Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
I work at a very popular local restaurant, and I like my
job. I am a busser and a hostess, but mostly a hostess. Here's the
problem: last December, I had to have surgery on my wrist because I
had carpal tunnel syndrome. For a while it was better, but a couple
months ago, it started to hurt pretty bad again. I didn't say
anything to anyone, because I thought it would go away. But lately,
it has gotten to the point where I am dropping things, either because
it hurts so much, or involuntarily. I talked to my boss, and she said
that she would give me a week off of bussing to see if it got any
better. She put up the schedule today, and I'm scheduled to bus on
the two busiest days of the week. That's not even the worst part: the
first thing to go if my wrist needs treatment is my piano playing.
I've been playing for nine years, and I don't know what I'd do if I
had to stop. But at the same time, I don't want to alienate my boss,
because I really like my job. !
I don't want to seem like a wimp. What should I do?
You're not being a wimp by telling your boss about the pain in your
wrist. You wouldn't be able to do your job efficiantly or by the best of
your ability! Don't worry about what other people will think, or about
the fears of losing your job, because I"m sure your boss will understand.
Talk to to your parents about it, and get medical attention, immediatly!
Remember: Safety comes FIRST!
All the best,-
You should definately seek your doctor's help. Carpal Tunnel Syndrome will get worse so what you need to do is take action before it does worsen. You might want to consider a different job in the near future. You said you don't want to alienate your boss...but what about alienating your don't deserve that! About playing the you think that you could learn some exercises for your wrist so you could continue playing the piano. I'm sure there are other alternatives than quitting the piano- just ask your doctor but I would really quit your job bussing because this could cause more severe injuries. Best of luck.
Modern Teen Advisor,-
I don't think anyone can tell you what to do. That has to be your own
decision. But remember that there nothing more important and valuble
than your health. It's easier to get a new job than a new wrist.
You could have a talk about it with your doctor. He might be able to
help you out.
With love-