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Dad is Cheap When it Comes to Driving

I just recently turned 15, and I want to get my learner's driving license. My dad won't let me get it...I thought there must have been some totally important reason why he said no, but I asked him why, and it turns out that he just doesn't want to add me to his insurance 'cause it'll be expensive! I always knew he was a super-cheapskate, but this is overboard!!!! How can I convince him to at least let me learn how to drive? I don't people driving me around till I'm 18, 'cause that's when my dad said that all teens should drive. HELP!
ADVISOR REPLIES: Hi, first off sit down, and talk to him. If he still says no, tell him you'll pay your part of the insurance. Or maybe (this is a longshot) he could move to a different insurance company. I mean the insurance company my dad is with has no payment for teens with their learner's permit. Only when you get your driver's license. Hope this helps.-Dustin
