wife killed. Beecher proclaimed he's lying, that Genevieve wrote him a suicide note. Shillinger responded with "She'd do anything with that gun pointed to her head". Beecher blew up and Shillinger walked away laughing. Beecher began buying alcohol from the Latinos everyday. Kareem Said tried to get him to stop and Beecher insulted Said, asking him who has he really helped...besides himself? Keller got released from the hole and told Beecher he had a lot of time to think in the hole and he doesn't want to talk to him, let alone be in the same cell with him. This tore Beecher's heart in half. First he lost his wife, then he lost the man he loves. Beecher entered the gym one day to find Keller and Shillinger wrestling. Beecher snapped and went after Keller. Beecher was restrained by aryan guard Metzger and then thrown to fight Keller. Keller broke both of Beecher's arms and held him while Shillinger broke both of Tobias' legs while Metzger laughed on in the background. Beecher was then seen in the hospital completly incompasitated.


Beecher was released from the hospital and had to use a cane to get around. Since Beecher was in a full body cast for a few months, he couldn't cut his nails and he filed them into deadly weapons which he killed Metzger with (cutting up his face, then slashing his throat). Keller tried to get in good with Beecher and asked Beecher what he could do to prove that he really loved him. Beecher told Keller to turn himself, Metzger, and Schillinger in for the attack on him. Keller agreeed, and was put into protective custody. Keller got bored of protective custody and askd to be put back into Em City. Upon his return, Keller was stabbed twice in the back. When Keller was out of the hospital and back in Em City, Beecher said that killing Metzger was sweet and so was stabbing him [Keller] in the back while he was stacking copying paper. Beecher then said that he didn't really kill Metzger or stab him. Keller then asked how Beecher knew he was stacking copying paper if he didn't stab him to which Beecher replied "Maybe it was me". Beecher said he needed to pray for a way to f**k Schillinger, and just then, we see Em City's newest inmate...Andy Schillinger. Beecher and Keller befriended Andy and constantly used it to piss off Schillinger. Beecher convinced Andy to quit drugs and helped him through the painstaking process. With Andy off of drugs, Vern tried to get Andy to join the Aryan Brotherhood, Andy refused and denounced his father...Vern then git into a fight with his son, and while Andy was in the hole, Schillinger had a hack sneak him in some drugs and Andy OD'd. Keller continued trying to become passionate with Beecher, but Beecher ignored all of Keller's advances. Beecher told Kareem Said that he wanted to learn more about GOD so Said let Beecher sit in during his Muslim class-an act that caused the muslims to choose a new leader since they believed Said was incompetent of leading them since he let the "enemy" [a white guy] sit in during one of their classes.

The animated picture of Beecher at the top of the page shows his transition from the cleaned shaved timid lawyer to the bearded tough guy.