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Rey's Photo Album



Rey was born on July 24, 1993. He came into this world at 10:44 AM. He weighed 7lbs. 9ozs. and measured 20 ins. in length. He was delivered through a C-Section. He was born a healthy problems were detected.

4 weeks old


This is Rey at 4 weeks old. He weighed 9lbs. 5ozs. and measured 21 ins. in length. He like to put his fist in his mouth. He slept most of the night, waking up every 2 to three hours to feed.

6 months old


This is Rey at 6 months old. He weighed 15lbs. 1oz, and measured 26 ins. in length. At 6 months old, Rey sat up alone, slept all night and held a cup alone to feed. By he was 6 months old he got his two bottom teeth.

1 year old


Rey is 12 months old here. Isn't he CUTE? He weighed 21lbs.7ozs. and measured 28 ins. in length. Rey started to walk also. All upper and lower front teeth were in (8).

Pre-Kindergarten (4 years old)


This is Rey at 4 years old. He weighed 35lbs. The picture above is his Pre-Kindergarten picture. His teachers were Miss Lara and Miss Lauren. Rey's best friends were Kenny, Dante and Matthew. During this school year, Rey visited The Library, Lawrence Farms,(apple & pumpkin picking). He also participated in the Spring Concert in which he performed very well playing his instrument. GRADUATION DAY was a success..all the children dressed beautifully and were all excited. This school year was a success for Rey. He was able to write his full name.

Kindergarten (5 years old)


This is his Kindergarten picture. He is very imaginative and shows a lot of interests in his work. He went on outings to: Hodgson Farms (pumpkin picking, haunted house & hayride), The Planetarium and The Firehouse. This year, 1999 Rey had many outings to....Field trips, plays, music bands, etc. with his class. He also participated in the swimming program at his school. I will keep you posted on future events. THANK YOU!

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